This is a compendium of summary minutes of meetings of the Pacific Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC). Subject matter searches are enabled with the use of keywords. The reports contained herein have been presented to the Pacific Council. Italicized notes are for the SSC’s benefit to immortalize further thoughts and points relevant to SSC deliberations.
Finalized and approved SSC minutes
Year | Key Words | Approved and Finalized Minutes |
2024 September | Salmon methodology review topic selection Sacramento River Fall Chinook Uncertainty buffers Queets Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon rebuilding plans Groundfish stock definitions Yelloweye rockfish Yellowtail rockfish Widow rockfish Chilipepper rockfish English sole Redbanded rockfish Rougheye/blackspotted rockfish Groundfish stock definitions – Phase 2 Future workload planning | September 17-29, 2024 |
2024 June | Advisory body composition Sacramento River Fall Chinook Salmon reference points CPS stock assessment Terms of Reference (TOR) CPS accepted practices guidelines Groundfish stock assessment priorities Groundfish stock assessment Terms of Reference (TOR) Quillback rockfish Rougheye and blackspotted rockfishes Sablefish Yellowtail rockfish Chilipepper rockfish English sole Yelloweye rockfish Petrale sole Stock assessment capacity Groundfish stock definitions Equity and Environmental Justice (EEJ) Council operations and priorities Future workload planning | June 7-8, 2024 |
2024 April | Pacific sardine stock assessment Northern subpopulation of Pacific sardine (NSP) Council operations and priorities Salmon methodology review topic selection Groundfish harvest specifications Quillback rockfish Washington cabezon Future workload planning | April 5, 2024 |
2024 March | Council and SSC discussion Salmon stock forecasts Sacramento River Fall Chinook Klamath River Fall Chinook Willapa Bay natural Coho Queets River natural Coho Queets Spring/Summer Chinook Juan de Fuca natural Coho Southern Oregon Chinook Klamath River Fall Chinook workgroup Klamath River Fall Chinook control rule Quillback rockfish Quillback rockfish rebuilding analysis Groundfish stock assessment priorities Groundfish stock assessment terms of reference Washington cabezon California Current ecosystem report Fishery Ecosystem Plan initiatives Future workload planning | March 5-6, 2024 |
2023 November | Salmon methodology review Sacramento River Winter Chinook Oregon Production Index Hatchery (OPIH) Coho FRAM documentation South of Falcon fisheries Sablefish gear switching Quillback rockfish rebuilding analysis Groundfish stock assessments Chilipepper rockfish Yellowtail rockfish Vermilion rockfish Black rockfish Dover sole Rex sole Shortspine Thornyhead Groundfish harvest specifications Sablefish trip limit model Fishery Ecosystem Plan (FEP) Initiative Groundfish stock definitions Groundfish stock definitions CPS accepted practices guidelines Future workload planning | November 2-3, 2023 |
2023 September | Equity and Environmental Justice (EEJ) Salmon methodology review topic selection Salmon FMP Amendment 24 Groundfish stock assessment methodology review topic selection Groundfish stock assessments Copper rockfish Rex sole Shortspine thornyhead Black rockfish Canary rockfish Petrale sole Sablefish Widow rockfish Yelloweye rockfish HMS Essential Fish Habitat Groundfish harvest specifications Trawl Cost Project Phase 1 National Standard 1 technical guidance Future workload planning | September 8-9, 2023 |
2023 June | Pacific mackerel assessment Pacific mackerel harvest specifications CPS Essential Fish Habitat Groundfish stock definitions Groundfish harvest specifications Council Meeting and Process Efficiencies Future workload planning | June 21-22, 2023 |
2023 April | Pacific sardine stock structure workshop Northern Subpopulation of Pacific Sardine (NSP) Pacific sardine stock assessment Uncertainty buffers Salmon methodology review topic selection Sacramento River Chinook Oregon Production Index (OPI) Coho Equity and Environmental Justice Council Meeting and Process Efficiencies Sablefish stock assessment Future workload planning | April 1-2, 2023 |
2023 March | Council Operating Procedures Salmon stock forecasts Sacramento River Fall Chinook Klamath River Fall Chinook Willapa Bay natural Coho Queets River natural Coho Juan de Fuca natural Coho Snohomish River natural Coho Groundfish stock definitions Groundfish FMP Amendment 31 California Current ecosystem report Fishery Ecosystem Plan initiatives Drift gillnet fishery hard cap bootstrap simulation model Accepted Practices Guidelines for Groundfish Stock Assessments Future workload planning | March 4-5, 2023 |
2022 November | Salmon methodology review Sacramento River Fall Chinook FRAM documentation Chinook FRAM base period Sacramento River Fall Chinook Eastern Pacific skipjack tuna North Pacific bluefin tuna Drift gillnet fishery hard cap bootstrap simulation model Groundfish ageing coordination Groundfish methodology review Video-hydroacoustic survey Hook-and-line survey Groundfish discard mortality rates CPS stock assessment Terms of Reference (TOR) CPS stock assessment prioritization Groundfish stock definitions Future workload planning | November 2-3, 2022 |
2022 September | Groundfish stock assessments Groundfish stock assessment methodology review Species Distribution Model in Template Model Builder (sdmTMB) Hook-and-line survey Groundfish stock definitions Salmon methodology review topic selection Fishery Ecosystem Plan initiatives CPS stock assessment Terms of Reference (TOR) Council Meeting and Process Efficiencies Research and Data Needs Future workload planning | September 6-8, 2022 |
2022 June | Central Subpopulation of Northern Anchovy CSNA Acoustic trawl survey COP 9 CPS stock assessment terms of reference Pacific sardine stock structure Groundfish stock assessment terms of reference Petrale sole Canary rockfish Rougheye and blackspotted rockfishes Copper rockfish Quillback rockfish Shortbelly rockfish Vermilion and sunset rockfishes Stock definitions Sablefish gear switching Economic Data Collection program SCS7 | June 8-9, 2022 |
