Each Agenda Item has been combined into one downloadable PDF document. Select the Agenda Item header to open. Bookmarks have been created to jump between documents.
Exhibit C.1: Update on Pacific Salmon Commission Coho Fishery Regulation Assessment Model for 2004 Salmon Management
Exhibit C.1.b, STT Report: STT Comments on the Pacific Salmon Commission Regional Coho Planning Model
Exhibit C.2: Review of 2003 Fisheries and Summary of 2004 Stock Abundance Estimates
Review of 2003 Ocean Salmon Fisheries
Preseason Report I, Stock Abundance Analysis for 2004 Ocean Salmon Fisheries
Exhibit C.2.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Exhibit C.2.b, Supplemental WDFW Report
Exhibit C.3: Inseason Management Recommendations for Seasons Prior to May 1 for the Commercial Fishery Between Horse Mountain and Point Arena (Fort Bragg Area)
Exhibit C.4: Identification of Management Objectives and Preliminary Definition of 2004 Salmon Management Options
Exhibit C.4.a, Attachment 1: Guidance for Option Development and Assessment
Exhibit C.4.a, Attachment 2: Emergency Changes to the Salmon FMP
Exhibit C.4.e, Supplemental WDFW/Tribal Recommendations: WDFW and Tribal 2004 Management Objectives for Puget Sound Chinook and Coho Salmon
Exhibit C.4.f, Attachment 1: Integration of Management in Ocean and Columbia River Fisheries in 2004 to Meet Conservation Requirements for Oregon Coastal Natural and Lower Columbia River Natural Coho Salmon
Exhibit C.4.g, Supplemental SAS Report: SAS Proposed Initial Salmon Management Options for 2004 Non-Indian Ocean Fisheries
Exhibit C.5: Update on Mitchell Act Hatchery Issues
Agenda Item C.5.c, Supplemental CRITFC Comments
Exhibit C.6: Council Recommendations for 2004 Management Option Analysis
Exhibit C.6.b, Supplemental STT Report: Collation of Preliminary Salmon Management Options for 2004 Ocean Fisheries
Exhibit C.7: Salmon FMP Amendment Issues
Exhibit C.7.a, Attachment 1: November 2000 minutes excerpt on the Final Report of the Oregon Coastal Natural Coho Work Group
Exhibit C.7.b, SRWSC Workgroup Report: Recommendations for developing fishery management plan conservation objectives for Sacramento River winter chinook and Sacramento River spring chinook
Exhibit C.8: Council Direction for 2004 Management Options
Exhibit C.8.b, Supplemental STT Report
Exhibit C.8.c, Supplemental EC Report
Exhibit C.9: Adoption of 2004 Management Options for Public Review
Exhibit C.9.b, Supplemental STT Report: Analysis of Prelimnary Salmon Management Options for 2004 Ocean Fisheries
Exhibit E.1.a, Notice of Rulemaking and Control Date
Exhibit E.1.a, Amendment 16-1 Letter
Exhibit E.1.a, Amendment 16-2 Letter
Exhibit E.1.a, NMFS Vessel Monitoring System Report
Exhibit E.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Whiting EFP Letter
Exhibit E.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Whiting Report
Exhibit E.1.a, Supplemental Buyback Analysis
Exhibit E.1.a, Supplemental NMFS IPQ Control Date Letter
Exhibit E.1.c, NMFS NWR Bycatch Report
Exhibit E.1.c, NMFS SWR Bycatch Report
Exhibit E.1.c, Supplemental PowerPoint Presentation: NOAA Fisheries National Bycatch Strategy (Regional Bycatch Plans for NWR and SWR)
Exhibit E.1.e, Public Comment
Exhibit E.2: Lingcod and Cabezon Stock Assessments for 2005-2006
Exhibit E.2.a, Attachment 1: (All One File, Available on Briefing Book Website and CD Only) – Assessment of Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) for the PFMC in 2003; Lingcod STAR Panel Meeting Report, September 2003; Status and Future Prospects for the Cabezon Assessed in 2003; and the Cabezon STAR Panel Meeting Report, September 2003
