A. Call to Order
- Agenda Item A.3: Executive Director’s Report
- Agenda Item A.3, Attachment 1: Council Coordination Committee Meeting, May 24-26, 2016 Meeting Agenda
- Agenda Item A.4: June 21-28, 2016 Proposed Council Meeting Agenda
B. Open Comment Period
- Agenda Item B.1: Comments on Non-Agenda Items
- Agenda Item B.1.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report: Report on a Proposal to Designate California’s Seamounts, Ridges, and Banks a National Monument
- Agenda Item B.1.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report 2: Report on Coordinating Council Meetings with International Meetings
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 1: Letter from Sportfishing Association of California regarding descending device usage
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 2: Letter from PSLCFA regarding proposed Chumash Heritage NMS
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 3: Email from Vince Martinis to Senator Murray regarding Puget Sound salmon fishery management
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 4: Email from Robert Moxley regarding Buoy 10 salmon fishery management
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 5: Three emails regarding appreciation protecting unmanaged forage fish in the California Current Ecosystem)
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 6: Letter from Julia Peng regarding overfishing
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Supplemental Public Comment 7: Oceana Proposal Overview and Update: Comprehensive Conservation Alternative to Modify U.S. West Coast Groundfish EFH Conservation and Management, June 14, 2016
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Supplemental Public Comment 8: Email from Bill James regarding Yelloweye Rockfish concerns
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Supplemental Public Comment 9: Mike Conroy; Re: The Case for Protecting California’s Seamounts, Ridges and Banks
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint: Essential Fish Habitat Proposal Overview & Update (Oceana)
C. Habitat
- Agenda Item C.1: Current Habitat Issues
- Agenda Item C.1, Attachment 1: Final letter to Bureau of Reclamation
- Agenda Item C.1, Attachment 2: Fact sheet on West Coast Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Science Panel findings
- Agenda Item C.1.a, Supplemental HC Report
D. Highly Migratory Species Management
- Agenda Item D.1: NMFS Report (HMS)
- Agenda Item D.1.a, NMFS Report: NMFS Report on Regulatory Matters
- Agenda Item D.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: HMS Activities
- Agenda Item D.1.b, Supplemental SWFSC PowerPoint: Highly Migratory Species SWFSC/NMFS Report (Gerard DiNardo/Cisco Werner)
- Agenda Item D.2: International Issues Including Eastern Pacific Ocean Swordfish Status, Report of the North Pacific Albacore Management Strategy Evaluation Workshop, and Recommendations for the 12th Northern Committee Meeting
- Agenda Item D.2, Attachment 1: July 14, 2015, letter from Will Stelle to Dorothy Lowman EPO Swordfish Overfishing
- Agenda Item D.2, Attachment 2: Resolution C-14-06, Measures for the Conservation and Management of Pacific Bluefin Tuna in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, 2015-2016
- Agenda Item D.2, Supplemental Attachment 3: 90th Meeting of the IATTC – proposals submitted by the United States
- Agenda Item D.2.a, NMFS Report: International Issues
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: NMFS Report of the International Management of HMS
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 3: Minutes of the Canada-US Albacore Treaty Data Working Group, 04 May 2016
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental SWFSC PowerPoint: HMS – International Activities SWFSC Report (DiNardo/Werner)
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental CDFW Report
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item D.2.a, REVISED Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item D.2.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item D.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item D.3: Preliminary Approval of New Exempted Fishing Permits
- Agenda Item D.3, Supplemental REVISED Attachment 1: Exempted Fishing Permit Application from David Stephens
- Agenda Item D.3, Attachment 2: Council Operating Procedure 20, Protocol for Consideration of Exempted Fishing Permits for Highly Migratory Species Fisheries
- Agenda Item D.3.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item D.3.a Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item D.3.a, Supplemental EC Report
- Agenda Item D.4: Initial Scoping of Biennial Specifications and Management Reference Points and Management Measures
- Agenda Item D.4.a, Supplemental NMFS Report: Report on the Center for Biological Diversity’s petition for rulemaking regarding Pacific Bluefin Tuna
- Agenda Item D.4.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item D.4.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item D.4.b, Public Comment: EcoCast Real-Time Data Tools for Dynamic Fisheries Management Progress Report June 2016
