A. Call to Order
- Agenda Item A.3: Executive Director’s Report
- Agenda Item A.3, Attachment 1: Council Coordination Committee Meeting, February 28-March 1, 2017 Draft Agenda
- Agenda Item A.3, Supplemental Attachment 2: Letter dated March 1, 2017 from the CCC to the Honorable Donald J. Trump, President of the United States
- Agenda Item A.3, Supplemental Attachment 3: Letter dated March 1, 2017 from the CCC to the Honorable Wilbur L. Ross Jr. Secretary of Commerce, regarding the role of the Regional Fishery Management Councils
- Agenda Item A.3, Supplemental Executive Director’s Report: Report on the February 28-March 1, 2017 Council Coordination Committee Meeting
- Agenda Item A.4: Proposed March 2017 Council Meeting Agenda
B. Open Comment Period
- Agenda Item B.1: Comments on Non-Agenda Items
- Agenda Item B.1.a, PFMC Report: Letter of Reply to Christopher Williams from Chuck Tracy Regarding Notification Procedures for Harvesting California King Crab, Including Original Request and Letter from NOAA NMFS West Coast Division
- Agenda Item B.1.a, NMFS Report: Rulemakings and Other Major Activities for Groundfish in 2017
- Agenda Item B.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: Letter to Herb Pollard from NMFS re: EFP application to collect information on catch and bycatch in the Pacific Coast groundfish pelagic rockfish fishery in 2017
- Agenda Item B.1.a, Supplemental CDFW Report: Re: Intent to use gillnet gear to harvest California King Crab
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 1: Email addressed to Dr. Kit Dahl from Leslie Dee Regarding Protections of Marine Life from Drift Gillnet Fisheries
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 2: Email addressed to Dr. Kit Dahl from Roger Hollander Regarding Banning of Nylon Drift Gillnets
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 3: Letter from Bob Fowler Regarding Morro Bay Community Quota Fund
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 4: Email from John Law Regarding Transfer of Nearshore Fishery Permits
- Agenda Item B.1.b Supplemental Public Comment 5: California Groundfish Collective Annual Report for 2015
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Supplemental Public Comment 6: Comments from Bill James regarding trawl issues
C. Administrative Matters
- Agenda Item C.1: National Marine Sanctuaries Coordination Report
- Agenda Item C.1.a, National Marine Sanctuaries Report
- Agenda Item C.1.a, Supplemental ONMS PowerPoint (Douros)
- Agenda Item C.1.b, Supplemental HC Report
- Agenda Item C.2: National Standard 1 Guidelines Carryover Provisions
- Agenda Item C.2, Attachment 1: Considerations and Focus Questions for the Carryover Provisions Envisioned in Revised National Standard 1 Guidelines
- Agenda Item C.2.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item C.2.b, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item C.3: Approval of Council Meeting Record
- Agenda Item C.3, Attachment 1: Draft Council Meeting Record: 237th Session of the Pacific Fishery Management Council (November 13-21, 2016)
- Agenda Item C.4: Membership Appointments and Council Operating Procedures
- Agenda Item C.4, Attachment 1: Draft revised COP 1 regarding supplemental public comment at Council meetings, Legislative Committee membership, and housekeeping updates
- Agenda Item C.4, Supplemental Attachment 2: Draft COP 20 March 2017
- Agenda Item C.4.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item C.5: Future Council Meeting Agenda and Workload Planning
- Agenda Item C.5, Attachment 1: Pacific Council Workload Planning: Preliminary Year-at-a-Glance Summary
- Agenda Item C.5, Attachment 2: Draft Proposed Council Meeting Agenda, April 6-11, 2017 in Sacramento, California
- Agenda Item C.5, Attachment 3: Groundfish Workload Priorities
- Agenda Item C.5, Supplemental Attachment 4: HMS Commercial Fishery Permit Eligibility
- Agenda Item C.5, Supplemental Attachment 5: Initial Scoping of Incorporating New Carryover Provisions in West Coast Fishery Management Plans
- Agenda Item C.5, Supplemental Attachment 6: Pacific Council Workload Planning: Preliminary Year-at-a-Glance Summary (Updated 03/12/2017; 16:26)
- Agenda Item C.5, Supplemental Attachment 7: Draft Proposed Council Meeting Agenda, April 6-11, 2017 in Sacramento, California (Updated 03/13/2017; 7:22 AM)
- Agenda Item C.5, Supplemental Attachment 8: Groundfish Workload Priorities
- Agenda Item C.5.a, Supplemental NMFS Report
- Agenda Item C.5.a, Supplemental CDFW Report
- Agenda Item C.5.a, Supplemental EFH/RCA Project Team Report
