A. Call to Order
- Agenda Item A.4: Proposed November 2016 Council Meeting Agenda
B. Open Comment Period
- Agenda Item B.1: Comments on Non-Agenda Items
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 1: Letter to Barry Thom Regarding Consideration of an Exempted Fishing Permit (EFP) to Fish with Longline Gear
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 2: Consideration of an EFP to Fish with Longline Gear in the West Coast Exclusive Economic Zone, Draft Environmental Assessment Submitted by Jonathon Gonzalez
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 3: Letter to Barry Thom from Rebecca Lewison Regarding EFP to Fish with Longline Gear
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 4: Letter to Barry Thom from Shems Jud Regarding EFP to Fish with Longline Gear
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 5: Letter to Barry Thom from the Aquarium of the Pacific Regarding EFP to Fish with Longline Gear
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 6: Letter to Herb Pollard from Melissa Mahoney Regarding Briefing on the Transfer Effect Workshop and Conservation
C. Administrative Matters
- Agenda Item C.1: West Coast Regional Operating Agreement Final Review
- Agenda Item C.1, Attachment 1: Draft Operating Agreement Among the Pacific Fishery Management Council; NOAA Fisheries Service West Coast Regional Office; NOAA Fisheries Service Northwest Fisheries Science Center; NOAA Fisheries Service Southwest Fisheries Science Center; NOAA Fisheries Service Office of Law Enforcement West Coast Division; NOAA General Counsel, Northwest Section; and NOAA General Counsel, Southwest Section
- Agenda Item C.2: National Standard Guidelines Updates
- Agenda Item C.2.a, NMFS Report 1: Federal Register Notice of the Final Rule to Revise National Standard Guidelines
- Agenda Item C.2.a, NMFS Report 2: Final Changes to the National Standard Guidelines
- Agenda Item C.2.a, NMFS Report 3: National Standard 1 Guidelines, Summary of 2016 Revisions
- Agenda Item C.2.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint: National Standard 1 Guidelines; Summary of 2016 Revisions (Schnettler)
- Agenda Item C.2.b, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item C.3: Fiscal Matters
- Agenda Item C.3, Supplemental Attachment 1: Executive Director’s Report to the Budget Committee
- Agenda Item C.3.a, Supplemental Budget Committee Report
- Agenda Item C.4: Approval of Council Meeting Record
- Agenda Item C.4, Attachment 1: Draft Council Meeting Record: 236th Session of the Pacific Fishery Management Council (September 12-20, 2016)
- Agenda Item C.5: Membership Appointments and Council Operating Procedures
- Agenda Item C.5, Attachment 1: Draft revised excerpt from COP 9 regarding the annual management cycle and activities related to Pacific halibut management
- Agenda Item C.5.a, Supplemental EC Report
- Agenda Item C.5.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item C.6: Future Council Meeting Agenda and Workload Planning
- Agenda Item C.6, Attachment 1: Pacific Council Workload Planning: Preliminary Year-at-a-Glance Summary
- Agenda Item C.6, Attachment 2: Draft Proposed Council Meeting Agenda, March 7-14, 2017 in Vancouver, Washington
- Agenda Item C.6, Attachment 3: Draft Proposed Council Meeting Agenda, April 6-12, 2017 in Sacramento, California
- Agenda Item C.6, Attachment 4: Groundfish Workload Priorities
- Agenda Item C.6, Attachment 5: Limited Entry Fixed Gear Sablefish Fishery Summary
- Agenda Item C.6, Attachment 6: Joint NMFS/Council Staff Report on a Potential Timeline for Electronic Monitoring Regulatory Development
- Agenda Item C.6, Supplemental Attachment 7: Pacific Council Workload Planning: Preliminary Year-at-a-Glance Summary; version 11/21/2016
- Agenda Item C.6, Supplemental Attachment 8: Proposed Pacific Council Meeting Agenda, March 7-13, 2017 in Vancouver, WA; version 11/21/2016
- Agenda Item C.6, Supplemental Attachment 9: Proposed Pacific Council Meeting Agenda, April 6-12, 2017 in Sacramento, CA, version 11/21/2016
- Agenda Item C.6.a, Supplemental NMFS Report: Letter to PFMC from NMFS regarding Hearty’s HMS Permit denial; request re-consideration; add to future agenda
- Agenda Item C.6.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item C.6.a, Supplemental EFH Project Team Report