- Agenda Item D.4.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item D.4.b, Supplemental Public Comment 3
- Agenda Item D.5: Deep-Set Buoy Gear and Federal Permit Update
- Agenda Item D.5, Attachment 1: Considerations for Developing Alternatives for Deep-Set Buoy Gear and Federal Permitting of the West Coast Swordfish Fishery
- Agenda Item D.5.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item D.5.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item D.5.a, Supplemental EC Report
- Agenda Item D.5.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item D.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item D.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment 3 (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item D.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment 4
- Agenda Item D.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment 5
- Agenda Item D.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment 6
- Agenda Item D.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment 7
- Agenda Item D.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment 8
- Agenda Item D.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment 9
- Agenda Item D.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment 10
- Agenda Item D.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint (Gonzalez)
- Agenda Item D.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint 2 (Oceana)
E. Pacific Halibut Management
- Agenda Item E.1: Scoping of Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan Allocation Changes
- Agenda Item E.1, Attachment 1: 2016 Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan for Area 2A
- Agenda Item E.1, Attachment 2: Visual Representation of the 2016 Area 2A Catch Sharing Plan for Pacific Halibut
- Agenda Item E.1, Attachment 3: Historical Catch Sharing Plan Allocations and Catch
- Agenda Item E.1, Supplemental Attachment 4: Table 3. Comparison of Halibut Catches (Table 2 in Agenda Item E.1, Attachment 3) and Preseason Allocations (Table 1 in Agenda Item E.1, Attachment 3) in Net Weight
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental IPHC Report: Scoping of Pacific Halibut CSP Allocation Changes
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental ODFW Report: Scoping Pacific Halibut CSP Allocation Changes
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental WDFW Report: Report on Scoping Halibut CSP Allocation Changes (Puget Sound)
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental SAS Report
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item E.1.b. Public Comment
- Agenda Item E.1.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item E.1.b, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint (McBain)
F. Administrative Matters
- Agenda Item F.1: Legislative Matters
- Agenda Item F.1, Attachment 1: Staff Summary of Federal Legislation
- Agenda Item F.1, Attachment 2: Draft Council letter on HR 4576, and attached bill
- Agenda Item F.1, Attachment 3: Letter from the Council to Reps. Huffman and Thompson, and Senator Murray, on S. 2533, the California Long-Term Provisions for Water Supply and Short-Term Provisions for Emergency Drought Relief Act
- Agenda Item F.1, Attachment 4: Response from Sen. Feinstein and Rep. Garamendi to Council letter on S. 2533
- Agenda Item F.1, Attachment 5: BOR testimony on S. 2533.Agenda Item F.1
- Agenda Item F.1, Attachment 6: Letter from Council to Sen. Ben Allen on SB 1114 (California drift gillnet bill)
- Agenda Item F.1, Supplemental Attachment 7: DRAFT Letter and Resolution to the Honorable President Barack H. Obama from the 8 RFMCs re: Marine National Monuments
- Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental LC Report
- Agenda Item F.2: Western Regional Climate Change Action Plan
- Agenda Item F.2, Attachment 1: NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy (NCSS) Western Regional Action Plan (WRAP) Draft version 22 March 2016
- Agenda Item F.2.a, Supplemental WRAP PowerPoint (Werner/Stein)
- Agenda Item F.2.b, Ad Hoc Ecosystem Workgroup Report
- Agenda Item F.2.b, Supplemental HC Report
- Agenda Item F.2.b, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item F.2.c, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item F.3: Fiscal Matters
- Agenda Item F.4: Approval of Council Meeting Record
- Agenda Item F.4, Attachment 1: Draft Council Meeting Record: 233rd Session of the Pacific Fishery Management Council (March 8-14, 2016)
- Agenda Item F.4, Attachment 2: Draft Council Meeting Record: 234th Session of the Pacific Fishery Management Council (April 8-14, 2016)
- Agenda Item F.5: Membership Appointments and Council Operating Procedures
- Agenda Item F.5, Attachment 1: Public Review Draft Excerpt from Council Operating Procedure 1 – General Council Meeting Operations
- Agenda Item F.5, Attachment 2: Public Review Draft Excerpt from Council Operating Procedure 9 – Management and Activity Cycles
