Ecosystem Advisory Subpanel

Michele (Robinson) Conrad and Gway Rogers-Kirchner serve as Co-Chairs of the Ecosystem Advisory Subpanel (EAS).  Gilly Lyons is the staff officer for the EAS.

Advisory subpanels like the EAS exist for each of the Council’s fishery management plans. Advisory subpanels advise the Council on fishery management issues, planning efforts, and the content and effects of fishery management plans, amendments, and regulations.

EAS Council Meeting Dashboard

September 2024 Council Meeting
Advisory GroupStatusIn Person / VirtualMeeting Room / Meeting ID
Ecosystem Advisory SubpanelNot Meeting

Upcoming Council Meeting

March Council meeting

Mar 4–11, 2025

Vancouver, WA

Hilton Vancouver Washington 301 W Sixth Street - Vancouver, WA 98660 Phone: 360-993-4500