The Coastal Pelagic Species Fishery Management Plan assumed its current form through Amendment 8, implemented in 2000, which modified the original Northern Anchovy Fishery Management Plan adopted in 1978. Amendment 8 added additional species to the Plan among other measures. Scroll down for links to FMP and regulatory amendments.
Fishery Management Plan
Coastal Pelagic Species Fishery Management Plan as Amended Through Amendment 21 (May 2024)
Appendices to the Fishery Management Plan
Appendix A: Description of the Coastal Pelagic Species Fishery
Appendix B: Options and Analyses for the Coastal Pelagic Species FMP
Appendix C: Costs Involved in Managing Coastal Pelagic Species
Appendix D: Description and Identification of EFH for the Coastal Pelagic Species FMP
FMP and regulatory amendments
Council actions in development
Implemented Council actions
FMP amendments
- Amendment 21: Housekeeping” FMP Amendment
- FMP Amendment 20: Management Categories
- FMP amendments to address standardized bycatch reporting methodology requirements
- FMP Amendment 18: Rebuilding plan for Pacific sardine
- CPS FMP Amendment 17: Incidental catch allowance in the live bait fishery
- CPS FMP Amendment 16: Describe minor directed fisheries
- CPS FMP Amendment 15: Unfished and unmanaged forage fish protections
- CPS FMP Amendment 14: MSY for the northern subpopulation of northern anchovy
- CPS FMP Amendment 13: National Standard 1 guidelines
- CPS FMP Amendment 12: Ban on commercial fishing for all species of krill in West Coast federal waters
- CPS FMP Amendment 11: Long-term allocation framework for Pacific sardine
- CPS FMP Amendment 10: Fleet capacity management and market squid MSY control rule
- CPS FMP Amendment 9: Indian fishing rights
- CPS FMP Amendment 8: Convert Northern Anchovy Plan to CPS FMP
- Northern Anchovy Fishery: Final Environmental Impact Statement and Fishery Management Plan
Regulatory amendments
- No current items