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Groundfish stock assessment documents

YearDocument typeSpeciesTitle
2024Terms of ReferenceTerms of reference for groundfish stock assessment reviewsTerms of Reference for the Groundfish Stock Assessment Review Process for 2025-2026 (June 2024)
2024Terms of ReferenceTerms of reference for the groundfish rebuilding analysisTerms of Reference for the Groundfish Rebuilding Analysis for 2025-2026 (June 2024)
2024Terms of ReferenceTerms of reference for the methodology review process for groundfish and coastal pelagic speciesTerms of Reference for the Methodology Review Process for Groundfish and Coastal Pelagic Species for 2025-2026 (June 2024)
2023Rebuilding AnalysisQuillback Rockfish2023 Rebuilding analysis for quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) in U.S. water off the coast of California based on the 2021 stock assessment (March 2024)
2023Assessment & Model filesYelloweye RockfishCatch only Rebuilding Projection: Status of Yelloweye Rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) Along the U.S. West Coast in 2023
Yelloweye Rockfish Catch Only Rebuilding Projection 2023 Model Files (ZIP file)
2023Assessment & Model filesWidow RockfishCatch only Projection: Status of Widow Rockfish (Sebastes entomelas) Along the U.S. West Coast in 2023
Widow Rockfish Catch Only Projection 2023 Model Files (ZIP file)
2023Assessment & Model filesSablefishStatus of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) along the U.S. West Coast in 2023
Sablefish 2023 Model Files (ZIP file)
2023Assessment & Model filesShortspine Thornyhead Status of Shortspine Thornyhead (Sebastolobus alascanus) along the US West coast in 2023
Shortspine Thornyhead 2023 Model Files (Zip file)
2023Assessment & Model filesPetrale SoleStatus of petrale sole (Eopsetta jordani) along the U.S. West Coast in 2023
Petrale Sole 2023 Model Files (Zip file)
2023Assessment & Model filesCA Copper RockfishStatus of copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) along the U.S. California coast north of Point Conception in 2023
Status of copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) along the U.S. California coast south of Point Conception in 2023
CA Copper Rockfish North 2023 Model Files (Zip file)
CA Copper Rockfish South 2023 Model Files (Zip file)
2023Assessment & Model filesBlack Rockfish Status of Black Rockfish (Sebastes melanops) in 2023 in state and federal waters off Washington state
Status of Black Rockfish (Sebastes melanops) in 2023 in state and federal waters off Oregon
Status of Black Rockfish (Sebastes melanops) in U.S. Waters off California in 2023
Black Rockfish WA 2023 Model Files (ZIP file)
Black Rockfish OR 2023 Model Files (ZIP file)
Black Rockfish CA 2023 Model Files (ZIP file)
2023Assessment & Model filesRex SoleStatus of Rex Sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus) along the U.S. West Coast in 2023
Rex Sole 2023 Model Files (ZIP file)
2023Assessment & Model filesCanary RockfishStatus of Canary Rockfish (Sebastes pinniger) along the U.S. West Coast in 2023
Canary Rockfish 2023 Model Files (ZIP file)
2023STAR panel reportPetrale SoleStock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Report for Petrale Sole
2023STAR panel reportCanary RockfishStock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Report for Canary Rockfish
2023STAR panel reportBlack RockfishStock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Report for Black Rockfish
2023STAR panel reportCA Copper Rockfish/Rex Sole/Shortspine ThornyheadStock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Report for Copper Rockfish in California, Rex Sole, and Shortspine Thornyhead
2023Preassessment workshopShortspine thornyhead/rex sole/petrale soleReport of the Pre-Assessment Workshop for a Full Assessment of Petrale Sole and Data-Moderate Assessments of Shortspine Thornyhead and Rex Sole in 2023
2023Preassessment workshopCopper/Canary/Black RockfishReport of the Pre-Assessment Workshop for 2023 Groundfish Stock Assessments of Copper Rockfish, Canary Rockfish and Black Rockfish
2023Assessment & Model filesPacific whiting (hake)Status of the Pacific Hake (whiting) stock in US and Canadian waters in 2023 (February 16, 2023)
Joint Canada - USA Scientific Review Group Report for 2023 (February 7-10, 2023)
Hake 2023 Model files (Zip file)
2023Practices and guidelinesAccepted practices and guidelines for groundfish stock assessmentsAccepted Practices and Guidelines for Groundfish Stock Assessments (March 2023)
2022Terms of referenceTerms of reference for the methodology review process for groundfish and coastal pelagic speciesTerms of Reference for the Methodology Review Process for Groundfish and Coastal Pelagic Species for 2023-2024 (June 2022)
2022Terms of referenceTerms of reference for the groundfish rebuilding analysisTerms of Reference for the Groundfish Rebuilding Analysis for 2023-2024 (June 2022)
2022Terms of referenceTerms of reference for groundfish stock assessment reviewsTerms of Reference for the Groundfish Stock Assessment Review Process for 2023-2024 (June 2022)
2022Assessment & Model filesPacific whiting (hake)Status of the Pacific Hake (whiting) stock in US and Canadian waters in 2022
Joint Canada - USA Scientific Review Group
Hake 2022 Model files
2021Assessment & Model filesQuillbackStatus of quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) in U.S. waters off the coast of Washington in 2021 using catch and length data (November 2021)
Status of quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) in U.S. waters off the coast of Oregon in 2021 using catch and length data (December 2021)
Status of quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) in U.S. waters off the coast of California in 2021 using catch and length data (December 2021)
