Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel

Dave RudieĀ is the Chair and Mike Conroy is the Vice-Chair of the Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel (HMSAS). The staff officer for the HMSAS is Kerry Griffin.

Advisory subpanels like the HMSAS are established by the Council for each fishery management plan. They consist of people who represent groups or interests concerned with management of their respective fishery, and who have expertise related to the fishery. Advisory subpanels advise the Council on fishery management issues, planning, and the content and effects of fishery management plans, amendments, and regulations.

The HMSAS includes one member each from the commercial troll, purse seine, gillnet, and charter fisheries; one recreational at-large fisher and one private recreational fisher; three commercial at-large members; two processors; one public-at large member; and one conservation representative.