2022 March | Salmon stock forecasts Groundfish stock definitions Limited entry fixed gear program review Groundfish stock assessment priorities California Current ecosystem report Fishery Ecosystem Plan initiatives Future workload planning | March 8-9, 2022 |
2021 November | Groundfish stock assessments Salmon methodology review Groundfish harvest specifications BSIA framework Future workload planning | November 15-16, 2021 |
2021 September | Groundfish stock assessment methodology review Groundfish stock assessments Fishery Ecosystem Plan five-year review Climate and Communities initiative Council Operating Procedures Groundfish harvest specifications Future workload planning | September 8-9, 2021 |
2021 June | SONCC Pacific mackerel assessment CSNA management framework Limited entry fixed gear program review Groundfish stock assessments BSIA framework Council Operating Procedures Future workload planning | June 23-24, 2021 |
2021 April | Salmon methodology review topic selection CPS exempted fishing permits Pacific sardine assessment Research and data needs Council Operating Procedures Future workload planning | April 6-7, 2021 |
2021 March | HMS harvest specifications California Current ecosystem report Salmon stock forecasts Future workload planning | March 2 and 3, 2021 |
2020 November | Sablefish MSE CPS exempted fishing permits HMS harvest specifications BSIA framework Research and Data Needs Future workload planning | November 12-13, 2020 |
2020 September | Groundfish stock assessment methodology review Pacific sardine rebuilding plan Fishery Ecosystem Plan five-year review Research and Data Needs California Current ecosystem report topic selection Future workload planning | September 9-10, 2020 |
2020 June | Groundfish stock assessment priorities Pacific sardine rebuilding plan Research and Data Needs Future workload planning | June 10-11, 2020 |
2020 April | Pacific sardine assessment Research and Data Needs Future workload planning | April 4, 2020 |
2020 March | California Current ecosystem report Climate and Communities initiative Willapa Bay coho methodology review Salmon stock forecasts Groundfish stock assessment priorities Fishery Ecosystem Plan five-year review Research and Data Needs Future workload planning | March 3-4, 2020 |
2019 March | California Current ecosystem report California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (CCIEA) Climate and Communities initiative Rockfish steepness prior Groundfish sigma Salmon rebuilding plans Salmon stock forecasts Sacramento River Fall Chinook Klamath River Fall Chinook Central subpopulation of northern anchovy (CSNA) CSNA litigation Future workload planning | March 6-7, 2019 |
2019 April | CPS exempted fishing permits Pacific sardine assessment CSNA management framework CSNA litigation Acoustic Trawl Methodology Salmon methodology review topic selection Fishery Regulation Assessment Model (FRAM) Willapa Bay coho forecast Salmon rebuilding plans Sacramento River Fall Chinook Klamath River Fall Chinook Groundfish methodology reviews Groundfish sigma Rockfish steepness prior Accepted Practices Guidelines for Groundfish Stock Assessments Future workload planning | April 10-11, 2019 |
2019 June | CPS stock assessment priorities Central subpopulation of northern anchovy (CSNA) assessment Pacific mackerel assessment Salmon rebuilding plans Sacramento River Fall Chinook Klamath River Fall Chinook Queets coho Snohomish River coho Juan de Fuca coho Yellowfin tuna overfishing response Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) Deep set buoy gear Groundfish sigma Future workload planning | June 19-20, 2019 |
2019 September | California Current ecosystem report topic selection Albacore distribution Transition Zone Chlorophyll Front Salmon stoplight indicators Spatial indicators of bottom contact by trawl gear and fixed gear Climate and Communities initiative Groundfish stock assessments Cabezon stock assessment Longnose skate stock assessment Big skate stock assessment Sablefish stock assessment Cowcod stock assessment Gopher and black-and-yellow rockfishes stock assessment Petrale sole stock assessment update Widow rockfish stock assessment update Black rockfish catch-only projection Blackgill rockfish catch-only projection Blue and deacon rockfishes catch-only projection Darkblotched rockfish catch-only projection Dover sole catch-only projection Lingcod catch-only projection Rougheye and blackspotted rockfishes catch-only projection Longspine thornyhead catch-only projection China rockfish catch-only projection Canary rockfish catch-only projection Shortspine thornyhead catch-only projection Yelloweye rockfish catch report Groundfish harvest specifications NMFS strategic plan Salmon methodology review topic selection Salmon rebuilding plans Groundfish harvest specifications phase-in approach Groundfish methodology reviews Future workload planning | September 11-13, 2019 |
2019 November | CSNA management framework Acoustic-Trawl method (ATM) Aerial survey methodology Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Management Act Groundfish harvest specifications Area apportionment of sablefish ACLs CPS methodology review topic selection Salmon methodology reviews Upper Columbia Summer Chinook exploitation rate Willapa Bay natural coho forecast method Fishery Regulation Assessment Model (FRAM) Groundfish stock assessment priorities Southern Resident Killer Whale (SRKW) risk assessment Future workload planning | November 14-15, 2019 |
2018 March | Salmon stock forecasts Sacramento River Fall Chinook (SRFC) Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Queets coho Juan de Fuca coho Snohomish River coho Upper Columbia River Summer Chinook California Current ecosystem report Community-level recreational fishery engagement and reliance indices J-SCOPE approach for short-term forecasts of ocean conditions and species distribution Indicators of shifts in groundfish distributions Forage community composition indicator Drivers of albacore distribution Sablefish MSE Groundfish stock assessment priorities Sablefish stock assessment Cowcod stock assessment Cabezon stock assessment in Oregon and California Longnose skate stock assessment Big skate stock assessment Gopher and black-and-yellow rockfishes stock assessment Dover sole stock assessment Pacific cod stock assessment Southern yellowtail rockfish stock assessment Petrale sole update stock assessment Widow rockfish update stock assessment Vermilion and sunset rockfishes stock assessment Brown rockfish stock assessment Copper rockfish stock assessment Quillback rockfish stock assessment Bank rockfish stock assessment Black rockfish stock assessment Lingcod stock assessment Yelloweye rockfish catch report Groundfish Stock Assessment Terms of Reference (TOR) Groundfish harvest specifications Revised Overfishing Limits for Lingcod Revised 2020 Overfishing Limit for Bocaccio CSNA management Process for Review of Reference Points for Monitored Stocks Future workload planning | March 8-9, 2018 |