Quillback Rockfish 2021 Model Files (Zip file)
2021Rebuilding analysisQuillbackDRAFT Rebuilding analysis for quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) in U.S. waters off the coast of California based on the 2021 stock assessment, incorporating November 2021 Council meeting requests (January 2022
2021Assessment & Model filesSablefishStatus of Sablefish (Anoplopoma imbria) along the US West coast in 2021 (May 2021)
Sablefish 2021 Model Files (Zip file)
2021Assessment & Model filesLingcodStatus of lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) along the northern U.S. west coast in 2021 (December 2021)
Status of lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) along the southern U.S. west coast in 2021 (December 2021)
Lingcod 2021 Model Files (Zip file)
2021Assessment & Model filesWA VermilionStatus of Vermilion rockfish (Sebastes miniatus) along the US West - Washington State coast in 2021
Vermillion Rockfish 2021 Model Files WA (Zip file)
2021Assessment & Model filesOR VermilionStatus of Vermilion rockfish (Sebastes miniatus) along the US West - Oregon coast in 2021
Vermillion Rockfish 2021 Model Files OR (Zip file)
2021Assessment & Model filesNorthern CA Vermilion & SunsetThe status of Vermilion Rockfish (Sebastes miniatus) and Sunset Rockfish (Sebastes crocotulus) in U.S. waters off the coast of California north of Point Conception in 2021 (December 2021)
Vermillion Rockfish 2021 Model Files Northern CA (Zip file)
2021Assessment & Model filesSouthern CA Vermilion & SunsetThe status of Vermilion Rockfish (Sebastes miniatus) and Sunset Rockfish (Sebastes crocotulus) in U.S. waters off the coast of California south of Point Conception in 2021 (December 2021)
Vermilion 2021 Model Files Southern CA (Zip file)
2021STAR panel reportVermilion and Sunset RockfishesVermilion and Sunset Rockfishes Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Report
2021Assessment & Model filesSquarespot RockfishStock Assessment of the Squarespot Rockfish (Sebastes hopkinsi) along the California U.S. West Coast in 2021 using catch, length, and fishery-independent abundance data
Squarespot Rockfish 2021 Model Files (Zip file)
2021STAR panel reportLingcodLingcod Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Report
2021Assessment & Model filesSpiny DogfishStatus of the Pacific Spiny Dogfish shark resource off the continental U.S. Pacific Coast in 2021 (October 19, 2021)
Spiny Dogfish 2021 Model Files (Zip file)
Spiny Dogfish Assessment Supplementary Tables (Excel)
2021STAR panel reportSpiny DogfishSpiny Dogfish Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Report
2021STAR panel reportDover SoleDover Sole Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Report
2021Assessment & Model filesDover SoleStatus of Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus) along the U.S. West Coast in 2021
DoverSole 2021 Model Files (Zip file)
2021Assessment & Model filesWA Copper RockfishStatus of copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) in U.S. waters off the coast of Washington in 2021 using catch and length data
Copper Rockfish 2021 Model Files WA (Zip file)
2021Assessment & Model filesOR Copper RockfishThe status of copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) in U.S. waters off the coast of Oregon in 2021 using catch and length data (October 2021)
Copper Rockfish 2021 Model Files OR (Zip file)
2021Assessment & Model filesNorthern CA Copper RockfishThe status of copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) in U.S. waters off the coast of California north of Point Conception in 2021 using catch and length data (December 2021)
Copper Rockfish 2021 Model Files Northern CA (Zip file)
2021Assessment & Model filesSouthern CA Copper RockfishThe status of copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) in U.S. waters off the coast of California south of Point Conception in 2021 using catch and length data (December 2021)
Copper Rockfish 2021 Model Files Southern CA (Zip file)
2021AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Status of the Pacific Hake (whiting) stock in U.S. and Canadian waters in 2021
2021 Pacific Hake/Whiting Stock Assessment-Errata
2021Preassessment workshopLingcod and Vermilion/Sunset RockfishPre-Assessment Workshop for 2021 Stock Assessments of Lingcod and Vermilion/Sunset Rockfish (March 29, 2021)
2021Preassessment workshopSpiny dogfishReport of the Pre-Assessment Workshop for the 2021 Stock Assessment of Spiny Dogfish (March 2021)
2021Practices and guidelinesAccepted practices and guidelines for groundfish stock assessmentsAccepted Practices and Guidelines For Groundfish Stock Assessments (February 2021)
2021Preassessment workshopPreassessment workshop 2020Report of the Pre-Assessment Workshop for 2021 Groundfish Stock Assessments of Dover Sole, Copper Rockfish, Quillback Rockfish, and Squarespot Rockfish (October 2020)
2020AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Status of the Pacific Hake (whiting) stock in U.S. and Canadian waters in 2020
2020Technical SpecificationsRebuilding AnalysisSSC Default Rebuilding Analysis; Technical Specifications and User Manual Version 3.12e (July 2020) - aka "The Puntalyzer"
2020Terms of referenceTerms of reference for 2021-2022Terms of Reference for the Groundfish and Coastal Pelagic Species Stock Assessment Review Process for 2021-2022 (December 2020)
2020Terms of referenceTerms of reference for methodology reviewTerms of Reference for the Methodology Review Process for Groundfish and Coastal Pelagic Species for 2021-2022 (December 2020)
2020Terms of referenceTerms of reference for groundfish rebuilding analysisTerms of Reference for the Groundfish Rebuilding Analysis for 2021-2022 (December 2020)