- Agenda Item C.6.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item C.6.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item C.6.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item C.6.b, Supplemental Public Comment
D. Salmon Management
- Agenda Item D.1: National Marine Fisheries Service Report (Salmon)
- Agenda Item D.2: Salmon Methodology Review
- Agenda Item D.2, Attachment 1: An evaluation of preseason abundance forecasts for Sacramento River winter Chinook salmon
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental STT Report
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item D.3: Chinook Fishery Regulation Assessment Model Update
- Agenda Item D.3, Attachment 1: Report on the Chinook Base Period for the Fishery Regulation Assessment Model (FRAM)
- Agenda Item D.3.a, Supplemental FRAM Workgroup PowerPoint: Chinook FRAM Base Period Update
- Agenda Item D.4: Preseason Salmon Management Schedule for 2017
- Agenda Item D.4, Attachment 1: Pacific Fishery Management Council Schedule and Process for Developing 2017 Ocean Salmon Fishery Management Measures
E. Pacific Halibut Management
- Agenda Item E.1: Final 2017 Catch Sharing Plan and Annual Regulation Changes
- Agenda Item E.1, Attachment 1: 2016 Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan for Area 2A
- Agenda Item E.1, Attachment 2: Visual Representation of the 2016 Area 2A Catch Sharing Plan for Pacific Halibut
- Agenda Item E.1.a, WDFW Report: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Report on Proposed Changes to the Catch Sharing Plan and 2017 Annual Regulations
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental WDFW Report 2: WDFW Report on Proposed Changes to the Catch Sharing Plan and 2017 Annual Regulations
- Agenda Item E.1.a, ODFW Report: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Report on Proposed Changes to the Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan for the 2017 Fishery
- Agenda Item E.1.a, NMFS Report: Report on the 2016 Pacific Halibut Fisheries in Area 2A
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental IPHC News Release: Commission Staff Recommends Head-On Landed Weight Requirement for Commercial Fishery
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental CDFW Report: Recreational Pacific Halibut Catches in 2016
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental SAS Report
- Agenda Item E.1.b, Supplemental Public Comment
F. Groundfish Management
- Agenda Item F.1: National Marine Fisheries Service Report (Groundfish)
- Agenda Item F.1, Supplemental Attachment 1: Potential Revision to Sablefish Apportionment of 2017 and 2018 Annual Catch Limits
- Agenda Item F.1.a, NMFS Report 1: Groundfish and Halibut Federal Register Notices
- Agenda Item F.1.a, NMFS Report 2: Rulemaking Plan for 2016, Groundfish
- Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 3: Proposed Rule and Request for Comments on 2017-2018 Biennial Specifications and Management Measures; Amendment 27 – Federal Register notice dated October 28, 2016
- Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 4: Elimination of Notary Requirement
- Agenda Item F.1.b, Supplemental NWFSC PPT: Groundfish Science Report, NWFSC (McClure)
- Agenda Item F.1.c, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item F.1.d, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item F.2: Methodology Review Final Topic Selection
- Agenda Item F.2, Attachment 1: Draft report on Accepted Practices Guidelines for Groundfish Stock Assessments
- Agenda Item F.2.a, GMT Report 1: Groundfish Management Team Report on Progress on Updates to Models Previously Reviewed by the Scientific and Statistical Committee
- Agenda Item F.2.a, GMT Report 2: Groundfish Management Team Report on Proposed Changes to the Nearshore and Non-nearshore Models for Use in the 2019-2020 Biennial Harvest Specifications and Management Measures Analysis
- Agenda Item F.2.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item F.2.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item F.3: Inseason Management Final Action
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental ODFW Report
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental CDFW Report: Summary of 2016 Groundfish Mortality in California
- Agenda Item F.3.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item F.4: Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat and Rockfish Conservation Area Amendment 28 Alternatives