2018 April | CPS exempted fishing permits CPS Acoustic Trawl Survey methodology review CPS review of reference points for monitored stocks Central Subpopulation of Northern Anchovy (CSNA) long-term MSY Pacific sardine assessment Salmon methodology review topic selection Chinook Fisheries Regulation Assessment Model (FRAM) Groundfish EFH Groundfish FMP Amendment 28 Future workload planning | April 5-6, 2018 |
2018 June | Groundfish and CPS stock assessment terms of reference Groundfish stock assessment priorities Sablefish stock assessment Cowcod stock assessment Cabezon stock assessment in Oregon and California Longnose skate stock assessment Big skate stock assessment Gopher and black-and-yellow rockfishes stock assessment Dover sole stock assessment Pacific cod stock assessment Southern yellowtail rockfish stock assessment Petrale sole update stock assessment Widow rockfish update stock assessment Vermilion and sunset rockfishes stock assessment Brown rockfish stock assessment Copper rockfish stock assessment Quillback rockfish stock assessment Bank rockfish stock assessment Black rockfish stock assessment Lingcod stock assessment Yelloweye rockfish catch report BSIA framework Research and Data Needs Future workload planning Review of Proposed Sigma Methodologies Review of Nearshore Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) Survey Designs and Methodologies Review of Historical Catch Reconstructions of Skate Species Data-Limited Tool-Kit Review California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (CCIEA) Indicator Review | June 7, 2018 |
2018 September | Salmon methodology review topic selection Research and Data Needs Council Operating Procedures Fishery Ecosystem Plan five-year review Climate and Communities initiative Drift gillnet performance metrics methodology Random forest regression tree bycatch estimates Groundfish stock assessment priorities Stock Assessment Terms of Reference Groundfish methodology review topic selection Fourier-transform Near-infrared Spectroscopy (FT-NIRS) analysis of otoliths and vertebrae Groundfish science improvements Catch Estimation Methodology Review Drivers of albacore distribution California and Oregon nearshore remotely operated vehicle (ROV) survey methodology review Accepted Practices Guidelines for Groundfish Stock Assessments Data-Limited workshop Future workload planning | September 6-7, 2018 |
2018 November | Salmon rebuilding plans CPS management categories CPS stock assessment priorities Central Subpopulation of Northern Anchovy (CSNA) HMS harvest specifications HMS status determination criteria Future workload planning | November 2-3, 2018 |
2017 March | California Current ecosystem report Sablefish ecosystem indicators Fishery Ecosystem Plan initiatives review Salmon stock forecasts Salmon ESA consultation for groundfish fisheries Groundfish science workshops and methodology reviews Groundfish economic analyses informing EFH actions Future workload planning | March 7-8, 2017 |
2017 April | Salmon methodology review topic selection CSNA management framework Pacific sardine assessment CPS methodology review topic selection Future workload planning | April 6-7, 2017 |
2017 June | Pacific mackerel assessment CPS aerial survey methodology review Groundfish trawl catch shares review Groundfish intersector allocation review Groundfish trawl catch shares discard survival credits for sablefish and lingcod Groundfish stock assessments Groundfish harvest specifications BSIA framework Future workload planning | June 8-9, 2017 |
2017 September | CPS aerial survey methodology review Salmon methodology review topic selection Sacramento River Winter Chinook control rule Groundfish science improvements Groundfish stock assessment methodology review topic selection Climate vulnerability assessment Fishery Ecosystem Plan initiatives Groundfish stock assessments Groundfish harvest specifications Future workload planning | September 12-13, 2017 |
2017 November | Salmon methodology reviews CPS exempted fishing permits Groundfish stock assessments Groundfish harvest specifications Groundfish science improvements topic selection Groundfish stock assessment methodology review topic selection Electronic monitoring Pacific halibut discard rates Future workload planning | November 14-15, 2017 |
2016 March | California Current ecosystem report Salmon stock forecasts Ecosystem Indicator Review initiative Groundfish trawl catch share program gear regulations Chinook FRAM Salmon management objectives Salmon test fishery alternatives Groundfish stock assessment priorities Future workload planning | March 8-9, 2016 |
2016 April | Pacific sardine assessment Salmon methodology review topic selection Groundfish stock assessment prioritization Future workload planning | April 9, 2016 |
2016 June | Groundfish trawl catch shares review Groundfish stock assessment prioritization Groundfish trawl catch share program gear regulation management lines Groundfish harvest specifications Council Operating Procedures CPS assessment workshop Future workload planning | June 22-23, 2016 |
2016 September | Fishery Ecosystem Plan ecosystem indicators initiative Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management Roadmap CPS MSSTs CSNA management framework Salmon methodology review topic selection Groundfish methodology review topic selection Groundfish mid-biennium ACL adjustment and rebuilding harvest rate adjustment policies Groundfish trawl catch shares review Groundfish intersector allocation review Future workload planning | September 14-15, 2016 |