- Agenda Item C.5.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item C.5.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item C.5.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item C.5.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item C.5.a, Supplemental EWG Report
- Agenda Item C.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item C.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint (Fathali)
D. Habitat
- Agenda Item D.1: Current Habitat Issues
- Agenda Item D.1.a, Supplemental HC Report
- Agenda Item D.1.b, Supplemental SAS Report
- Agenda Item D.1.c, Supplemental Public Comment
E. Salmon Management
- Agenda Item E.1: National Marine Fisheries Service Report (Salmon)
- Agenda Item E.1, Attachment 1: December 21, 2016 letter from Barry Thom, NMFS Regional Administrator, to Herb Pollard, Council Chair, regarding the proposed changes to the Mitchell Act program
- Agenda Item E.1.a Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint: Update on Mitchell Act Hatchery Funding Report (Jones)
- Agenda Item E.1.c, Supplemental SAS Report
- Agenda Item E.2: Review of 2016 Fisheries and Summary of 2017 Stock Abundance Forecasts
- Review of 2016 Ocean Salmon Fisheries (Electronic Only; Corrections were made on March 3, 2017 to Table III-7 )
- Agenda Item E.2, Attachment 1: Excerpts from Chapter 3 of the Pacific Coast Salmon Fishery Management Plan
- Preseason Report I: Stock Abundance Analysis and Environmental Assessment Part 1 for 2017 Ocean Salmon Fishery Regulations (Electronic Only; Corrected March 7, Queets coho OFL; p.54)
- Agenda Item E.2.a, Supplemental CDFW Report: Update on Sacramento River Winter Chinook
- Agenda Item E.2.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item E.3: Identification of Management Objectives and Preliminary Definition of 2017 Salmon Management Alternatives
- Agenda Item E.3, Attachment 1: Guidance for Alternative Development and Assessment
- Agenda Item E.3, Attachment 2: Emergency Changes to the Salmon FMP
- Agenda Item E.3, Attachment 3: FR 97-22094: Policy Guidelines for the Use of Emergency Rules
- Agenda Item E.3.b, NMFS Report 1: February 10, 2017 letter from Barry Thom, NMFS Regional Administrator, to Honorable Lorraine Loomis, Chair of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, and Dr. Jim Unsworth, Director of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, regarding the need for a timely 2017 fisheries management agreement developed through the North of Falcon process
- Agenda Item E.3.b, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: Letter Summarizing NOAA Fisheries’ Consultation Standards and Guidance Regarding the Potential Effects of the 2017 Season on ESA-Listed Salmonid Species
- Agenda Item E.3.b, West Coast Genetic Stock Identification Collaboration Report: Genetic Stock Identification Study Proposal
- Agenda Item E.3.b, Supplemental CDFW Report: Recommendations for Winter-Run Conservation Measures in 2017 Ocean Fisheries
- Agenda Item E.3.b, Supplemental WDFW/Tribal Report
- Agenda Item E.3.b, Supplemental CRITFC PowerPoint (Jim/Ellis)
- Agenda Item E.3.b, Supplemental Tribal Report
- Agenda Item E.3.b, Supplemental Tribal Report 2
- Agenda Item E.3.b, Supplemental SAS Report: SAS Proposed Initial Salmon Management Alternatives for 2017 Non-Indian Ocean Fisheries
- Agenda Item E.3.c, Public Comment
- Agenda Item E.3.c, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item E.3.c, Supplemental Public Comment 3
- Agenda Item E.3.c, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint (Helliwell)
- Agenda Item E.4: Council Recommendations for 2017 Management Alternative Analysis
- Agenda Item E.4.a, Supplemental STT Report: Collation of Preliminary Salmon Management Alternatives for 2017 Ocean Fisheries, March 10, 2017
- Agenda Item E.4.a, Supplemental Tribal Report: Hoopa Valley Tribal Report
- Agenda Item E.5: Further Council Direction for 2017 Management Alternatives
- Agenda Item E.5.a, Supplemental STT Report: Collation of Preliminary Salmon Management Alternatives for 2017 Ocean Fisheries, March 11, 2017
- Agenda Item E.6: Adoption of 2017 Management Alternatives for Public Review
- Agenda Item E.6.a, Supplemental STT Report: Analysis of Preliminary Salmon Management Alternatives for 2017 Ocean Fisheries, March 12, 2017
- Agenda Item E.6.a, Supplemental Tribal Report (CRITFC)
- Agenda Item E.7: Salmon Hearings Officers
- Agenda Item E.7, Attachment 1: Schedule of Salmon Fishery Management Alternative Hearings
F. Ecosystem-Based Management
- Agenda Item F.1: Annual State of the California Current Ecosystem Report
- Agenda Item F.1.a, NMFS Report 1: California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Team, California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (CCIEA) State of the California Current Report, 2017