2019STAR panel reportBig skateBig Skate STAR Panel Report (June 3-7, 2019)
2019Assessment & Model filesBig skateStatus of Big Skate (Beringraja binoculata) Off the U.S. Pacifc Coast in 2019 (October 2019)
Big Skate Supplementary Tables (October 2019)
Big Skate Model Files (October 2019)
2019Assessment & Model filesCabezonAssessing Cabezon (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus) stocks in waters off of California and Oregon, with catch limit estimation for Washington State (10/18/2019)
Cabezon Supplementary Tables (October 2019)
Cabezon ORS Model Files (zip file)
Cabezon SCS Model Files (zip file)
Cabezon NCS Model Files (zip file)
2019STAR panel reportCabezonCabezon STAR Panel Report (May 6-10, 2019)
2019Assessment & Model filesCowcodStatus of Cowcod (Sebastes levis) in 2019 (October 24, 2019)
Cowcod 2019 SS Model Files (zip file)
2019STAR panel reportCowcodCowcod STAR Panel Report (July 22-26, 2019)
2019Assessment & Model filesGopher/black and yellow rockfishGopher/Black and Yellow Assessment 2019
Gopher/Black-and-Yellow Supplementary Tables
Gopher/Black-and-Yellow Post Model Files (zip file)
2019STAR panel reportGopher/black and yellow rockfish2019 Gopher/Black-and-Yellow STAR Panel Report
2019Assessment & Model filesLongnose skateStock assessment of the Longnose Skate (Beringraja rhina) in state and Federal waters off California, Oregon and Washington (v. October 21, 2019)
Longnose Skate Supplementary Tables
Longnose Skate Model Files (October 2019)
2019STAR panel reportLongnose skateLongnose Skate STAR Panel Report (June 3-7, 2019)
2019AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Status of the Pacific Hake (whiting) stock in U.S. and Canadian waters in 2019 Joint Technical Committee of the Pacific Hake/Whiting Agreement Between the Governments of the United States and Canada (February 25th, 2019)
2019AssessmentPetrale soleStatus of petrale sole (Eopsetta jordani) along the U.S. west coast in 2019 (October 2019)
2019Assessment & Model filesSablefishStatus of the sablefish stock in U.S. waters in 2019 (October 22, 2019)
Sablefish Model Files (October 2019)
2019STAR panel reportSablefishSablefish STAR Panel Report (July 8-12, 2019)
2019Preassessment workshopPreassessment workshop 2019Report of the Pre-Assessment Workshop for 2019 Groundfish Stock Assessments (25-26 March 2019)
2019Reconstruction workshopReconstruction workshop 2019Report of the Skates Catch Reconstruction Workshop (27 March 2019)
2019AssessmentWidow rockfishStock Assessment Update: Status of Widow Rockfish (Sebastes entomelas) Along the U.S. West Coast in 2019 (October 21, 2019)
2019Terms of referenceTerms of reference for 2019-2020Terms of Reference for the Groundfish and Coastal Pelagic Species Stock Assessment Review Process for 2019-2020 (April 2019)
2019Terms of referenceTerms of reference for methodology reviewTerms of Reference for the Methodology Review Process for Groundfish and Coastal Pelagic Species for 2019-2020 (June 2018)
2019Terms of referenceTerms of reference for groundfish rebuilding analysisTerms of Reference for the Groundfish Rebuilding Analysis 2019-20 (June 2018)
2019Practices and guidelinesAccepted practices and guidelines for groundfish stock assessmentsAccepted Practices and Guidelines For Groundfish Stock Assessments (April 2019)
2018AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Status of the Pacific Hake (whiting) stock in U.S. and Canadian waters in 2018; Joint Technical Committee of the Pacific Hake/Whiting Agreement Between the Governments of the United States and Canada
2017AssessmentArrowtooth flounder2017 Assessment Update for the US West Coast Stock of Arrowtooth Flounder
2017AssessmentBlackgill rockfishStock assessment update of blackgill rockfish, Sebastes melanostomus, in the Conception and Monterey INPFC areas for 2017
2017Assessment & Model filesBlue/deacon rockfishThe Combined Status of Blue and Deacon Rockfishes in U.S. Waters off California and Oregon in 2017
2017 Blue and Deacon Rockfishes California Model Files 1 (zip file, 2 mb)
2017 Blue and Deacon Rockfishes Oregon Model Files 2 (zip file, 2 mb)
2017STAR panel reportBlue/deacon rockfish2017 STAR Panel Report For Blue/Deacon Rockfish
2017Assessment & Model filesBocaccioStock Assessment Update: Status of Bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis, in the Conception, Monterey and Eureka INPFC areas for 2017
2017 Bocaccio Model Files (zip file, 47 kb)
2017Assessment & Model filesCalifornia scorpionfishStatus of California Scorpionfish (Scorpaena guttata) Off Southern California in 2017
2017 California Scorpionfish Model Files (zip file, 4.1 mb)
2017STAR panel reportCalifornia scorpionfish2017 Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Report For California Scorpionfish
2017Assessment & Model filesDarkblotched rockfishStatus of the darkblotched rockfish resource off the continental U.S. Pacific Coast in 2017 (Update of 2015 assessment model)
2017 Darkblotched Assessment Model Files (13.3 mb)
2017AssessmentLingcod2017 Lingcod Stock Assessment
2017STAR panel reportLingcodLingcod Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Report (26-30 June 2017)
2017Assessment & Model filesPacific ocean perchStatus of Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) along the US west coast in 2017
2017 POP Model Files (zip file, 123 kb)
2017STAR panel reportPacific ocean perchPacific Ocean Perch STAR Panel Report (26-30 June 2017)
2017AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Status of the Pacific Hake (whiting) stock in U.S. and Canadian waters in 2017 Joint Technical Committee of the Pacific Hake/Whiting Agreement Between the Governments of the United States and Canada