2016 November | Salmon methodology reviews CSNA stock assessment Groundfish methodology review topic selection CPS methodology review topic selection Groundfish trawl catch shares review Groundfish intersector allocation review Groundfish EFH National Standard 1 guidelines Future workload planning | November 15-16, 2016 |
2015 March | HMS exempted fishing permits California Current ecosystem report Fishery Ecosystem Plan initiatives Salmon stock forecasts Legislative matters Albacore MSE Drift gillnet hard caps Future workload planning | March 7-8, 2015 |
2015 April | Groundfish harvest specifications Groundfish set-asides Big skate Pacific sardine assessment CPS methodology review COP Salmon methodology review topic selection Groundfish methodology review COP Ocean Modeling Forum Groundfish rebuilding revision rules MSE National Standard 1, 3, and 7 guidelines Future workload planning | April 10-11, 2015 |
2015 June | Groundfish stock assessments Groundfish rebuilding revision rules CPS litigation Pacific mackerel assessment HMS exempted fishing permits Swordfish management plan and hard caps Big skate discard rates Legislative matters Fishery-specific habitat objectives Future workload planning | June 11-12, 2015 |
2015 September | Fishery Ecosystem Plan initiatives Salmon methodology review topic selection Swordfish management plan and hard caps Groundfish methodology review topic selection Groundfish science improvements topic selection Groundfish stock assessments Groundfish EFH Groundfish harvest specifications Future workload planning | September 10-11, 2015 |
2015 November | Salmon methodology reviews Pacific sardine distribution workshop CSNA status CPS methodology review topic selection Groundfish stock assessments Groundfish harvest specifications Trawl IFQ projection model Whiting fishery bycatch bootstrap model Future workload planning | November 13-14, 2015 |
2014 March | California Current ecosystem report Barotrauma device mortality rates Groundfish EFH Pacific sardine temperature parameter review Salmon stock forecasts Sacramento Winter Chinook biological opinion California coastal Chinook Groundfish harvest specifications Cowcod rebuilding analysis Kelp greenling Cabezon China rockfish Future workload planning | March 7-8, 2014 |
2014 April | Limited entry fixed gear sablefish catch share program review Groundfish harvest specifications Salmon methodology review topic selection Lower Columbia natural coho harvest rate matrix review Protecting unfished and unmanaged forage fish species initiative Groundfish stock assessment priorities Pacific sardine assessment Electronic monitoring Groundfish exempted fishing permits Future workload planning | April 4-5, 2014 |
2014 June | Albacore tuna Groundfish exempted fishing permits Limited entry fixed gear sablefish program review Groundfish stock assessment priorities Cowcod Atlantis modeling Pacific mackerel harvest specifications Future workload planning | June 19-20, 2014 |
2014 September | West Coast Region regional electronic technologies implementation plan Groundfish exempted fishing permits Pacific sardine harvest fraction Lower Columbia River coho harvest matrix Salmon methodology review topic selection Groundfish stock assessment priorities West Coast Groundfish Observer Program Groundfish impact projection models Future workload planning | September 11-12, 2014 |
2014 November | Groundfish harvest specifications Yellowtail rockfish Sharpchin rockfish Rex sole English sole Groundfish methodology review process COP COP25 Salmon methodology reviews Willapa Bay natural coho Grays Harbor fall Chinook FRAM Southern Oregon Coastal Chinook IOPAC Groundfish Economic Data Collection Program Pacific sardine harvest fraction CPS methodology review topic selection Electronic technology plan Atlantis model National Marine Fisheries Service West Coast Region Strategic Plan Albacore tuna Stock assessment steepness Future workload planning | November 13-14, 2014 |
2013 March | Status determination criteria for data-moderate groundfish stocks Research and Data Needs Salmon stock forecasts Fishery Ecosystem Plan CPS exempted fishing permits Groundfish FMP Amendment 24 Groundfish recreational CPUE indices Groundfish hook and line survey index Groundfish trawl survey indices Rockfish steepness prior Future workload planning | March 6-7, 2013 |
2013 April | Groundfish stock complexes Barotrauma device mortality rates Groundfish EFH Salmon methodology review topic selection Fishery Ecosystem Plan Electronic monitoring Pacific sardine harvest parameters workshop Sardine season start date Legislative matters Future workload planning | April 5-6, 2013 |
2013 June | Albacore tuna Groundfish stock assessments Bocaccio Petrale sole Darkblotched rockfish Pacific ocean perch Canary rockfish Yelloweye rockfish Data-moderate assessments Brown rockfish Copper rockfish China rockfish Rex sole English sole Sharpchin rockfish Stripetail rockfish Yellowtail rockfish Groundfish Economic Data Collection Program Trawl rationalization trailing actions Groundfish harvest specifications Oregon recreational groundfish impact projection model Washington recreational groundfish impact projection model California recreational groundfish impact projection model RecFISH Non-nearshore impact projection model Nearshore impact projection model IOPAC Groundfish stock complexes Pacific mackerel assessment Sardine season start date Pacific sardine harvest parameters Future workload planning | June 19-20, 2013 |
2013 September | Pacific halibut bycatch Groundfish stock assessments Aurora rockfish Rougheye and blackspotted rockfishes Shortspine Thornyhead Longspine thornyhead Cowcod Pacific sanddab Brown rockfish Copper rockfish China rockfish Salmon methodology review topic selection Oregon coastal natural coho matrix Lower Columbia River coho matrix Willapa Bay coho Southern Oregon Coastal Chinook FRAM Salmon EFH Salmon FMP Amendment 18 Groundfish science improvements Historical catch reconstruction Data reweighting Stock productivity modeling BMSY proxies Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries 3 Legislative matters Groundfish harvest specifications Proxy FMSY spawning potential ratio for elasmobranchs Groundfish rebuilding revision rules MSE Groundfish stock complexes Groundfish data-poor assessment methods MSE Future workload planning | September 11-13, 2013 |