- Agenda Item F.5.a, Supplemental NMFS Report: Alaska Fisheries Science Center’s membership on the PFMC’s SSC
- Agenda Item F.5.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item F.6: Future Council Meeting Agenda and Workload Planning
- Agenda Item F.6, Attachment 1: Pacific Council Workload Planning: Preliminary Year-at-a-Glance Summary
- Agenda Item F.6, Attachment 2: Draft Proposed Council Meeting Agenda, September 14-20, 2016 in Boise, Idaho
- Agenda Item F.6, Attachment 3: Groundfish Workload Priorities
- Agenda Item F.6, Supplemental Attachment 4: Pacific Council Workload Planning: Preliminary Year-at-a-Glance Summary (updated 6/28/16)
- Agenda Item F.6, Supplemental Attachment 5: Draft Proposed Council Meeting Agenda, September 14-20, 2016 in Boise, Idaho (updated 6/28/16)
- Agenda Item F.6, Supplemental Attachment 6: Joint NMFS and Council staff workload response to omnibus priorities
- Agenda Item F.6.a, Supplemental EWG Report
- Agenda Item F.6.a, Supplemental SAS Report
- Agenda Item F.6.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item F.6.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item F.6.a, Supplemental CPSMT Report
- Agenda Item F.6.a, Supplemental EFH/RCA Project Team Report
- Agenda Item F.6.a, Supplemental EC Report
- Agenda Item F.6.b, Supplemental Public Comment
G. Groundfish Management
- Agenda Item G.1: NMFS Report (Groundfish)
- Agenda Item G.1.a, NMFS Report 1: Groundfish and Halibut Federal Register Notices
- Agenda Item G.1.a, NMFS Report 2: Rulemaking Plan for 2016, Groundfish and Halibut
- Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 3: Federal Register notice dated June 1, 2016; Proposed rule to revise commercial sablefish fishing regulations and electronic fish tickets
- Agenda Item G.1.b, Supplemental NWFSC PowerPoint (Stein)
- Agenda Item G.2: Amendment 21 At-Sea Sector Allocation Revisions
- Agenda Item G.2.a, WDFW Report 1: Proposed Purpose and Need and Strawman Range of Alternatives for Revised Amendment 21 At-Sea Allocations
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental WDFW Report 2: Analysis of Range of Alternatives for Revised Amendment 21 At-Sea Allocations
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental WDFW Report 3
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental WDFW PowerPoint: Amendment 21: At-sea Sector Allocations for Darkblotched Rockfish and Pacific Ocean Perch
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental NMFS Report
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item G.2.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item G.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item G.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment 3 (materials received at the mtg)
- Agenda Item G.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint (Fraser)
- Agenda Item G.3: Final Exempted Fishing Permit Approval for 2017-2018
- Agenda Item G.3, Attachment 1: Collaborative Fishing to Test Pot Gear for Selective Harvest of Lingcod off of Washington and Oregon
- Agenda Item G.3, Attachment 2: Application for Exempted Fishing Permit for Yellowtail Rockfish Jig Fishing for the 2017-2018 Season
- Agenda Item G.3.a, NMS Letter: May 26, 2016 Letter from Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary and Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary to Dorothy M. Lowman
- Agenda Item G.3.a, Supplemental REVISED GMT Report
- Agenda Item G.3.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item G.3.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item G.3.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2 (at mtg)
- Agenda Item G.3.b Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint (Kirk)
- Agenda Item G.4: Final Action to Adopt Management Measures for 2017-2018 Fisheries
- Agenda Item G.4, Attachment 1: Action Item Checklist
- Agenda Item G.4, Attachment 2: 2017-2018 Groundfish Harvest Specifications and Management Measures Including Changes to Groundfish Stock Designations (Amendment 27 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan): Description and Analysis for Council Decision-making
- Agenda Item G.4, Attachment 3: Preferred 2017 and 2018 harvest specifications (overfishing limits (OFLs in mt), acceptable biological catches (ABCs in mt), and annual catch limits [ACLs in mt]), for west coast groundfish stocks and stock complexes under preferred harvest control rules
- Agenda Item G.4, Attachment 4: Draft of the 2016 Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Document (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.4, Attachment 5: Draft Appendix B – Additional Management Measure Analysis and New Management Measures Analysis
- Agenda Item G.4, Attachment 6: Proposed Groundfish FMP Amendment Language for Amendment 27, including Appendix F (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.4, Supplemental Attachment 7: Section 6.2 Excerpt
- Agenda Item G.4, Supplemental Attachment 8: Updated SocioEconomic Analysis (Section 4.2)