2017Rebuilding analysisYelloweye rockfishRebuilding analysis for yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) based on the 2017 stock assessment
2017Assessment & Model filesYelloweye rockfishStock assessment of the yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) in state and Federal waters off California, Oregon and Washington
2017 Yelloweye Rockfish Supplementary Tables (Excel)
2017STAR panel reportYelloweye rockfishYelloweye Rockfish Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Report (July 10-14, 2017)
2017Assessment & Model filesYellowtail rockfishStatus of Yellowtail Rockfish (Sebastes flavidus) Along the U.S. Pacific Coast in 2017
2017 Yellowtail Rockfish Ancillary Model Files
2017STAR panel reportYellowtail rockfishYellowtail Rockfish STAR Panel Meeting Report (July 10-14, 2017)
2017Practices and guidelinesAccepted practices and guidelines for groundfish stock assessmentsAccepted practices and guidelines for groundfish stock assessments; revised 20 April 2017
2016AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Status of the Pacific Hake (whiting) stock in U.S. and Canadian waters in 2016; Joint Technical Committee of the Pacific Hake/Whiting Agreement Between the Governments of the United States and Canada (March 1, 2016)
2015Assessment & Model filesBlack rockfishAssessments of California, Oregon and Washington Stocks of Black Rockfish (Sebastes melanops) in 2015 (Published 03/31/2016)
2015 Black Rockfish Oregon Model Files and Plots (zip file)
2015 Black Rockfish Washington Model Files and Plots (zip file)
2015 Black Rockfish California Model Files and Plots (zip file)
2015STAR panel reportBlack rockfishBlack Rockfish STAR Panel Report (July 20-24, 2015)
2015Mop up panel reportBlack rockfishSSC's Groundfish Subcommittee Mop-up Stock Assessment Review Panel Meeting: Black Rockfish Report (September 28-October 2, 2015)
2015AssessmentBocaccio rockfishStatus of Bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis, in the Conception, Monterey and Eureka INPFC areas for 2015 (August 2015)
2015STAR panel reportBocaccio rockfishBocaccio STAR Panel Report (July 6-10, 2015)
2015AssessmentCanary rockfishThe status of canary rockfish (Sebastes pinniger) in the California Current in 2015 (March 2016)
2015STAR panel reportCanary rockfishCanary Rockfish Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Meeting Report (April 27-May1, 2015)
2015AssessmentChilipepper rockfishStatus of the Chilipepper Rockfish, Sebastes goodei in the California Current for 2015
2015AssessmentChina rockfishStatus of China rockfish off the U.S. Pacific Coast in 2015 (April 2016)
2015STAR panel reportChina rockfishChina Rockfish STAR Panel Report (July 6-10, 2015)
2015AssessmentDarkblotched rockfishStatus of the darkblotched rockfish resource off the continental U.S. Pacific Coast in 2015 (April 2016)
2015STAR panel reportDarkblotched rockfishDarkblotched Rockfish STAR Panel Meeting Report (April 27 – May 1, 2015)
2015AssessmentKelp greenlingStatus of Kelp Greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus) along the Oregon Coast in 2015; November 17, 2015
2015STAR panel reportKelp greenlingKelp Greenling STAR Panel Report July 27-31, 2015
2015Preassessment workshopNearshore preassessment workshopReport on the Nearshore Stock Assessments Workshop (March 31-April 2, 2015)
2015AssessmentPetrale soleStock Assessment Update: Status of the U.S. petrale sole resource in 2015 (April 2016)
2015AssessmentSablefishStatus of the U.S. sablefish resource in 2015 (March 2016)
2015AssessmentWidow rockfishThe Status of Widow Rockfish (Sebastes entomelas) Along the U.S. West Coast in 2015 (November 24, 2015)
2015STAR panel reportWidow rockfishWidow Rockfish STAR Panel Report (July 27-31, 2015)
2014AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Status of the Pacific Hake (whiting) stock in U.S. and Canadian waters in 2014 with a management strategy evaluation (Final Document, 02/28/2014)
2014Committee review reportPacific whiting (hake)Joint U.S.-Canada Management Committee for Pacific Hake/Whiting Report (March 20, 2014)
2014Committee review reportPacific whiting (hake)Joint U.S.-Canada Scientific Review Group Report on Pacific Hake/Whiting (February 18-21, 2014)
2013AssessmentAurora rockfishStock Assessment of Aurora Rockfish in 2013 (Published December 27, 2013)
2013STAR panel reportAurora rockfishSTAR Panel Report for Aurora Rockfish (July 2013)
2013AssessmentBig SkateBig Skate Stock Assessment: Deriving estimates of OFL for species inthe “Other Fish” complexor potential alternative complexes (November 2013)
2013AssessmentBlackspotted and rougheye rockfishThe Status of Rougheye Rockfish (Sebastes aleutianus) and Blackspotted Rockfish (S. melanostictus) as a Complex Along the U.S. West Coast in 2013 (Published January 6, 2014)
2013STAR panel reportBlackspotted and rougheye rockfishRougheye and Blackspotted Rockfish STAR Panel Report (July 2013)
2013AssessmentBocaccio rockfishStatus of Bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis, in the Conception, Monterey and Eureka INPFC areas as evaluated for 2013 (Submitted January 17, 2014)
2013AssessmentCowcod rockfishStatus and Productivity of Cowcod, Sebastes levis, in the Southern California Bight, 2013 (August 20, 2014)
2013Rebuilding analysisCowcod rockfishCowcod Rebuilding Analysis (May 23, 2014)
2013STAR panel reportCowcod rockfishCowcod STAR Panel Meeting Report (August 5-9, 2013)
2013AssessmentDarkblotched rockfishStatus of the Darkblotched Rockfish Resource off the Continental U.S. Pacific Coast in 2013 (Published March 2014)
2013STAR panel reportDarkblotched rockfishDarkblotched Rockfish STAR Panel Report (May 2013)