- Agenda Item F.4.a, Supplemental EFH/RCA Project Team PowerPoint: (Griffin/Ames)
- Agenda Item F.4.a, Project Team Report: Modifications to Pacific Coast Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat and Trawl Rockfish Conservation Areas (Amendment 28 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan); Description and Analysis of Alternatives for Council Decision-making
- Agenda Item F.4.a, Supplemental Project Team Report 2: Project Team Report 2 on EFH and RCA Supplemental Materials
- Agenda Item F.4.b, Supplemental Lt. Governor Report
- Agenda Item F.4.b, Supplemental CDFW Report
- Agenda Item F.4.b, Supplemental NMS Letter to PFMC (Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary)
- Agenda Item F.4.b, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item F.4.b, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item F.4.b, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item F.4.b, Supplemental HC Report
- Agenda Item F.4.c, Public Comment
- Agenda Item F.4.c, Supplemental Public Comment 2 (FULL Version Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item F.4.c, Supplemental Public Comment 3
- Agenda Item F.4.c, Supplemental Public Comment 4
- Agenda Item F.4.c, Supplemental Public Comment 5
- Agenda Item F.4.c, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint: (Oceana)
- Agenda Item F.4.c, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint 2: (Rudolph)
- Agenda Item F.4.c, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint 3: (Collaborative EFH-RCA Package)
- Agenda Item F.5: Trawl Gear Modification Exempted Fishing Permit Final Action
- Agenda Item F.5, Attachment 1: Selective Flatfish Trawl EFP: Monitoring and Minimizing Salmon Bycatch When Targeting Rockfish in the Shorebased IFQ Fishery
- Agenda Item F.5, Supplemental Attachment 2: Selective Flatfish Trawl EFP: Monitoring and Minimizing Salmon Bycatch When Targeting Rockfish in the Shorebased IFQ Fishery; EFP Participation Requirements/Rules (DRAFT)
- Agenda Item F.5, Supplemental Attachment 3: Selective Flatfish Trawl EFP PowerPoint (Steele, Jud, Pettinger, Okoniewski)
- Agenda Item F.5.a, Supplemental NMFS Report
- Agenda Item F.5.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint (Hooper)
- Agenda Item F.5.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item F.5.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item F.6: 5-Year Catch Share Program and Intersector Allocation Review Plans and Fishery Management Update
- Agenda Item F.6, Attachment 1: Catch Share Review Calendar
- Agenda Item F.6, Attachment 2: Evaluating the Performance of Amendment 21 Allocations Since Implementation of the Trawl Catch Share Program (Through 2015)
- Agenda Item F.6, Attachment 3: Five-Year Review of Intersector Allocations
- Agenda Item F.6, Attachment 4: Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan for the California, Oregon, and Washington Groundfish Fishery, Description of Trawl. Rationalization (Catch Shares) Program Appendix E
- Agenda Item F.6.a, Blueprint: West Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program Five-year Review – Annotated Outline (Blueprint)
- Agenda Item F.6.a, Supplemental PowerPoint: Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program 5-year Review; Detailed Outline for Review (Harley)
- Agenda Item F.6.b, Hearing Summaries: Five-Year Review Hearing Summaries
- Agenda Item F.6.c, Supplemental CAB Report
- Agenda Item F.6.c, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item F.6.c, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item F.6.c, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item F.6.d, Public Comment
- Agenda Item F.6.d, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item F.6.d, Supplemental Public Comment 3
- Agenda Item F.6.d, Supplemental Public Comment 4
- Agenda Item F.7: Mid-Biennium Harvest Specification Adjustment Policies
- Agenda Item F.7, Attachment 1: Strawman Alternatives in Consideration of Establishing a Fishery Management Plan Framework to Allow a Mid-Biennium Increase in Harvest Specifications
- Agenda Item F.7.a, Supplemental ODFW Report: Green Light Framework
- Agenda Item F.7.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item F.7.a, Supplemental GAP Report
G. Coastal Pelagic Species Management
- Agenda Item G.1: National Marine Fisheries Service Report (CPS)