- Agenda Item F.1.a, NMFS Report 2: CCIEA Supplementary Materials
- Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental CCIEA PowerPoint (Harvey/Garfield; updated v. March 10, 2017 for readability)
- Agenda Item F.1.b, Supplemental EWG Report
- Agenda Item F.1.b, Supplemental EAS Report
- Agenda Item F.1.b, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item F.1.b, Supplemental HC Report
- Agenda Item F.1.b, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item F.1.c, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item F.2: Sablefish Ecosystem Indicators
- Agenda Item F.2.a, NMFS Report: A Decade On: Re-evaluating Oceanographic Drivers of California Current Sablefish Recruitment
- Agenda Item F.2.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint: Oceanographic drivers sablefish recruitment in the Northern California Current (Haltuch)
- Agenda Item F.2.a, Supplemental EWG Report
- Agenda Item F.2.a, Supplemental EAS Report
- Agenda Item F.2.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item F.2.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item F.2.a, Supplemental HC Report
- Agenda Item F.3: Review of Fishery Ecosystem Plan Initiatives
- Agenda Item F.3, Supplemental Video: Pre-Meeting Video Briefing for Agenda Item F.3, Fishery Ecosystem Initiatives by Yvonne deReynier – 9:15 (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item F.3, Attachment 1: Ecosystem Initiatives Appendix To The Pacific Coast Fishery Ecosystem Plan
- Agenda Item F.3.a, EWG Report
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental EWG Report 2
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental EAS
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental CPSMT Report
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental HC Report
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental CPSAS Report
- Agenda Item F.3.b, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item F.3.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2 (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item F.3.b, Supplemental Public Comment 3
- Agenda Item F.3.b, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint (Levin)
G. Enforcement Issues
- Agenda Item G.1: Annual U.S. Coast Guard Fishery Enforcement Report
- Agenda Item G.1.a, USCG Report: U. S. Coast Guard District Eleven & District Thirteen, 2016 Report
- Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental USCG PowerPoint
H. Pacific Halibut Management
- Agenda Item H.1: Report on the International Pacific Halibut Commission Meeting
- Agenda Item H.1, Attachment 1: 2017 Area 2A Pacific Halibut Allocations
- Agenda Item H.1.a, IPHC Letters RE IBQ: Preliminary and Final Estimates of the Total Constant Exploitation Yield for Pacific Halibut in Area 2A
- Agenda Item H.1.a, IPHC News Release: International Pacific Halibut Commission Announces 2017 Catch Limits and Seasons
- Agenda Item H.1.a, Supplemental IPHC PowerPoint
- Agenda Item H.1.b, IPHC Representative Report: Report on the 2017 International Pacific Halibut Commission Annual Meeting
- Agenda Item H.1.b, MSAB Representative Report: Update on the Management Strategy Evaluation Process for Pacific Halibut
- Agenda Item H.1.d, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item H.2: Incidental Catch Recommendation Options for the Salmon Troll and Final Recommendations for Fixed Gear Sablefish Fisheries
- Agenda Item H.2, Attachment 1: Summary of Pacific Halibut Incidental Catch Management
- Agenda Item H.2.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item H.2.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item H.2.a, Supplemental SAS Report
I. Groundfish Management
- Agenda Item I.1: Salmon Endangered Species Act Consultation Analysis
- Agenda Item I.1.a, NMFS Report 1: Alternatives for Salmon Bycatch Management in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fisheries
- Agenda Item I.1.a, NMFS Report 2: Salmon Bycatch in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fisheries
- Agenda Item I.1.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint: Salmon Bycatch in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fisheries: Scenario Analysis (Bishop)
- Agenda Item I.1.a, Supplemental CDFW Report
- Agenda Item I.1.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item I.1.a, Supplemental STT Report
- Agenda Item I.1.a, REVISED Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item I.1.a, Supplemental SAS Report
- Agenda Item I.1.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item I.2: Reports and Recommendations from Groundfish Science Workshops and Methodology Reviews