2013AssessmentData-moderate speciesData-moderate stock assessments for brown, China, copper, sharpchin, stripetail, and yellowtail rockfishes and English and rex soles in 2013 (Published January 2015)
2013STAR panel reportData-moderate speciesData-Moderate Assessments STAR Panel Report (April 22-26, 2013)
2013AssessmentLongspine thornyheadStock Assessment and Status of Longspine Thornyhead (Sebastolobus altivelis) off California, Oregon and Washington in 2013 (Published January 5, 2014)
2013STAR panel reportLongspine thornyheadLongspine Thornyhead STAR Panel Report (July 22-26, 2013)
2013AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Status of the Pacific Hake (whiting) Stock in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2013; Final Document (March 4, 2013)
2013AssessmentPacific sanddabStatus of the U.S. Pacific Sanddab Resource in 2013 (August 2013)
2013STAR panel reportPacific sanddabPacific Sanddab STAR Panel Report (August 2013)
2013AssessmentPetrale soleStatus of the U.S. Petrale Sole Resource in 2012 (Published July 2013)
2013STAR panel reportPetrale solePetrale Sole STAR Panel Report (May 2013)
2013AssessmentShortspine thornyheadStock Assessment of Shortspine Thornyhead in 2013 (Published February 12, 2014)
2013STAR panel reportShortspine thornyheadShortspine Thornyhead STAR Panel Report (July 2013)
2013Terms of referenceTerms of reference for 2013-2014Terms of Reference for the Groundfish and Coastal Pelagic Species Stock Assessment and Review Process for 2013-2014 (November 2012)
2013Terms of referenceTerms of reference for methodology reviewTerms of Reference for the Methodology Review Process for Groundfish and Coastal Pelagic Species (January 20, 2012)
2013Terms of referenceTerms of reference for groundfish rebuilding analysisTerms of Reference for the Groundfish Rebuilding Analysis for 2013-2014 (September 2012)
2012Methdology review reportData-moderate speciesAssessment Methods for Data-Moderate Stocks: Report of the Methodology Review Panel Meeting (June 26-29, 2012)
2012Supplementary tables2012 species2012 Assessments: Excel File (Catch-based allocation)
2012AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Status of the Pacific Hake (Whiting) Stock in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2012 (February 29, 2012)
2012Committee review reportPacific whiting (hake)Pacific Whiting Joint U.S.-Canada Scientific Review Group Report (February 2012)
2011AssessmentBlackgill rockfishStatus of the Blackgill Rockfish, Sebastes melanostomus, in the Conception and Monterey INPFC Areas for 2011
2011STAR panel reportBlackgill rockfishBlackgill Rockfish STAR Panel Report (August 2011)
2011AssessmentBocaccio rockfishStatus of Bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis, in the Conception, Monterey and Eureka INPFC Areas as Evaluated for 2011
2011Rebuilding analysisBocaccio rockfishRebuilding Analysis for Bocaccio in 2011 (Submitted August 2013)
2011AssessmentCanaryStatus Update of the U.S. Canary Rockfish Resource in 2011 (November 2011)
2011Rebuilding analysisCanaryRebuilding Analysis for Canary Rockfish Based on the 2011 Updated Stock Assessment (October 2011)
2011AssessmentCowcodCowcod Status Report (June 13, 2011)
2011STAR panel reportData-poor stocksAssessment Methods for Data-Poor Stocks Report of the Review Panel Meeting (April 2011)
2011AssessmentData-poor stocksEstimates of Sustainable Yield for 50 Data-Poor Stocks in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan; NOAA Technical Memorandum NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-460 (June 2010)
2011Supplementary tablesOFL contributionsRevisions to OFL Contributions for Category 3 Stocks
2011AssessmentDarkblotched rockfishStatus and Future Prospects for the Darkblotched Rockfish Resource in Waters off Washington, Oregon, and California in 2011 (November 2011)
2011Rebuilding analysisDarkblotched rockfish2011 Rebuilding Analysis for Darkblotched Rockfish (November 2011)
2011AssessmentDover soleThe Status of Dover Sole (Microstomus pacificus) Along the U.S. West Coast in 2011 (DRAFT August 17, 2011)
2011STAR panel reportDover soleDover Sole STAR Panel Report (July 2011)
2011AssessmentGreenspotted rockfishStatus of Greenspotted Rockfish, Sebastes chlorostictus, in U.S. Waters off California (September 2011)
2011STAR panel reportGreenspotted rockfishGreenspotted Rockfish STAR Panel Report (August 2011)
2011AssessmentPacific ocean perchStock Assessment of Pacific Ocean Perch in Waters off of the U.S. West Coast in 2011 (September 20, 2011)
2011STAR panel reportPacific ocean perchPacific Ocean Perch STAR Panel Report (June 2011)
2011Rebuilding analysisPacific ocean perchRebuilding Analysis for Pacific Ocean Perch in 2011 (December 13, 2011)
2011AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Status of the Pacific Hake (Whiting) Stock in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2011 (March 2011)
2011STAR panel reportPacific whiting (hake)Pacific Whiting Joint U.S.-Canada STAR Panel Report (February 2011)
2011AssessmentPetrale soleStatus of the U.S. Petrale Sole Resource in 2010 (November 23, 2011)
2011STAR panel reportPetrale solePetrale Sole STAR Panel Report (June 2011)
2011Rebuilding analysisPetrale sole2011 Petrale Sole Rebuilding Analysis (November 23, 2011)
2011AssessmentSablefishStatus of the U.S. Sablefish Resource in 2011 (November 18, 2011)
2011STAR panel reportSablefishSablefish STAR Panel Report (July 2011)
2011AssessmentSpiny dogfishStatus of the Spiny Dogfish Shark Resource off the Continental U.S. Pacific Coast in 2011 (April 27, 2012)
2011STAR panel reportSpiny dogfishSpiny Dogfish STAR Panel Report (July 2011)
2011Supplementary tablesSpiny dogfishSpiny Dogfish OFL Projections Based on SPR 50%
2011AssessmentWidow rockfishStatus of the Widow Rockfish Resource in 2011 (October 2011)