- Agenda Item G.1.b, Supplemental SWFSC PowerPoint: SWFSC Activities (Werner/DiNardo)
- Agenda Item G.2: Methdology Review Preliminary Topic Selection
- Agenda Item G.2, Attachment 1: CDFW/CWPA proposal for nearshore aerial CPS surveys in the Southern California Bight
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental CDFW/CWPA PowerPoint: Southern California Coastal Pelagic Species Aerial Survey (Kirk Lynn)
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental CPSMT Report
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental CPSAS Report
- Agenda Item G.3: Small-Scale Fishery Management Alternatives
- Agenda Item G.4: Northern Anchovy Stock Assessment and Management Measures
- Agenda Item G.4.a, SWFSC Report: Egg and Larval Production of the Central Subpopulation of the Northern Anchovy in the Southern California Bight
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental SWFSC Report 2: Summary of Current Information Available on Coastal Pelagic Species with Emphasis on the Central Subpopulation of Northern Anchovy
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental SWFSC PowerPoint: Summary of Current Information Available on Coastal Pelagic Species with Emphasis on the Central Subpopulation of Northern Anchovy (DiNardo/Sweetnam)
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental ODFW/WDFW/Quinault Report
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental USFWS Report
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental CPSMT Report
- Agenda Item G.4.a, Supplemental CPSAS Report
- Agenda Item G.4.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item G.4.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2 (Full Version Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.4.b, Supplemental Public Comment 3
- Agenda Item G.4.b, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint 1: Zimm
- Agenda Item G.4.b,
- Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint 2: Pleschner-Steele (Pleschner-Steele video contained in PowerPoint provided as convenience for unsupported browsers)
- Agenda Item G.4.b, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint 3: Boehm
- Agenda Item G.4.b, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint 4: Jurlin
H. Habitat
- Agenda Item H.1: Current Habitat Issues
- Agenda Item H.1, Attachment 1: Draft letter on FCRPS Biological Opinion
- Agenda Item H.1.a, Supplemental HC Report
I. Highly Migratory Species Management
- Agenda Item I.1: National Marine Fisheries Service Report (HMS)
- Agenda Item I.2: International Issues
- Agenda Item I.2, Attachment 1: Resolution C-16-08, Measures for the Conservation and Management of Pacific Bluefin Tuna in the Eastern Pacific Ocean
- Agenda Item I.2, Attachment 2: Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, Thirteenth Regular Session, Denarau Island, Fiji, 5 – 9 December, 2016, Provisional Agenda
- Agenda Item I.2, Attachment 3: Conservation and Management Measure Proposed by the Northern Committee to Establish a Multi-Annual Rebuilding Plan for Pacific Bluefin Tuna
- Agenda Item I.2, Attachment 4: Recommendations from the Permanent Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commissioners for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
- Agenda Item I.2, Supplemental Attachment 5: Delegation Proposals Submitted for WCPFC13
- Agenda Item I.2.a, NMFS Report: International Issues
- Agenda Item I.2.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: Report on the Petition to List Pacific Bluefin Tuna Under the ESA
- Agenda Item I.2.a, Supplemental CDFW Report
- Agenda Item I.2.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item I.2.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item I.2.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item I.3 REVISED: U.S.-Canada Albacore Tuna Treaty
- Agenda Item I.3, Attachment 1: Canada-United States Albacore Treaty Data Working Group (DWG) May 4, 2016, Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item I.3, Supplemental REVISED Attachment 2: 2016 Albacore Landings by the Surface (Troll and Baitboat) Fleet Reported in the PacFIN Data System as of October 19, 2016
- Agenda Item I.3, REVISED Attachment 3: June 2014 Agenda Item E.1.b, NMFS Report
- Agenda Item I.3, Supplemental Attachment 4: Catch Attribution Arrangement for Draft Letter of Intent Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada
