Scientific and Statistical Committee

Dr. Jason Schaffler is the Chair of the Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) and Dr. Andrew (Ole) Shelton is the Vice-Chair. Marlene A. Bellman is the staff officer for the SSC.

The SSC is made up of scientists from state and Federal agencies, academic institutions, and other sources. The SSC reviews fishery management plans (FMPs), stock assessments, rebuilding plans, and other documents to ensure the Council is basing their decisions on the best available science. Among other duties, the SSC identifies scientific resources required for the development of FMPs and amendments; provides a multidisciplinary review of FMPs or amendments, and advises the Council on their scientific content; helps the Council evaluate statistical, biological, economic, social, and other scientific information; and makes recommendations on the composition of plan development, technical, and management teams.

The SSC has subcommittees that focus on salmon, groundfish, highly migratory species, coastal pelagic species, ecosystem management, and economics. SSC members are selected by a vote of the Council. At-large members serve three-year terms, while management agency representatives serve indefinite terms.

Recent SSC reports