FMP amendments to address standardized bycatch reporting methodology requirements

Action status

  • Implemented
  • Undergoing NMFS Review
  • Approved by Council
  • Under development by the Council

Federal regulations (50 CFR 600 Subpart R) require all FMPs establish a standardized reporting methodology to assess the amount and type of bycatch occurring in a fishery. The regulations implement Section 303(a)(11) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act. FMPs must be consistent with the regulations by February 21, 2022.

At the November 2020, June 2021, and September 2021 meetings, the Council and its advisory bodies reviewed the Council’s four FMPs for consistency with the regulations. In November 2021, based on this review, the Council adopted amendment language for the Pacific Salmon, Coastal Pelagic Species, and Highly Migratory Species FMPs to bring them into compliance with the regulations. The Council also reaffirmed that the Groundfish FMP is consistent with the regulations and no amendment is necessary.

The Council submitted the Amendments to NMFS for Secretarial review (per MSA Section 304(a)) and consistency determination on April 4, 2022. On April 12, 2022, NMFS published a notice of availability for the Amendments, including background on the rationale for how the respective amendments proposed to satisfy the requirements of the SBRM regulations, and requested public review and comment (87 FR 21603).

FMP amendment language as transmitted (April 2022)

NMFS approved of three fishery management plan (FMP) amendments on July 5, 2022 (87 FR 40744). These are labeled as Amendment 19 to the FMP for Coastal Pelagic Species (CPS FMP), Amendment 7 to the FMP for the West Coast Highly Migratory Species (HMS FMP), and Amendment 22 to the FMP for Pacific Coast Salmon Fisheries (Salmon FMP)