This page is intended to provide stakeholders with a comprehensive list of available reporting tools. Reports are focused primarily on groundfish resources, but broader data sets are provided as well.
Catch and Revenue Reports
- Whiting Report: Inseason catch for the mothership, catcher-processor, and shoreside whiting sectors.
- Groundfish Scorecard: Estimated total mortality of groundfish FMP stocks and stock complexes.
- Salmon Scorecard: Chinook and coho salmon landings by sector. Comparison of catch to whiting and non-whiting thresholds from 2017 BiOp.
- GEMM: CSV of Groundfish Mortality
- FishEYE Data Explorer: Interactive tool for exploring economic data from West Coast commercial fisheries
- Recreational Total Mortality by State: Recreational fisheries report of total mortality by state and trip type
- IFQ Database: Shorebased IFQ QP Allocations and Catch to Date
- NMFS National Landings Database: US landings volume and revenue information for commercial and recreational fisheries.
- SAFE Document: Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation report and associated tables for groundfish landings and revenues.
Harvest Specification Reports
- Specifications: Stock assessment information, OFLs, ABCs, ACLs
- Set Asides: Off the top deductions and resulting fishery harvest guidelines
- Trawl/Non-Trawl Allocations: Trawl and non-trawl allocations by species or complex.
- Further Allocations: Within trawl (at-sea set asides and resulting IFQ allocations) and within non-trawl allocations/shares
- Sablefish North: Sablefish north of 36 N. lat. allocations and harvest guidelines
- Sablefish South: Sablefish south of 36 N. lat. allocations and harvest guidelines
- Final Specifications: Final harvest specifications and management measures adopted
- Stock Summary: Historical harvest specifications, allocations, and other management measures by stock.
Regulatory Resources
Permits Database: Public database of groundfish limited entry permits
Groundfish Regulation Bulletins: List of recent groundfish regulations notices and rules.
Trip Limit and RCA configuration tables
- Limited Entry Fixed Gear North of 40 10 N. lat.
- Limited Entry Fixed Gear South of 40 10 N. lat.
- Open Access North of 40 10 N. lat.
- Open Access South of 40 10 N. lat.
- Trawl north of 40 10 N. lat.
- Trawl south of 40 10 N. lat.
Groundfish Conservation Area coordinates: Coordinates for Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Areas, Cowcod Conservation Area, and other areas
Note: States may require permits or have more restrictive limits for select species. Please see the following for more information.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife Commercial Fishing
Other Resources
- FRAM data warehouse: Mapping tool and data warehouse of NWFSC survey data, regulatory boundaries, habitat maps, and essential fish habitat (EFH) information.
- West Coast Fisheries Participation Survey Results : Survey results and mapping tool from West Coast Fisheries Participation Survey
- Social Indicators Tool: Mapping application of indicators on fishing engagement and reliance, environmental justice, climate change, economic, and gentrification pressure.
- Stock SMART: Stock Status, Management, Assessment, and Resource Trends web tool to search, view, compare, and download results of assessments for stocks managed by NOAA Fisheries.
- Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal: Species distribution mapping tool