Exhibit E.2.a, Attachment 2: Addendum to “Assessment of Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) for the Pacific Fishery Management Council in 2003”
Exhibit E.2.a, Attachment 3: Cabezon Addendum – “SSC Requests from the November PFMC Meeting”
Exhibit E.2.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Exhibit E.2.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Exhibit E.2.c, Supplemental Public Comment
Exhibit E.3: Stock Assessment Planning for 2007-2008 Fishery Management
Exhibit E.3.a, Attachment 1: Biennial Management Process, 2005-2006 and 2007-2008
Exhibit E.3.a, Attachment 2: SSC Report on Planning of “Off-year” Non-regulatory Science Activities, from the November 2003 Council meeting
Exhibit E.3.a, Attachment 3: GMT Report on Planning of “Off-year” Non-regulatory Science Activities, from the November 2003 Council meeting
Exhibit E.3.a, Attachment 4: GAP Report on Planning of “Off-year” Non-regulatory Science Activities, from the November 2003 Council meeting
Exhibit G.1, Attachment 1: Letter from Chairman Don Hansen to Mr. Robert Lohn, NMFS on the 2000 Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion
Exhibit G.1, Supplemental Attachment 2: HC Proposed Action Form – Columbia River Hydrosystem Summer Spill
Exhibit G.1.a, Supplemental HC Report
Exhibit G.1.b, Supplemental SAS Report
Exhibit G.2: Corals and Living Substrate Report
Exhibit G.2.a, Attachment 1: Occurrences of Habitat-forming Deep Sea Corals in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Exhibit B.2.a, Attachment 4: S.1953
Exhibit G.2.c, Supplemental HC Report
Exhibit G.3: Artificial Reefs in Southern California
Exhibit G.3.a, Attachment 1: Letter to Mr. Timothy Keeney, U.S. Department of Commerce, from the Pacific Council, January, 2004
Exhibit G.3.a, Attachment 2: “Rigs-to-Reefs Policy, Progress and Perspective,” by Les Dauterive, U.S. Department of the Interior, 2000
Exhibit G.3.a, Attachment 3: General Report of the R2R Natural Sciences Committee, September 2003
Exhibit G.3.a, Attachment 4: “An Economic Analysis of a Rigs to Reefs Program for the California Outer Continental Shelf,” by Robert W. Hahn and Anne Layne-Farrar, National Economic Research Associates, October 2003
Exhibit G.3.a, Attachment 5: Executive summary of “The Ecological Role of Oil and Gas Platforms and Natural Outcrops on Fishes in Southern and Central California,” by Milton Love, Donna Schroeder and Mary Nishimoto, June 2003
Exhibit G.3.a, Attachment 6: “The Role of Fishermen and Other Stakeholders in the North Sea Rigs-to-Reefs Debate,” by Mark Baine and Jon Side, in Fisheries, Reefs, and Offshore Development (American Fisheries Society Symposium 36), 2003
Exhibit C.4: Observer Data and Model Implementation
Exhibit C.4.a, Attachment 1: Modeling bycatch and discard in the limited entry trawl fishery: A review of data and model updates for fishery analysis during 2004
Exhibit C.4.a, Attachment 2: Modeling sablefish discard and bycatch of overfished species in the 2004 limited entry fixed gear sablefish fishery
Exhibit C.4.a, Attachment 3: Scientific and Statistical Committee Report to the Groundfish Management Team on the groundfish observer data and bycatch model for 2004
Exhibit C.4.c, Supplemental SSC Report
Exhibit C.5: Policy on Groundfish Management Information Usage
Exhibit C.5.a, Attachment 1: Draft Agenda for the March 23, 2004 GIPC meeting
Exhibit C.5.b, Supplemental Report of the GIPC
Exhibit C.5.c, Supplemental GAP Report
Exhibit C.6: Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat Environmental Impact Statement Analytical Model
Exhibit C.6.b, Attachment 2: Appendices to EFH (on BB CD and website only)