- Agenda Item I.2, Attachment 1: Report of the Groundfish Historical Catch Reconstruction Workshop
- Agenda Item I.2, Attachment 2: Report of the Groundfish Productivity Workshop of the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee
- Agenda Item I.2.a, Supplemental SSC Groundfish Subcommittee Report: The Scientific and Statistical Committee’s Groundfish Subcommittee Report on the Review of Assessment Methodologies Proposed for Use in 2017 Groundfish Assessments
- Agenda Item I.2.a, ODFW Report: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Informational Report Regarding Speciation of Unspecified Rockfish Landings in Oregon for Inclusion in Stock Assessment Time Series of Removals
- Agenda Item I.2.a, GMT Report 1: Groundfish Management Team Informational Report on Sablefish and Lingcod Discard Mortality Rates
- Agenda Item I.2.a, GMT Report 2: Groundfish Management Team Report on Discard Mortality Rates Applicable to the Nearshore Fishery
- Agenda Item I.2.a, REVISED Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item I.2.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item I.3: Consideration of Inseason Adjustments, Including Carryover
- Agenda Item I.3, Attachment 1: Excerpt of the Shorebased Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Program Regulations
- Agenda Item I.3.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint: Trawl Gear Modifications EFP Chinook Bycatch Management (Hooper)
- Agenda Item I.3.a, Supplemental WDFW Report
- Agenda Item I.3.a, Supplemental GMT Report 1: Surplus Carryover
- Agenda Item I.3.a, Supplemental GMT Report 2: Inseason
- Agenda Item I.3.a, Supplemental GMT Report 3: Trawl Gear EFP
- Agenda Item I.3.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item I.3.b, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item I.4: Implementation of the 2017 Pacific Whiting Fishery Under the U.S./Canada Agreement
- Agenda Item I.4, Supplemental Attachment 1: Executive Summary of the draft Status of the Pacific Hake (Whiting) Stock in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2017
- Agenda Item I.4.a, Supplemental JMC Report
- Agenda Item I.4.b, GMT Report: Groundfish Management Team Report on Implementation of the 2017 Pacific Whiting Fishery Under the U.S./Canada Agreement
- Agenda Item I.4.b, Supplemental GAP Report
J. Highly Migratory Species Management
- Agenda Item J.1: National Marine Fisheries Service Report (HMS)
- Agenda Item J.1.a, NMFS Report 1: Highly Migratory Species Activities
- Agenda Item J.1.a, NMFS Report 2: Regulations to Implement Import Restrictions under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item J.1.b, Southwest Fisheries Science Center Report: Regression Tree And Ratio Estimates Of Marine Mammal, Sea Turtle, And Seabird Bycatch In The California Drift Gillnet Fishery: 1990-2015 (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item J.1.b, Supplemental SWFSC PowerPoint: Use of machine-learning to estimate rare-event bycatch in the CA swordfish drift gillnet fishery (Carretta)
- Agenda Item J.2: Update on Existing Deep-Set Buoy Gear Exempted Fishing Permits
- Agenda Item J.2, Attachment 1: Interim EFP Progress Report from Tim Perguson
- Agenda Item J.2, Attachment 2: Pacific Fisheries Management Council Summary Report, 2015-2016 PIER deep-set buoy gear EFP
- Agenda Item J.2.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item J.3: Proposed Deep-Set Buoy Gear Exempted Fishing Permits
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Attachment 1: Revised Exempted Fishing Permit Application for Deep-Set Linked Buoy Gear (Plegler Institute of Environmental Research)
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Attachment 2: Exempted Fishing Permit Application for Deep-Set Buoy Gear (Frederic Hepp)
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Attachment 3: Exempted Fishing Permit Application for Deep-Set Buoy Gear (Kent Jacobs)
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Attachment 4: Exempted Fishing Permit Application for Deep-Set Buoy Gear (Martin Kastlunger)
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Attachment 5: Exempted Fishing Permit Application for Deep-Set Buoy Gear (Phillip Harris)
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental Attachment 6: Exempted Fishing Permit Application for Deep-Set Buoy Gear (Denny Corbin; F/V Ray Ban)
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental Attachment 7: Exempted Fishing Permit Application for Deep-Set Buoy Gear (Roger Cullen)
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental Attachment 8: Exempted Fishing Permit Application for Deep-Set Buoy Gear (William Diller)