- Agenda Item I.3.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item I.3.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item I.3.b, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item I.4: Deep-Set Buoy Gear Exempted Fishing Permits
- Agenda Item I.4, Supplemental Attachment 1: PIER EFP
- Agenda Item I.4, Supplemental Attachment 2: Hepp EFP
- Agenda Item I.4.a, HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item I.4.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report 2
- Agenda Item I.4.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item I.4.a, Supplemental EC Report
- Agenda Item I.4.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item I.4.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item I.4.b, Supplemental Public Comment 3
- Agenda Item I.4.b, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint: Gonzalez
- Agenda Item I.5: Swordfish Fishery Management
- Agenda Item I.5, Attachment 1: Proposed Rule, DGN Hard Caps (81 FR 70660)
- Agenda Item I.5.a, Supplemental NMFS Report: Report on Swordfish Fishery Management
- Agenda Item I.5.a, Supplemental NMFS/CDFW Report
- Agenda Item I.5.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item I.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item I.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item I.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint: (Gonzalez)
Ancillary Meetings (Advisory Body and Committee Agendas AND Committee Memos)
- Budget Committee (BC) Agenda
- Coastal Pelagic Species Advisory Subpanel (CPSAS) Agenda
- Coastal Pelagic Species Management Team (CPSMT) Agenda
- Enforcement Consultants (EC) Agenda
- Groundfish Advisory Subpanel (GAP) Agenda
- Groundfish Management Team (GMT) Agenda
- Habitat Committee (HC) Agenda
- Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel (HMSAS) Agenda
- Highly Migratory Species Management Team (HMSMT) Agenda
- Salmon Advisory Subpanel (SAS) Agenda
- Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) Agenda
- SSC Economic and Groundfish Subcommittees Agenda
- CPS Memo: Coastal Pelagic Species Management Team, Coastal Pelagic Species Advisory Subpanel, and Interested Persons
- Enforcement Memo: Enforcement Consultants
- Groundfish Memo: Groundfish Advisory Subpanel, Groundfish Management Team, and Groundfish Interested Persons
- HMS Memo: Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel, Highly Migratory Species Management Team, and Interested Persons
- Salmon Memo: Salmon Advisory Subpanel, Salmon Technical Team, Model Evaluation Workgroup, Sacramento River Winter Chinook Workgroup, and Interested Persons
- SSC Memo: Scientific and Statistical Committee
Informational Reports, General Information, and Membership Roster
- Informational Report 1: Public Forum on Fishing Vessel Classification Standards (GAO); Saturday, November 19, 7 pm, Hyatt Regency, Royal E Room
- Informational Report 2: Letter dated October 13, 2016 to The Honorable President Barack Obama, from Congress Members regarding strong support for the protection of sensitive deep ocean habitats off the West Coast from oil, gas, and mineral development
- Informational Report 3: Draft Eulachon Recovery Plan October 2016; NMFS WCR (Electronic Only)
- Supplemental Informational Report 4: GAO Forum Handout
- Supplemental Informational Report 5: Fishery Specific Habitat Objectives – West Coast Pilot Draft Report, November 8, 2016 (Electronic Only)
- Supplemental Informational Report 6: Proposed ESA Recovery Plan for Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Snake River Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Electronic Only)
- Supplemental Informational Report 7: Summary of West Coast Regional Planning Body 2016 Annual Meeting
- Supplemental Informational Report 8: Letter from Center for Biological Diversity to NMFS Re: State authority to manage the Dungeness crab fishery out to the 200-mile limit of the EEZ (Electronic Only)
- Supplemental Informational Report 9: Status Report of the 2016 Ocean Salmon Fisheries Off Washington, Oregon, and California (Preliminary data through October 31, 2016)
Protocol for Submitting Electronic Slide Presentation Materials at the Meeting
- Please see the Protocol Policy on submitting electronic slide presentation materials at the Council meetings for full direction, expectations, and equipment available for use during presentations.