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Groundfish Resources and Reporting Tools

This page is intended to provide stakeholders with a comprehensive list of available reporting tools.  Reports are focused primarily on groundfish resources, but broader data sets are provided as well.

Catch and Revenue Reports

  • Whiting Report: Inseason catch for the mothership, catcher-processor, and shoreside whiting sectors.
  • Groundfish Scorecard: Estimated total mortality of groundfish FMP stocks and stock complexes.
  • Salmon Scorecard: Chinook and coho salmon landings by sector.  Comparison of catch to whiting and non-whiting thresholds from 2017 BiOp.
  • GEMM: CSV of Groundfish Mortality 
  • FishEYE Data Explorer: Interactive tool for exploring economic data from West Coast commercial fisheries
  • Recreational Total Mortality by State: Recreational fisheries report of total mortality by state and trip type
  • IFQ Database: Shorebased IFQ QP Allocations and Catch to Date
  • NMFS National Landings Database: US landings volume and revenue information for commercial and recreational fisheries.
  • SAFE Document: Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation report and associated tables for groundfish landings and revenues.

Harvest Specification Reports

  • Specifications: Stock assessment information, OFLs, ABCs, ACLs
  • Set Asides: Off the top deductions and resulting fishery harvest guidelines
  • Trawl/Non-Trawl Allocations: Trawl and non-trawl allocations by species or complex.
  • Further Allocations: Within trawl (at-sea set asides and resulting IFQ allocations) and within non-trawl allocations/shares
  • Sablefish North: Sablefish north of 36 N. lat. allocations and harvest guidelines
  • Sablefish South: Sablefish south of 36 N. lat. allocations and harvest guidelines
  • Final Specifications: Final harvest specifications and management measures adopted  
  • Stock Summary: Historical harvest specifications, allocations, and other management measures by stock.

Regulatory Resources

Permits Database: Public database of groundfish limited entry permits

Groundfish Regulation Bulletins: List of recent groundfish regulations notices and rules.

Trip Limit and RCA configuration tables

Groundfish Conservation Area coordinates: Coordinates for Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Areas, Cowcod Conservation Area, and other areas

Note: States may require permits or have more restrictive limits for select species.  Please see the following for more information.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife Commercial Fishing

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Commercial Fishing

Other Resources

  • FRAM data warehouse: Mapping tool and data warehouse of NWFSC survey data, regulatory boundaries, habitat maps, and essential fish habitat (EFH) information. 
  • West Coast Fisheries Participation Survey Results : Survey results and mapping tool from West Coast Fisheries Participation Survey
  • Social Indicators Tool: Mapping application of indicators on fishing engagement and reliance, environmental justice, climate change, economic, and gentrification pressure.
  • Stock SMART: Stock Status, Management, Assessment, and Resource Trends web tool to search, view, compare, and download results of assessments for stocks managed by NOAA Fisheries.
  • Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal: Species distribution mapping tool