Exhibit C.6.b, Attachment 2 (Appendix 1): Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 02-01 Interim Seafloor Lithology Maps for Oregon And Washington, Version 1.0
Exhibit C.6.b, Attachment 2 (Appendix 2): Final Report – Essential Fish Habitat Characterization and Mapping of the California Continental Margin
Exhibit C.6.b, Attachment 2 (Appendix 3): Shadow Maps of Data Density & Quality for the Seafloor Habitat and Lithology Maps of Oregon & Washington
Exhibit C.6.b, Attachment 2 (Appendix 4): List of Groundfish Species in Life Histories
Exhibit C.6.b, Attachment 2 (Appendix 5): Description of Habitat Suitability Index Modeling Conducted by NOS
Exhibit C.6.b, Attachment 2 (Appendix 7): Identification of Essential Fish Habitat for the Pacific Groundfish FMP
Exhibit C.6.b, Attachment 2 (Appendix 8): NMFS Survey HSP Data Comparison With the Life Histories Appendix
Exhibit C.6.b, Attachment 2 (Appendix 9): Pacific Coast Groundfish FMP Habitat Use Database User Manual for Version 15B (Draft)
Exhibit C.6.b, Attachment 2 (Maps)
Exhibit C.6.b, Attachment 3: Revised Draft Timeline and Major Milestones for the Environmental Impact Statement on Essential Fish Habitat for Pacific Coast Groundfish
Exhibit C.6.b, Attachment 4: Previous Draft Timeline and Major Milestones for the Environmental Impact Statement on Essential Fish Habitat for Pacific Coast Groundfish
Exhibit C.6.c, Attachment 1: A Review of Analytical Portions of the Environmental Impact Statement for Designating Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat; A Report of the SSC Groundfish Subcommittee (DRAFT)
Exhibit C.6.c, Supplemental SSC Report
Exhibit C.6.d, Supplemental GAP Report
Exhibit C.6.d, Supplemental HC Report
Exhibit C.6.e, Supplemental PowerPoint Public Comment (Oceana)
Exhibit C.6.e, Supplemental Public Comment: Oceana – Scientists’ Statement on Protecting the World’s Deep-sea Coral and Sponge Ecosystems
Exhibit C.7: Status of Groundfish Fisheries and Inseason Adjustments
Exhibit C.7.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Exhibit C.7.b, Supplemental GMT Report 2
Exhibit C.7.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Exhibit C.7.d, Public Comment
Exhibit C.7.d, Supplemental Public Comment 2
Exhibit C.8: Preferred Alternative Harvest Levels for 2005-06 Fisheries
Exhibit C.8.b, Attachment 1: Groundfish Management Team Recommendations for the Range of 2005-06 Harvest Levels
Exhibit C.9: Review of Exempted Fishing Permit Activities for 2003 and Initial Concepts for 2005-06
Exhibit C.9.b, WDFW Report
Exhibit C.9.b, Supplemental WDFW Report 2
Exhibit C.9.b, Supplemental ODFW Report
Exhibit C.9.b, Supplemental CDFG Report
Exhibit C.9.c, Supplemental GAP Report
Exhibit C.10: Initial Refinement of Management Measure Alternatives for 2005-06 Fisheries
Exhibit C.10.a, Attachment 1: Background information relative to state management of nearshore commercial and recreational groundfish fisheries
Exhibit C.10.a, Attachment 2: Background information relative to converting Exempted Fishing Permits into regulations
Exhibit C.10.a, Supplemental Attachment 3: Pacific Fishery Management Council Schedule and Process for Developing 2005-2006 Groundfish Fishery Specifications and Management Measures
Exhibit C.10.a, Supplemental Attachment 4: Oregon Recreational Total Boat Catch by Species and Year – Ocean Areas Only
Exhibit C.10.c, Supplemental IPHC Report
Exhibit C.10.c, Supplemental NMFS Report
Exhibit C.10.c, Proposed Treaty Indian Management Measures
Exhibit C.10.e, Supplemental Public Comment
Exhibit C.11: Stock Assessment Planning for 2007-08 Management
Exhibit C.11.b, Supplemental NMFS Report
Exhibit C.11.c, Supplemental SSC Report
Exhibit C.12: FMP Amendment 16-3: Rebuilding Plans for Bocaccio, Cowcod, and Yelloweye Rockfish
