Fishery Management Plan
The Pacific Coast Salmon Fishery Management Plan (FMP) guides management of salmon fisheries in Federal waters (3-200 nautical miles) off the coast of Washington, Oregon, and California. The FMP covers natural and hatchery salmon encountered in ocean salmon fisheries, but only has management objectives and allocation provisions for Chinook, coho, and pink salmon; other salmon species are encountered rarely in ocean fisheries. Scroll down to view FMP and regulatory amendments.
Pacific Coast Salmon FMP (as Revised through Amendment 24); February 2024
FMP Appendix A (essential fish habitat) September 2014
FMP Appendix B (Socioeconomics)
FMP and regulatory amendments
Council actions in development
- No current items
Implemented Council actions
Salmon Fishery Management Plan amendments
- Salmon FMP Amendment 24:
- Salmon FMP Amendment 23: SONCC coho conservation objective updated
- FMP amendments to address standardized bycatch reporting methodology requirements
- Salmon FMP Amendment 21: Fishery management measures included to limit impacts on Southern Resident Killer Whales
- Salmon FMP Amendment 20: Annual management schedule
- Amendment 19: Unfished and unmanaged forage fish protections
- Amendment 18: Revise the description and identification of essential fish habitat, designate habitat areas of particular concern
- Amendment 17: Status determination criteria and minor updates
- Amendment 16: Stock classification, status determination criteria, annual catch limits and accountability measures, and de minimis fishing provisions
- Amendment 15: An initiative to provide de minimis ocean fishing opportunity for Klamath River Fall Chinook
- Amendment 14: Comprehensive update addressing the Sustainable Fisheries Act, Endangered Species Act listings, and other issues
- Amendment 13: Protection and rebuilding of Oregon coastal natural coho
- Amendment 11: Oregon coastal natural coho
- Amendment 10: Coho south of Cape Falcon, Klamath River Fall Chinook escapement goal, nontreaty catch allocation north of Cape Falcon
- Amendment 9: Klamath River Fall Chinook
- Amendment 7: Oregon Coast Natural coho escapement goals, inseason management flexibility, coho allocation impacts
- Amendment 5: Proposed plan for 1983 salmon fisheries