2011STAR panel reportWidow rockfishWidow Rockfish STAR Panel Report (July 11-15, 2011)
2011AssessmentYelloweye rockfishStatus of the U.S. Yelloweye Rockfish Resource in 2011; Update of 2009 Assessment Model (September 9, 2011)
2011Rebuilding analysisYelloweye rockfishRebuilding Analysis for Yelloweye Rockfish Based on the 2011 Update Stock Assessment (October 13, 2011)
2011Terms of referenceTerms of reference for 2011-2012Terms of Reference for the Groundfish Stock Assessment and Review Process for 2011-2012
2011Terms of referenceTerms of reference for groundfish rebuilding analysisSSC Terms of Reference for 2011 Groundfish Rebuilding Analysis (May 2010)
2011STAR panel reportParticipants and venues2011 STAR Panels Participants and Venues
2010AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake, Merluccius productus, (a.k.a. Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2010 (March 15, 2010)
2010STAR panel reportPacific whiting (hake)Pacific Whiting Joint U.S.-Canada STAR Panel Report (February 2010)
2009AssessmentBocaccio rockfishStatus of Bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis, in the Conception, Monterey and Eureka INPFC areas for 2009
2009STAR panel reportBocaccio rockfishBocaccio Rockfish STAR Panel Report (July 2009)
2009Rebuilding analysisBocaccio rockfishBocaccio Rebuilding Analysis for 2009 (September 2009)
2009AssessmentCabezonStatus of Cabezon (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus) in California and Oregon Waters as Assessed in 2009
2009STAR panel reportCabezonCabezon STAR Panel Report (2009)
2009AssessmentCanary rockfishStatus of the U.S. Canary Rockfish Resource in 2009;Update of 2007 Assessment Model (November 9, 2009)
2009Rebuilding analysisCanary rockfishRebuilding Analysis for Canary Rockfish Based on the 2009 Updated Stock Assessment (November 9, 2009)
2009AssessmentCowcodUpdated Status of Cowcod, Sebastes levis, in the Southern California Bight (June 2009)
2009Rebuilding analysisCowcodCowcod Rebuilding Analysis (September 29, 2009)
2009AssessmentDarkblotched rockfishStatus and Future Prospects for the Darkblotched Rockfish Resource in Waters off Washington, Oregon, and California as Updated in 2009 (June 24, 2009)
2009Rebuilding analysisDarkblotched rockfish2009 Darkblotched Rockfish Rebuilding Analysis (September 2009)
2009AssessmentGreenstriped rockfishStatus of Greenstriped Rockfish (Sebastes elongatus) Along the Outer Coast of California, Oregon, and Washington (October 27, 2009)
2009STAR panel reportGreenstriped rockfishGreenstriped Rockfish STAR Panel Report (August 2009)
2009AssessmentLingcodStatus and Future Prospects for Lingcod in Waters off Washington, Oregon, and California as Assessed in 2009 (November 6, 2009)
2009STAR panel reportLingcodLingcod STAR Panel Report (July 2009)
2009AssessmentPacific ocean perchStatus and Future Prospects for the Pacific Ocean Perch Resource in Waters off Washington and Oregon as Assessed in 2009 (June 24, 2009)
2009Rebuilding analysisPacific ocean perchRebuilding Update for Pacific Ocean Perch in 2009 (November 6, 2009)
2009AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake, Merluccius productus, (a.k.a. Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2009 (March 16, 2009)
2009STAR panel reportPacific whiting (hake)Pacific Whiting Joint U.S.-Canada STAR Panel Report (February 2009)
2009AssessmentPetrale soleStatus of the U.S. Petrale Sole Resource in 2008 (November 17, 2009)
2009STAR panel reportPetrale solePetrale Sole STAR Panel Report (May 2009)
2009Rebuilding analysisPetrale sole2009 Petrale Sole Rebuilding Analysis (November 2, 2009)
2009AssessmentSplitnose rockfishStatus of the U.S. Splitnose Rockfish (Sebastes diploproa) Resource in 2009 (October 28, 2009)
2009STAR panel reportSplitnose rockfishSplitnose Rockfish STAR Panel Report (May 2009)
2009AssessmentWidow rockfishStatus of the Widow Rockfish Resource in 2009 (August 26, 2009)
2009STAR panel reportWidow rockfishWidow Rockfish STAR Panel Report (July 2009)
2009Rebuilding analysisWidow rockfishRebuilding Analysis for Widow Rockfish in 2009 (October 13, 2009)
2009AssessmentYelloweye rockfishStatus of the U.S. Yelloweye Rockfish Resource in 2009 (November 9, 2009)
2009STAR panel reportYelloweye rockfishYelloweye Rockfish STAR Panel Report (August 2009)
2009Rebuilding analysisYelloweye rockfishRebuilding Analysis for Yelloweye Rockfish Based on the 2009 Stock Assessment (November 9, 2009)
2009Terms of referenceTerms of reference for 2009-2010Terms of Reference for the Groundfish and Coastal Pelagic Species Stock Assessment Review Process for 2009-2010 (December 2008)
2008AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake, Merluccius productus, (a.k.a Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2008
2008STAR panel reportPacific whiting (hake)Report of the 2008 U.S./Canada Pacific Hake (Whiting) STAR Panel (February 2008)
2007AssessmentArrowtooth flounderStock Assessment of the Arrowtooth Flounder (Atheresthes stomias) Population off the West Coast of the United States in 2007 (August 22, 2007)
2007STAR panel reportArrowtooth flounder
2007AssessmentBlack rockfishThe Status of Black Rockfish off Oregon and California in 2007
2007AssessmentBlack rockfishStatus of the Black Rockfish Resource North of Cape Falcon, Oregon to the U.S.-Canada Border in 2006
2007STAR panel reportBlack rockfishSouthern Black Rockfish STAR Panel Report (October 2007)
2007STAR panel reportBlack rockfishBlack Rockfish (Northern) STAR Panel Report (May 2007)
2007AssessmentBlue rockfishThe 2007 Assessment of Blue Rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) in California (January 2008)
2007STAR panel reportBlue rockfishBlue Rockfish STAR Panel Report (October 2007)
2007AssessmentBocaccio rockfishStatus of Bocaccio Off California in 2007 (May 2008)