2013 November | Salmon methodology reviews Lower Columbia River coho matrix Oregon coastal natural coho matrix Willapa Bay coho Southern Oregon Coastal Chinook Sacramento Fall Chinook forecast methodologies FRAM CPS exempted fishing permits Northern anchovy MSY CPS methodology review topic selection Pacific sardine aerial survey Pacific sardine assessment Groundfish EFH Groundfish stock assessments Cowcod rebuilding analysis Brown rockfish Copper rockfish China rockfish Limited entry fixed gear sablefish program review Groundfish harvest specifications Other Fish complex Kelp greenling Cabezon Canary rockfish Rougheye and blackspotted rockfishes Cowcod Atlantis model Electronic monitoring Future workload planning | October 31 - November 1, 2013 |
2012 March | Groundfish stock assessment priorities Bocaccio Data-moderate assessment methods Stock assessment terms of reference Methodology review terms of reference Groundfish rebuilding analysis terms of reference Groundfish FMP Amendment 24 Groundfish harvest specifications Other Fish complex Groundfish exempted fishing permits Trawl rationalization trailing actions CPS exempted fishing permits Salmon stock forecasts Sacramento Fall Chinook rebuilding plan Strait of Juan de Fuca coho rebuilding plan Salmon EFH Future workload planning | March 1-2, 2012 |
2012 April | Groundfish methodology reviews COAST acoustic survey for rockfish Oregon recreational groundfish impact projection model IOPAC CPS exempted fishing permits Northwest aerial sardine survey Salmon methodology review topic selection FRAM Sacramento Fall Chinook forecast methodologies California Coastal Chinook Mark-selective coho fisheries Trawl rationalization trailing actions Groundfish EFH Groundfish harvest specifications Future workload planning | April 1, 2012 |
2012 June | Barotrauma discard mortality rates Groundfish stock assessment priorities Bocaccio Albacore tuna Groundfish exempted fishing permits Trawl rationalization trailing actions Catch shares in the mothership and shoreside Pacific whiting fisheries CPS methodology review topic selection Fishery Ecosystem Plan methodology review topic selection National Standard 1 guidelines Future workload planning | June 20-21, 2012 |
2012 September | Research and Data Needs Salmon methodology review topic selection California Coastal Chinook Sacramento Fall chinook forecast Sacramento Winter Chinook Washington coast coho Oregon coastal natural coho matrix Coho mark-selective fishery FRAM Salmon EFH Salmon FMP Amendment 18 Pacific halibut bycatch Groundfish stock assessment priorities Groundfish data-moderate assessment methods Catch shares in the mothership and shoreside Pacific whiting fisheries Groundfish EFH Future workload planning | September 13-14, 2012 |
2012 November | CPS exempted fishing permits Pacific sardine assessment Salmon methodology reviews Washington coast coho Oregon coastal natural coho matrix Coho mark-selective fishery FRAM Longnose skate discard mortality rates Spiny dogfish discard mortality rates Groundfish data-moderate assessments Groundfish FMP Amendment 24 Barotrauma device mortality rates Cowcod discard mortality rates Yelloweye rockfish discard mortality rates Fishery Ecosystem Plan Integrated ecosystem assessment California Current ecosystem report Future workload planning | November 2-3, 2012 |
2011 March | CPS exempted fishing permits Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Management Plan review Ecosystem-based Fishery Management Plan Salmon stock forecasts Salmon stocks not meeting conservation objectives Sacramento Fall Chinook overfishing assessment Pacific whiting assessment Future workload planning | March 4-5, 2011 |
2011 April | CPS exempted fishing permits CPS survey methodology review Environmental parameters in Pacific sardine harvest control rules Groundfish EFH Salmon methodology review topic selection Groundfish harvest specifications Salmon EFH Review of assessments for species under international agreements Future workload planning | April 8-9, 2011 |
2011 June | Salmon FMP Amendment 16 Groundfish stock assessments Bocaccio update assessment Darkblotched rockfish update assessment Canary rockfish update assessment Yelloweye rockfish update assessment Cowcod catch report Data-poor assessment methods Groundfish harvest specifications North Pacific albacore fisheries economic analysis Trawl rationalization trailing actions Pacific mackerel assessment Ecosystem Fishery Management Plan Future workload planning | June 7-9, 2011 |
2011 September | Albacore tuna assessment Groundfish stock assessments Pacific ocean perch assessment Petrale sole assessment Sablefish assessment Spiny dogfish assessment Dover sole assessment Widow rockfish assessment Greenspotted rockfish assessment Blackgill rockfish assessment Groundfish harvest specifications Landings distribution model (LDM) review Groundfish science improvements topic selection Data-poor assessment methods Assessment post-mortem workshop Groundfish historical catch reconstruction B0 and harvest control rules workshop Acoustic ROV workshop Transboundary stocks workshop Pacific halibut bycatch Columbia River Tule and Sacramento River Winter Chinook Management Salmon methodology review topic selection Future workload planning | September 13-15, 2011 |
2011 November | Salmon methodology reviews Lower Columbia River tule fall Chinook Sacramento Winter run Chinook Coho FRAM Mark-selective salmon fisheries Groundfish stock assessments Bocaccio assessment Darkblotched rockfish assessment Widow rockfish assessment Pacific ocean perch rebuilding analysis Petrale sole rebuilding analysis Canary rockfish rebuilding analysis Yelloweye rockfish rebuilding analysis Bocaccio rebuilding analysis Darkblotched rockfish rebuilding analysis Groundfish harvest specifications Data-poor assessment methods Assessment post-mortem workshop Groundfish historical catch reconstruction B0 and harvest control rules workshop Acoustic ROV workshop Transboundary stocks workshop CPS trawl survey methodology review Pacific sardine assessment Fishery Ecosystem Management Plan Integrated Ecosystem Assessment report Future workload planning | November 1-2, 2011 |