- Agenda Item G.4.a, GMT Report: Groundfish Management Team Report on 2017-2018 Management Measures
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental GMT Report 2
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental GMT Report 3
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental Tribal Report (Makah)
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental REVISED Tribal Report 2: 2017-2018 Tribal Management Measures
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental CDFW Report 1
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental CDFW Report 2
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental GAP Report 2
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental EC Report
- Agenda Item G.4.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item G.4.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item G.5: Preliminary Plans for Review of the West Coast Trawl Catch Share Program and Intersector Allocations Including Comments on Draft Guidance for Catch Share Program Reviews
- Agenda Item G.5, Supplemental Staff PowerPoint: Agenda Item Overview (Seger)
- Agenda Item G.5, Attachment 1: Trawl Rationalization and Intersector Allocation – Plans for the Five-Year Review Process
- Agenda Item G.5, Attachment 2: Five-Year Review – Document Outline
- Agenda Item G.5, Supplemental Attachment 3: Council Staff Comments on the Draft Guidance for Conducting Reviews of Catch Share Programs
- Agenda Item G.5.a, Supplemental Workshop Report: Pacific Groundfish Quota Program Workshop, February 16-18, 2016 (Full Version Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.5.b, NMFS Report 1: Economic Performance Metrics for the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program
- Agenda Item G.5.b, NMFS Report 2: Economic Data Collection Program: First Receiver and Shorebased Processor Cost Disaggregation
- Agenda Item G.5.b, NMFS Report 3: Economic Data Collection Program Catcher Processor Report, 2009-2014 (Full Version Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.5.b, NMFS Report 4: Economic Data Collection Program Mothership Report, 2009-2014 (Full Version Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.5.b, NMFS Report 5: Economic Data Collection Program Catcher Vessel Report, 2009-2014 (Full Version Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.5.b, NMFS Report 6: Economic Data Collection Program First Receiver and Shorebased Processor Report, 2009-2014 (Full Version Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.5.b, NMFS Report 7: Groundfish IFQ Accounting System: 3 Updates
- Agenda Item G.5.b, NMFS Report 8: Draft Guidance for Conducting Reviews of Catch Share Programs
- Agenda Item G.5.b, Supplemental NMFS Report 9: FISHEye Fact Sheet: Exploring the Economics of the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program
- Agenda Item G.5.b, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint: Draft Guidance for Conducting 5/7 Year Reviews of Catch Share Programs (Morrison)
- Agenda Item G.5.b, Supplemental NMFS Powerpoint 2: Five Year Review document outline (Harley)
- Agenda Item G.5.b, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint 3: Economic Performance Metrics for the West Coast Groundfish Catch Share Program (Draft) Pfeiffer
- Agenda Item G.5.b, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item G.5.b, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item G.5.b, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item G.5.c, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item G.5.c, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint (Okoniewski/Kujundzic)
- Agenda Item G.6: Omnibus Groundfish Workload Planning
- Agenda Item G.6, Attachment 1: Regulations Published Since September 2014
- Agenda Item G.6, Attachment 2: Groundfish Management Measures for Council Consideration
- Agenda Item G.6, Attachment 3: Considerations for Prioritizing the List of Groundfish Management Measures
- Agenda Item G.6, Attachment 4: Draft Ad hoc Committee Charge and Seats
- Agenda Item G.6.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item G.6.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item G.7: Final Action on Inseason Adjustments
- Agenda Item G.7.a, Supplemental CDFW Report: Summary of 2016 Groundfish Mortality in California
- Agenda Item G.7.a, Supplemental ODFW Report
- Agenda Item G.7.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item G.7.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item G.8: Final Action on Stock Assessment Plans and Terms of Reference for Groundfish and Coastal Pelagic Species
- Agenda Item G.8, Attachment 1: Prioritization of Species and NMFS Final Recommendations for Stock Assessments in 2017
- Agenda Item G.8, Attachment 2: Final Excel Workbook of Data Informing 2017 Stock Assessment Prioritization (Available Electronically Only)
- Agenda Item G.8, Attachment 3: Draft Terms of Reference for the Groundfish and Coastal Pelagic Species Stock Assessment and Review Process for 2017-2018