2007STAR panel reportBocaccio rockfishBocaccio Rockfish STAR Panel Report (June 2007)
2007Rebuilding analysisBocaccio rockfishBocaccio Rebuild Analysis for 2007 (May 2008)
2007AssessmentCanary rockfishStatus of the U.S. Canary Rockfish Resource in 2007 (October 15, 2007)
2007STAR panel reportCanary rockfishCanary Rockfish STAR Panel Report (August 2007)
2007Rebuilding analysisCanary rockfishRebuilding Analysis for Canary Rockfish Based on the 2007 Stock Assessment (October 15, 2007)
2007AssessmentChilipepper rockfishStatus of the Chilipepper Rockfish, Sebastes goodei, in 2007
2007STAR panel reportChilipepper rockfishChilipepper Rockfish STAR Panel Report (June 2007)
2007AssessmentCowcodStatus of Cowcod, Sebastes levis, in the Southern California Bight (December 2007)
2007STAR panel reportCowcodCowcod STAR Panel Report (July 2007)
2007Rebuilding analysisCowcodCowcod Rebuilding Analysis (October 15, 2007)
2007AssessmentCowcodAddendum to the 2007 Stock Assessment and Rebuilding Analysis for Cowcod, Sebastes levis (October 15, 2007)
2007AssessmentDarkblotched rockfishStatus and Future Prospects for the Darkblotched Rockfish Resource in Waters off Washington, Oregon, and California as Assessed in 2007 (January 24, 2008)
2007STAR panel reportDarkblotched rockfishDarkblotched Rockfish STAR Panel Report (July 2007)
2007Rebuilding analysisDarkblotched rockfish2007 Darkblotched Rockfish Rebuilding Analysis (October 4, 2007)
2007AssessmentEnglish soleUpdated U.S. English Sole Stock Assessment: Status of the Resource in 2007 (May 21, 2007)
2007AssessmentLongnose skateStatus of the Longnose Skate (Raja rhina) off the Continental US Pacific Coast in 2007 (January 25, 2008)
2007STAR panel reportLongnose skateLongnose Skate STAR Panel Report (May 2007)
2007Supplementary tablesLongnose skateLongnose Skate OFL Projections Based on SPR 50%
2007AssessmentPacific ocean perchStatus and Future Prospects for the Pacific Ocean Perch Resource in Waters off Washington and Oregon as Assessed in 2007 (June 13, 2007)
2007Rebuilding analysisPacific ocean perchRebuilding Update for Pacific Ocean Perch (October 4, 2007)
2007AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake (Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2007: Report of the U.S. Canada Pacific Hake Joint Technical Committee (March 1, 2007)
2007STAR panel reportPacific whiting (hake)Report of the Joint Canadian and U.S. Pacific Hake/Whiting STAR Panel (March 22, 2007)
2007AssessmentSablefishStatus of the Sablefish Resource off the Continental U.S. Pacific Coast in 2007 (June 26, 2007)
2007STAR panel reportSablefishSablefish STAR Panel Report (May 2007)
2007AssessmentShortbelly rockfishPopulation Dynamics of an Unexploited Rockfish, Sebastes jordani, in the California Current
2007AssessmentShortbelly rockfishStock Assessment Model for the Shortbelly Rockfish, Sebastes Jordani, in the California Current
2007AssessmentWidow rockfishStatus of the Widow Rockfish Resource in 2007; An Update (July 2007)
2007Rebuilding analysisWidow rockfishRebuilding Analysis for Widow Rockfish in 2007 – An Update (October 2007)
2007AssessmentYelloweye rockfishUpdate to the Status of Yelloweye Rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) off the U.S. West Coast in 2007
2007Rebuilding analysisYelloweye rockfishUpdated Rebuilding Analysis for Yelloweye Rockfish Based on the Stock Assessment Update in 2007 (September 2007)
2007Terms of referenceTerms of reference for 2007-20082007-2008 Terms of Reference
2006AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake (Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2006 (February 16, 2006)
2006STAR panel reportPacific whiting (hake)Report of the Joint Canadian and U.S. Pacific Hake/Whiting Stock Assessment Review Panel (February 2006)
2006AssessmentYelloweye rockfishStatus of Yelloweye Rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) off the U.S. West Coast in 2006 (May 2006)
2006STAR panel reportYelloweye rockfishYelloweye Rockfish STAR Panel Meeting Report (February 2006)
2006Rebuilding analysisYelloweye rockfishUpdated Rebuilding Analysis for Yelloweye Rockfish Based on Stock Assessment in 2006 (March 2006)
2005AssessmentBlackgill rockfishStock Assessment of the Blackgill Rockfish (Sebastes melanostomus) Population off the West Coast of the United States in 2005 (August 31, 2005)
2005STAR panel reportBlackgill rockfishBlackgill Rockfish STAR Panel Meeting Report (August 2005)
2005AssessmentBocaccio rockfishStatus of Bocaccio off California in 2005 (August 2005)
2005STAR panel reportBocaccio rockfishBocaccio STAR Panel Report (August 1-5, 2005)
2005Rebuilding analysisBocaccio rockfishBocaccio Rebuilding Analysis for 2005 (October 17 2005)
2005AssessmentCabezonStatus of Cabezon (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus) in California Waters as Assessed in 2005
2005STAR panel reportCabezonStatus of Cabezon (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus) in California Waters as Assessed in 2005
2005AssessmentCalifornia scorpionfishThe Status of California Scorpionfish (Scorpaena guttata) off Southern California in 2004 (25 May 2005)
2005STAR panel reportCalifornia scorpionfishCalifornia Scorpionfish STAR Panel Report (May 9-13, 2005)
2005AssessmentCanary rockfishStatus of the U.S. canary rockfish resource in 2005 (Oct 25, 2005)
2005STAR panel reportCanary rockfishCanary Rockfish STAR Panel Report (15-19 August 2005)
2005STAR panel reportCanary rockfishCanary Rockfish STAR Panel Report (September 26-30 2005)
2005Rebuilding analysisCanary rockfishUpdated Rebuilding Analysis for Canary Rockfish Based on Stock Assessment in 2005 (October 2005)
2005AssessmentCowcod2005 Stock Status of Cowcod in the Southern California Bight and Future Prospects (May 25th 2005)