2010 March | National Standard 2 (NS2) guidelines Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Groundfish stock assessment planning Spiny dogfish Rex sole Pacific sanddabs Other Flatfish complex Kelp greenling Stock assessment terms of reference (TOR) Groundfish rebuilding analysis terms of reference Groundfish FMP Amendment 20 Trawl rationalization Economic data collection Pacific whiting assessment Pacific whiting harvest specifications Stock Synthesis (SS) This Is Not Stock Synthesis (TINSS) Markov–Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Humboldt squid Groundfish FMP Amendment 23 Annual catch limits 40-10 control rule 25-5 control rule CPS harvest control rules Pacific sardine Productivity and susceptibility analysis (PSA) Monitored CPS species Jack mackerel Central and Northern Subpopulations of northern anchovy Market squid Krill National Standard 1 (NS1) guidelines Overfishing vulnerability Other Fish complex DCAC DB-SRA Groundfish stock complexes Sacramento River Fall Chinook (SRFC) Salmon forecasts Grays Harbor coho Queets coho Western Strait of Juan de Fuca coho Queets spring/summer Chinook Quillayute spring/summer Chinook | March 5-6, 2010 |
2010 April | Exempted Fishing Permit (EFP) for Aerial Sardine Survey research Pacific sardine LIDAR (light detection and ranging) Critical habitat designation Leatherback turtles Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) Highly Migratory Species FMP Amendment 2 Ecosystem Component (EC) species Management unit species (MUS) Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATC) Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) Shortfin mako shark Salmon FMP Amendment 16 Status determination criteria (SDC) Annual catch limits DCAC DB-SRA Category 1: data-rich stocks Category 2: data-moderate stocks Category 3: data-poor stocks Stock Assessment Review (STAR) panel Lingcod Cowcod Shortbelly rockfish Greenstriped rockfish Blue rockfish Gopher rockfish Arrowtooth flounder Kelp greenling Cabezon Starry flounder Other Fish complex ABC control rules Overfishing probability (P*) Sigma (σ) Essential Fish Habitat suitability maps Salmon methodology review Chinook FRAM Coho FRAM Oregon coastal natural (OCN) coho Columbia River summer Chinook Lower Columbia River tule fall Chinook KOHM SHM | April 10-11, 2010 |
2010 June | Salmon FMP Amendment 16 Status determination criteria (SDC) Annual catch limits Ecosystem Components Far North Migrating (FNM) stocks Puget Sound pink salmon Fraser River pink salmon Klamath River fall Chinook (KRFC) Sacramento River fall Chinook (SRFC) Southern Oregon Coast Chinook Klamath River spring Chinook Smith River Chinook Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) Columbia River Summer Chinook Washington Coast Coho Puget Sound Coho Highly Migratory Species FMP Amendment 2 Management unit species (MUS) Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATC) Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) Common thresher shark Groundfish FMP Amendment 23 Overfishing probability (P*) Sigma (σ) Stock complexes Stock assessment terms of reference (TOR) Groundfish rebuilding analysis terms of reference Pacific mackerel Coastal pelagic species (CPS) FMP Amendment 13 Monitored CPS species Ecosystem Plan Development Team | June 11-12, 2010 |
2010 September | Salmon FMP Amendment 16 Status determination criteria (SDC) Annual catch limits National Standard 1 (NS1) guidelines Chinook FMSY proxy Salmon methodology review Chinook FRAM Coho FRAM Oregon coastal natural (OCN) coho Columbia River summer Chinook Salmon FMP Amendment 13 Lower Columbia River natural coho harvest management matrix Lower Columbia River tule fall Chinook Salmon essential fish habitat (EFH) Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPCs) Pacific halibut bycatch estimates West Coast Groundfish Observer Program (WCGOP) Trawl logbook Fish ticket data National System of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Stock assessment terms of reference Methodology review terms of reference CPS control rule Ecosystem-based fishery management Ecosystem Plan Development Team (EPDT) | September 10-11, 2010 |
2010 November | Michell Act Columbia River Basin hatchery operations SSC Economics Subcommittee National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Best management practices Salmon FMP Amendment 16 Status determination criteria Salmon methodology review Chinook FRAM Oregon coastal natural (OCN) coho Columbia River summer Chinook 30-10 rule Mark-selective fisheries Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) Aleutian Islands Fishery Ecosystem Plan Groundfish biennial management Stock assessment review (STAR) panel schedule DCAC DB-SRA Data-poor methods Pacific sardine assessment CPS management measures Stock assessment terms of reference Methodology review terms of reference Monitored CPS stocks Jack mackerel Pacific mackerel Central population of northern anchovy Northern population of northern anchovy Market squid CPS essential fish habitat EFH five-year review | November 3-4, 2010 |
2009 March | Stock assessment terms of reference Stock Assessment Review (STAR) panel Pacific sardine Pacific mackerel Exempted fishing permit (EFP) Northwest Sardine Survey National Standard 1 (NS1) guidelines Annual catch limits (ACLs) Accountability measures (AMs) Overfishing limits (OFLs) Acceptable biological catches (ABCs) Annual catch targets (ACTs) Northern anchovy Jack mackerel Krill CPS FMP amendment to implement ACL requirements Salmon FMP amendment to implement ACL requirements Salmon forecasts Sacramento River Fall Chinook (SRFC) Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Oregon Coastal Natural (OCN) coho Oregon Production Index (OPI) coho Oregon Production Index Technical Team (OPITT) Chinook FRAM Coho FRAM Queets Spring/Summer Chinook Quillayute Spring/Summer Chinook Western Strait of Juan de Fuca coho Pacific whiting harvest specifications | March 7-9, 2009 |