- Agenda Item G.8, Attachment 4: Draft Terms of Reference for the Groundfish Rebuilding Analysis for 2017-2018
- Agenda Item G.8, Attachment 5: Draft Terms of Reference for the Methodology Review Process for Groundfish and Coastal Pelagic Species for 2017-2018
- Agenda Item G.8.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint: Final Stock Assessment Planning for 2017; Prioritization Rankings and Assessment Recommendations for Pacific Coast Groundfish
- Agenda Item G.8.a, Supplemental ODFW Report: Data Inventory for Blue Rockfish, Deacon Rockfish, Cabezon, and Lingcod for 2017 Stock Assessments
- Agenda Item G.8.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item G.8.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item G.8.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item G.9: Final Action on Trawl Catch Share Program Gear Use Regulations for Fishing in Multiple Management Areas
- Agenda Item G.9, Attachment 1: Gear Related Housekeeping Changes to Language in the Groundfish Fishery Management Plan
- Agenda Item G.9, Attachment 2: Excerpts From Chapter 4 on Fishing in Multiple Management Areas, Gear Changes for the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery’s Trawl Catch Share Program, Preliminary Draft EIS
- Agenda Item G.9.a, NMFS Report: Options for Discussion on Fishing in Multiple IFQ Management Areas
- Agenda Item G.9.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item G.9.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item G.9.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item G.9.b, Supplemental Public Comment
H. Salmon Management
- Agenda Item H.1: Sacramento River Winter Chinook Control Rule Update
- Agenda Item H.1, Attachment 1: Draft Sacramento River Winter Chinook Harvest Policy Review Schedule
- Agenda Item H.1, Supplemental Attachment 2: Letter to NMFS from PFMC, dated April 23, 2014, RE: [NOAA–NMFS–2013–0154] Pacific Fishery Management Council Comments on Alternative Harvest Control Rules Analyzed in a Management Strategy Evaluation for Sacramento River winter Chinook
- Agenda Item H.1.a, Supplemental CDFW Report
- Agenda Item H.1.a, Supplemental SRWCW Report
Ancillary Meetings (Advisory Body and Committee Agendas AND Committee Memos)
Ancillary Agendas
- Supplemental REVISED Budget Committee (BC) Agenda
- Enforcement Consultants (EC) Agenda
- Groundfish Advisory Subpanel (GAP) Agenda
- Groundfish Management Team (GMT) Agenda
- Habitat Committee (HC) Agenda
- Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel (HMSAS) Agenda
- Highly Migratory Species Management Team (HMSMT) Agenda
- Legislative Committee (LC) Agenda
- Supplemental REVISED SSC Agenda
Advisory Body and Committee Memos
- Enforcement: Enforcement Consultants Memo
- Groundfish: Groundfish Advisory Subpanel, Groundfish Management Team, and Groundfish Interested Persons Memo
- HMS Memo: Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel, Highly Migratory Species Management Team, and Interested Persons
- Salmon: Salmon Advisory Subpanel, Salmon Technical Team, Model Evaluation Workgroup, Sacramento River Winter Chinook Workgroup, and Interested Persons Memo
- Scientific and Statistical Committee: SSC Memo
Informational Reports, General Information, and Membership Roster
Informational Reports
- Supplemental REVISED Informational Report 1: Report of the NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center & Pacific Fishery Management Council Workshop on CPS Assessments (May 2-5, 2016) – Electronic Only
- Informational Report 2: Pacific Whiting Conservation Cooperative Amendment 20 Catcher/Processor Cooperative Final Annual Report 2015
- Informational Report 3: Outcomes Statement and Recommendations, Council Coordination Committee, May 24-26, 2016
- Informational Report 4: Brochure/Announcement: 8th International Fisheries Observer and Monitoring Conference, 29 August-2 September, 2016
- Informational Report 5: Report on the Marine Resources Education Program (MREP)
- Informational Report 6: May 20, 2016 Discussion Draft for Councils, NMFS Instruction, Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management Road Map (Electronic Only)
- Informational Report 7: Whiting Mothership Cooperative; An Amendment 20 Mothership Catcher Vessel Cooperative Final Report on the 2015 Pacific Whiting Fishery
- Supplemental Informational Report 8: NOAA announces more than $11 million in Saltonstall-Kennedy grants
- Supplemental Informational Report 9: Marine Resource Education Program (MREP) West Coast 2016 Workshops announcement
- Supplemental Informational Report 10: National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy; West Coast Regional Implementation Plan 2016-2017
- Supplemental Informational Report 11: DRAFT Agenda for the July 26-28, 2016 Groundfish Trawl Gear Modification Workshop
General Information, Chair’s Reception, Membership Roster
- General Information, June 2016: General Information, June 2016: Chairs’ Reception, Hotel Information, Council Seating Chart, Membership Roster