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental Attachment 9: Exempted Fishing Permit Application for Deep-Set Buoy Gear (Lorton/Haworth)
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental Attachment 10: Council Data Gathering Priorities
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental Attachment 11: ADDENDUM to Exempted Fishing Permit Application for Deep-Set Buoy Gear (Denny Corbin; F/V Ray Ban)
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental EC Report
- Agenda Item J.3.b, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item J.4: Amendment 4 to the FMP for West Coast Fisheries for Highly Migratory Species
- Agenda Item J.4, Attachment 1: Fishery Management Plan For U.S. West Coast Fisheries For Highly Migratory Species; Amendment 4: “Housekeeping” Changes (Draft For Council Review) (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item J.4.a, Supplemental NMFS Report
- Agenda Item J.4.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item J.4.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item J.5: Recommendations for International Management Activities
- Agenda Item J.5, Attachment 1: Letter from Michael Tosatto to Herb Pollard Describing Outcomes of Thirteenth Regular Session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
- Agenda Item J.5, Attachment 2: Conservation and Management Measure 2016-04 To Establish A Multi-Annual Rebuilding Plan For Pacific Bluefin Tuna
- Agenda Item J.5, Supplemental Attachment 3: Resolution adopted at the 91st Meeting (Extraordinary) of the IATTC; 14 February 2017
- Agenda Item J.5, Supplemental Attachment 4: First Announcement and Agenda – ISC Pacific Bluefin Tuna International Stakeholders Meeting, April 25-27, 2017 (Mita Kaigisho)
- Agenda Item J.5.b, Supplemental NMFS Report
- Agenda Item J.5.b, Supplemental SWFSC PowerPoint: NMFS Report on SWFSC HMS Activities (DiNardo)
- Agenda Item J.5.c, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item J.5.c, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item J.6: Fishery Management Plan Amendment 5: Final Action Authorizing Federal Drift Gillnet Permit
- Agenda Item J.6, Attachment 1: Joint Report Between the NMFS And CDFW on the Federalization of Drift Gillnet (DGN) Permits (Originally, Agenda Item I.5.a, Supplemental NMFS/CDFW Report, November 2016
- Agenda Item J.6, Attachment 2: Amendment 5 to the Fishery Management Plan for U.S. West Coast Fisheries for HMS
- Agenda Item J.6.a, NMFS Report: NMFS Report on Federal Drift Gillnet Permitting
- Agenda Item J.6.a, Supplemental CA Lt. Governor Report: Letter to Chuck Bonham, CDFW, from California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom re: PFMC vote to cede California’s DGN fishery to Federal oversight
- Agenda Item J.6.a, Supplemental Congressional Letter: Letter to PFMC from The Honorable Jared Huffman, Member of Congress, 2nd District California Legislature, expressing opposition to the PFMC taking final action on authorizing the federal DGN permit
- Agenda Item J.6.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item J.6.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item J.6.b, Supplemental Public Comment
Ancillary Meetings (Advisory Body and Committee Agendas AND Committee Memos)
- Ecosystem Advisory Subpanel (EAS) Agenda
- Enforcement Consultants (EC) Agenda
- Ad Hoc Ecosystem Workgroup (EWG) Agenda
- Groundfish Advisory Subpanel (GAP) Agenda
- Groundfish Management Team (GMT) Agenda
- Habitat Committee (HC) Agenda
- Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel (HMSAS) Agenda
- Highly Migratory Species Management Team (HMSMT) Agenda
- Salmon Advisory Subpanel (SAS) Agenda
- Salmon Technical Team (STT) Agenda
- Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) Agenda
- Ecosystem Memo: Ecosystem Advisory Subpanel,Ad Hoc Ecosystem Workgroup, and Interested Persons
- Enforcement Memo: Enforcement Consultants
- Groundfish Memo: Groundfish Advisory Subpanel, Groundfish Management Team, and Groundfish Interested Persons
- HMS Memo: Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel, Highly Migratory Species Management Team, and Interested Persons
- Salmon Memo: Salmon Advisory Subpanel, Salmon Technical Team, Model Evaluation Workgroup, and Interested Persons
- SSC Memo: Scientific and Statistical Committee
Informational Reports, General Information, and Membership Roster
- General Information: Chairs Reception, Tax Exempt Form, Hotel Information, and Membership Roster
Protocol for Submitting Electronic Slide Presentation Materials at the Meeting
- Please see the Protocol Policy on submitting electronic slide presentation materials at the Council meetings for full direction, expectations, and equipment available for use during presentations.