2009 April | Highly Migratory Species FMP Amendment 2 High seas shallow-set longline Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) National Standard 1 (NS1) guidelines 40-10 harvest control rule Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) Groundfish FMP Amendment 20 Trawl rationalization Community Fishery Associations (CFAs) 2008 salmon failure Salmon methodology review Chinook FRAM Sacramento River Fall Chinook (SRFC) Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Oregon Coastal Natural (OCN) coho Columbia River Chinook | April 3-4, 2009 |
2009 June | Groundfish stock assessments Petrale sole Splitnose rockfish Canary rockfish Darkblotched rockfish Pacific ocean perch (POP) ADMB Model overview MPD vs. Bayesian median Cowcod Estimating bycatch in groundfish setline fisheries Groundfish essential fish habitat (EFH) Groundfish FMP Amendment 23 Annual catch limits (ACLs) Accountability measures (AMs) Overfishing limits (OFLs) Acceptable biological catches (ABCs) Productivity and Susceptibility Analysis (PSA) Trawl rationalization Accumulation limits Divestiture Adaptive management program Pacific mackerel Pacific sardine methodology review | June 12-14, 2009 |
2009 September | Ecosystem Fishery Management Plan Development Team Groundfish stock assessments Stock Assessment Review (STAR) panel Petrale sole Widow rockfish Yelloweye rockfish Greenstriped rockfish Bocaccio Cabezon Lingcod Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPCs) National MPA Center Off-Year Science Improvements Management strategy evaluation (MSE) International Pacific Halibut Commission (IHPC) survey Groundfish FMP Amendment 23 Annual catch limits (ACLs) Accountability measures (AMs) Overfishing limits (OFLs) Annual catch targets (ACTs) Overfishing probability (P*) Catch of unidentified rockfish in recreational fisheries Salmon FMP Amendment 16 Salmon methodology review Chinook FRAM Coho FRAM Sacramento River Fall Chinook (SRFC) Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Oregon Coastal Natural (OCN) coho Puget Sound coho Pacific halibut bycatch estimates | September 11-13, 2009 |
2009 November | Biennial harvest specifications Input-Output Model for Pacific Coast Fisheries (IO-PAC) IMPLAN Pro Fishery Economic Assessment Model (FEAM) Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management Plan Research and Data Needs California Current Ecosystem Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Ecosystem Plan Development Team Salmon methodology review Chinook FRAM Coho FRAM Sacramento River Fall Chinook (SRFC) Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Puget Sound coho Klamath Ocean Harvest Model (KOHM) Maximum sustainable harvest (MSH) Pacific Salmon Treaty Management Strategy Evaluation North Pacific albacore tuna Inter American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) Virtual Population Analysis Stock Synthesis Highly Migratory Species FMP Amendment 2 Western Pacific Fishery Management Council (WPFMC) Groundfish stock assessments Groundfish rebuilding analyses Bocaccio Pacific ocean perch (POP) Cowcod Canary rockfish Yelloweye rockfish Widow rockfish Darkblotched rockfish Petrale sole Groundfish rebuilding analysis terms of reference Pretty Good Yield Pacific sardine stock assessment Coastal Pelagic Species FMP Amendment 13 Groundfish FMP Amendment 23 Annual catch limits (ACLs) Accountability measures (AMs) Overfishing limits (OFLs) | October 30-November 1, 2009 |
2008 March | Groundfish stock assessment planning Stock assessment terms of reference Groundfish rebuilding analysis terms of reference Stock assessment review (STAR) panel Spiny dogfish Salmon forecasts Central Valley Index (CVI) Oregon Coast Natural (OCN) coho Oregon Production Index Technical Team (OPITT) Chinook FRAM Coho FRAM Sacramento River Fall Chinook (SRFC) Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Oregon Coastal Chinook Grays Harbor natural coho Queets natural coho Quillayute fall natural coho Queets River spring/summer Chinook Quillayute spring/summer Chinook SMSY Lower Columbia River tule Chinook Recovery exploitation rate (RER) Coded wire tag (CWT) data Pacific whiting assessment Stock Synthesis (SS) This Is Not Stock Synthesis (TINSS) Groundfish FMP Amendment 22 Open access license limitation Groundfish FMP Amendment 20 Trawl rationalization | March 9-11, 2008 |
2008 April | Groundfish biennial harvest specifications Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization Act (MSRA) National Standard 1 (NS1) guidelines National Standard 2 (NS2) guidelines Shortbelly rockfish Sablefish Groundfish discard mortality estimation Coded wire tag (CWT) data Genetic Stock Identification (GSI) Salmon methodology review Chinook FRAM Coho FRAM Sacramento River Fall Chinook (SRFC) Lower Columbia River natural coho Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Groundfish FMP Amendment 21 Intersector allocation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) | April 7-8, 2008 |
2008 June | Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Stochastic Spawner-Recruit Model (SSRM) Groundfish stock assessment planning Stock assessment terms of reference Stock assessment review (STAR) panel Greenspotted rockfish Greenstriped rockfish Bronzespotted rockfish Pacific whiting Pacific ocean perch (POP) Petrale sole Bocaccio Darkblotched rockfish Yelloweye rockfish Lingcod Canary rockfish Spiny dogfish Splitnose rockfish Widow rockfish Cabezon Cowcod Magnuson-Stevens Act Reauthorization Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) Pacific mackerel stock assessment Research and data needs Groundfish FMP Amendment 20 Trawl rationalization Initial allocation Fleet consolidation | June 7-9, 2008 |
2008 September | Pacific halibut bycatch estimate West Coast Groundfish Observer Program (WCGOP) Pacific halibut catch apportionment methodology International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) Research and data needs Management strategy evaluation Genetic stock identification (GSI) Double index tagging (DIT) Salmon methodology review Chinook FRAM Coho FRAM Sacramento River Fall Chinook (SRFC) Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Lower Columbia River natural coho Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization Act Acceptable biological catch (ABC) control rules Ecosystem components Open access license limitation Groundfish stock assessment planning Stock assessment terms of reference Stock assessment review (STAR) panel Greenspotted rockfish Pacific whiting Petrale sole Bocaccio Darkblotched rockfish Yelloweye rockfish Lingcod Canary rockfish Spiny dogfish Splitnose rockfish Widow rockfish Cabezon | September 7-8, 2008 |