2005STAR panel reportCowcodCowcod STAR Panel Report (May 9-13, 2005)
2005Rebuilding analysisCowcodCowcod Rebuilding Analysis 2005 Analysis of the Progress towards rebuilding in the Southern California Bight (October 3, 2005)
2005AssessmentDarkblotched rockfishStatus of the Darkblotched Rockfish (Sebastes crameri) Resource in 2005 (June 20, 2005)
2005STAR panel reportDarkblotched rockfishDarkblotched Rockfish STAR Panel Meeting Report (May 16-20, 2005)
2005Rebuilding analysisDarkblotched rockfishUpdate of Darkbotched Rockfish (Sebastes crameri) Rebuilding Analyses (October 4, 2005)
2005AssessmentDover soleThe Status of Dover Sole off the U.S. West Coast in 2005 - Final Version (2005)
2005STAR panel reportDover soleDover Sole STAR Panel Meeting Report (June 20-24, 2005)
2005AssessmentEnglish soleStatus of the U.S. English sole resource in 2005 (25 May, 2005)
2005STAR panel reportEnglish soleEnglish Sole STAR Panel Report (18-22 April 2005)
2005AssessmentGopher rockfishStock Assessment of the Gopher Rockfish (Sebastes carnatus) August 2005
2005STAR panel reportGopher rockfishGopher Rockfish STAR Panel Report (May 9-13, 2005)
2005AssessmentKelp greenlingStatus of Kelp Greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus) in Oregon and California Waters as Assessed in 2005 (August 2005)
2005STAR panel reportKelp greenlingKelp Greenling STAR Panel Report (August 1-5, 2005)
2005AssessmentLingcodAssessment of Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) for the Pacific Fishery Management Council in 2005 (October 2005)
2005STAR panel reportLingcodLingcod STAR Panel Report (15-19 August 2005)
2005STAR panel reportLingcodLingcod STAR Panel Report (September 25-29, 2005)
2005AssessmentLongspine thornyheadStock Assessment and Status of Longspine Thornyhead (Sebastolobus altivelis) off California, Oregon and Washington in 2005
2005STAR panel reportLongspine thornyheadLongspine Thornyhead STAR Panel Meeting Report (Revised) June 20-24, 2005
2005AssessmentPacific ocean perchStatus and Future Prospects for the Pacific Ocean Perch Resource in Waters off Washington and Oregon as Assessed in 2005 (June 7, 2005)
2005STAR panel reportPacific ocean perchPacific Ocean Perch (POP) STAR Panel Meeting Report (May 16-20, 2005)
2005Rebuilding analysisPacific ocean perchRebuilding Update for Pacific Ocean Perch (October 6, 2005)
2005AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake (Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2004 (February 16, 2005)
2005STAR panel reportPacific whiting (hake)Report of the Joint Canadian and U.S. Pacific Hake/Whiting STAR Panel (February 2005)
2005AssessmentPetrale soleStock Assessment of Petrale Sole: 2004 (September 2005)
2005STAR panel reportPetrale solePetrale Sole STAR Panel Meeting Report (September 2005)
2005STAR panel reportPetrale solePetrale Sole Southern Stock STAR Panel Meeting Report (April 2005)
2005AssessmentSablefishStatus of the Sablefish Resource off the Continental U.S. Pacific Coasts in 2005 (November 1, 2005)
2005STAR panel reportSablefishSablefish STAR Panel Meeting Report (June 2005)
2005AssessmentShortspine thornyheadStatus and Future Prospects for the Shortspine Thornyhead Resource in Waters off Washington, Oregon, and California as Assessed in 2005 (October 4, 2005)
2005STAR panel reportShortspine thornyheadShortspine Thornyhead STAR Panel Meeting Report (June 2005)
2005AssessmentStarry flounderhttps://www.pcouncil.org/documents/2005/11/an-assessment-of-starry-flounder-off-california-oregon-and-washington-2005.pdf
2005STAR panel reportStarry flounderStarry Flounder STAR Panel Meeting Report (18-22 April 2005)
2005AssessmentVermilion rockfishAssessment of Vermilion Rockfish in Southern and Northern California (August 2005)
2005STAR panel reportVermilion rockfishVermilion Rockfish STAR Panel Meeting Report (May 9-13, 2005)
2005AssessmentWidow rockfishStatus of the Widow Rockfish Resource in 2005 (August 2005)
2005STAR panel reportWidow rockfishWidow Rockfish STAR Panel Meeting Report (August 1-5, 2005)
2005Rebuilding analysisWidow rockfishRebuilding Analysis for Widow Rockfish in 2005 (October 2005)
2005AssessmentYelloweye rockfishStatus of Yelloweye Rockfish off the U.S. West Coast in 2005 (Sebastes ruberrimus) (August 2005)
2005Rebuilding analysisYelloweye rockfishRebuilding Analysis for Yelloweye Rockfish for 2005; Draft for Dissemination to Review – Do Not Cite (September 28, 2005)
2005STAR panel reportYelloweye rockfishdocument name
2005AssessmentYellowtail rockfishStatus of the Yellowtail Rockfish in 2004 (September 6, 2005)
2005STAR panel reportYellowtail rockfishYellowtail Rockfish STAR Panel Meeting Report (August 15-19, 2005)
2005Supplementary informationSupplementary informationExpected Data Sources for the 2005 West Coast Groundfish Stock Assessments, NWFSC (January 21, 2005)
2005Supplementary informationSupplementary information2005 West Coast Groundfish Stock Assessment Schedule and Lead Author Information
2005Terms of referenceTerms of reference for 2005-20062005-2006 Terms of Reference
2004Rebuilding analysisCanary rockfishCanary Rockfish (Sebastes Pinniger) Rebuilding Plan (May 2004)
2004Rebuilding analysisDarkblotched rockfishDarkblotched Rockfish (Sebastes Crameri) Rebuilding Plan (May 2004)
2004Rebuilding analysisPacific ocean perchPacific Ocean Perch (Sebastes alutus) Rebuilding Plan (May 2004)
2004AssessmentPacific whiting (hake)Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake (Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2003 (February 2004)
2004STAR panel reportPacific whiting (hake)STAR Panel Report on the Stock Assessment of Pacific Hake (Whiting) in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2003 (February 2004)