2008 November | Salmon methodology review Chinook FRAM Coho FRAM Sacramento River Fall Chinook (SRFC) Sacramento Index (SI) methodology Central Valley Index (CVI) Sacramento Harvest Model (SHM) Groundfish FMP Amendment 20 Trawl rationalization Adaptive management program Accumulation limits Fixed-term auctions Pacific sardine stock assessment Stock assessment terms of reference Daily egg production method (DEPM) Pacific mackerel Stock assessment review (STAR) | November 1-3, 2008 |
2007 March | Stock assessment terms of reference Magnuson-Stevens Act Reauthorization Pacific whiting assessment Groundfish Harvest Policy Evaluation Workshop 40-10 harvest policy Stock Assessment and Review (STAR) Panel Dynamic B0 Salmon stock forecasts Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Klamath Ocean Harvest Model (KOHM) Thompson River coho Lower Columbia River natural tule Chinook Lower Columbia natural coho Central valley index (CVI) for Chinook Queets Spring/Summer Chinook Quillayute Spring/Summer Chinook Trawl rationalization Trawl Individual Quota program Localized depletion | March 5-6, 2007 |
2007 April | Magnuson-Stevens Act Reauthorization Annual catch limits (ACLs) Accountability measures (AMs) Salmon methodology review Genetic Stock Identification (GSI) Chinook FRAM Coho FRAM Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Klamath Ocean Harvest Model (KOHM) Harvest policy workshop NWFSC Bottom Trawl Survey workshop Data/Modeling workshop Pre-Recruit Survey workshop Commercial fisheries cost-earnings data collection program Ecosystem Fishery Management Plan Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) HMS exempted fishing permits Albacore fishing effort | April 2-3, 2007 |
2007 June | Pacific mackerel harvest guideline Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Age-structured Assessment Program (ASAP) modeling framework Sablefish Longnose skate Pacific ocean perch Cowcod Yelloweye rockfish English sole Widow rockfish Shortbelly rockfish Blue rockfish RecFIN Groundfish FMP Amendment 20 Trawl rationalization Carryover Magnuson-Stevens Act Reauthorization Pacific Whiting Act of 2006 Research and data needs | June 11-13, 2007 |
2007 September | Salmon methodology review Genetic Stock Identification (GSI) Council Operating Procedure (COP) 15 Chinook FRAM Coho FRAM Lower Columbia River natural tule Chinook Lower Columbia natural coho Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Rebuilding exploitation rate (RER) Magnuson-Stevens Act Reauthorization Council Operating Procedure (COP) 4 North Pacific albacore tuna stock assessment International Scientific Committee (ISC) for tuna and tuna-like species in the North Pacific Ocean HMS stock assessments Yellowfin tuna overfishing Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) Groundfish stock assessments Stock assessment terms of reference Stock assessment review (STAR) panel Black rockfish Bocaccio Cowcod Canary rockfish Widow rockfish, Chilipepper rockfish Darkblotched rockfish Arrowtooth flounder Off-Year Science Improvements Historical catch reconstruction Harvest policy evaluation workshop Priors on survey catchability Data poor assessment approaches Groundfish FMP Amendment 15 Limiting participation in the Pacific whiting fishery Pacific halibut bycatch estimate International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) | September 10-12, 2007 |
2007 November | Groundfish stock assessments Groundfish rebuilding analyses Black rockfish Blue rockfish Bocaccio Pacific ocean perch (POP) Cowcod Canary rockfish Yelloweye rockfish Widow rockfish, Darkblotched rockfish Salmon methodology review Genetic Stock Identification (GSI) Council Operating Procedure (COP) 15 Chinook FRAM Coho FRAM Lower Columbia River natural tule Chinook Klamath River Fall Chinook (KRFC) Collaborative Research on Ocean Salmon (CROOS) Rebuilding exploitation rate (RER) Viability-Risk Assessment Procedure (VRAP) Groundfish biennial harvest specifications Sablefish Cowcod Conservation Area (CCA) Longnose skate Other Fish complex Magnuson-Stevens Act Reauthorization Council Operating Procedure (COP) 4 Council Operating Procedure (COP) 12 Groundfish FMP Amendment 20 Trawl rationalization Initial allocation Economic data collection Pacific sardine Pacific mackerel | November 5-6, 2007 |
2006 March | March 6-7, 2006 | |
2006 April | April 3-4, 2006 | |
2006 June | June 12-13, 2006 | |
2006 September | September 11-12, 2006 | |
2006 November | November 13-14, 2006 | |
2005 March | March 7-8, 2005 | |
2005 April | April 4-5, 2005 | |
2005 June | June 13-15, 2005 | |
2005 September | September 19-21, 2005 | |
2005 November | October 31 - November 1, 2005 | |
2004 March | March 8-10, 2004 | |
2004 April | April 5-6, 2004 | |
2004 June | June 14-15, 2004 | |
2004 September | September 13-14, 2004 | |
2004 November | November 1-2, 2004 | |
2003 March | March 10-11, 2003 | |
2003 April | April 7-8, 2003 | |
2003 June | June 16-17, 2003 | |
2003 September | September 8-9, 2003 | |
2003 November | November 3-4, 2003 | |
2002 March | March 11-12, 2002 | |
2002 April | April 8-9, 2002 | |
2002 June | June 16-18, 2002 | |
2002 September | September 9-10, 2002 | |
2002 November | October 28-29, 2002 | |
2001 March | March 5-6, 2001 | |
2001 April | April 2-3, 2001 | |
2001 June | June 11-15, 2001 | |
2001 September | September 10-11, 2001 | |
2001 November | October 29-30, 2001 | |
2000 March | March 6-7, 2000 | |
2000 April | April 3-4, 2000 | |
2000 June | June 26-28, 2000 | |
2000 September | September 11-13, 2000 | |
2000 November | October 30-31, 2000 | |
1999 March | March 5-6, 1999 | |
1999 April | April 5-6, 1999 | |
1999 June | June 21-22, 1999 | |
1999 September | September 13-15, 1999 | |
1999 November | November 1-5, 1999 | |