Exhibit C.12.a, Attachment 1: Amendment 16-3 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan; Rebuilding Plans For Bocaccio, Cowcod, Widow Rockfish and Yelloweye Rockfish; Draft Environmental Impact Statement Including Regulatory Impact Review and Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Exhibit C.12.a, Attachment 2: Appendices to Amendment 16-3 Draft Environmental Impact Statement (on Briefing Book CD and Website Only)
Appendix A: Affected Environment
Appendix B: Tables from Amendment 16-2
Appendix C: Council Fisheries Income Impact Modeling
Exhibit C.13.d, Supplemental Public Comment: Bibliography of 169 Recommended References for Consideration (Shester)
Exhibit C.14: Clarify Council Direction on 2005-06 Management Alternatives (If Necessary)
Exhibit C.14.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Exhibit C.14.b, Supplemental GMT Report 2
Exhibit C.15: Adoption of 2005-06 Management Alternatives for Public Review
Exhibit C.15.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Exhibit C.15.c, Supplemental GAP Report
Exhibit C.15.c, Supplemental ODFW Report
Exhibit C.16: Update on Trawl Individual Quotas Program (If Necessary)
Exhibit C.16.a, Draft Workplan: Phase I Work Plan for Consideration of a Trawl Individual Quota (IQ) Program
Exhibit C.16.b, Supplemental TIQC Report
Exhibit C.16.d, Public Comment
Exhibit C.17: Latent Limited Entry Trawl Permits
Exhibit C.17.b, Supplemental NMFS Report: The After Effects of the Pacific Groundfish Limited Entry Trawl Buyback Program, A Preliminary Analysis (PowerPoint with Report attached)
Exhibit E.1.a, Attachment 1: Letter regarding summer spill requirements in the Columbia River
Exhibit E.1.a, Attachment 2: Letter regarding FERC relicensing in Klamath River
Exhibit E.1, Supplemental Final Attachment 2: Letter Regarding FERC relicensing in Klamath River
Exhibit E.1.a, Supplemental Attachment 3: DRAFT Letter to Mr. Rolland A. Schmitten, Regarding Proposed Rulemaking Regarding Essential Fish Habitat Guidelines
Exhibit E.1.a, Supplemental Final Attachment 3: DRAFT Letter to Mr. Rolland A. Schmitten, Regarding Proposed Rulemaking Regarding Essential Fish Habitat Guidelines
Exhibit E.1.a, Supplemental Attachment 4: Letter from Oceana to Secretary Evans Regarding Petition to Protect Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Habitat
Exhibit E.1.a, Supplemental Attachment 5: Letter from Timothy Keeney, Deputy Assistant Secretary For Oceans and Atmosphere to Donald McIsaac Regarding the PFMC’s interest in evaluating the use of decommissioned oil and gas platforms as artificial reefs
Exhibit B.2: Council Communication Plan – Phase I (Communication During Council Session
Exhibit B.2.a, Attachment 1: The Council Communication Enhancement Process Action Plan (Table of Contents and Chapters I and II)
Exhibit B.2.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Exhibit B.2.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Exhibit B.2.c, Supplemental HC Report
Exhibit B.3: Update of Council Operating Procedures (this agenda item was postponed until the September 2004 Council meeting; situation summary provided as reference only)
Exhibit B.4: Legislative Matters
Exhibit B.4.a, Attachment 1: Response to US Commission on Ocean Policy
Exhibit C.5: Preliminary Considerations of Exempted Fishing Permit Applications for 2005-2006
Exhibit C.5.b, CDFG Report: Application for Issuance of an Exempted Fishing Permit to Test a Selective Flatfish Trawl (including Scottish Seine) in and area otherwise closed to fishing, 2005
Exhibit C.5.b, Supplemental CDFG Report 2
Exhibit C.5.b, ODFW Report: Application for Exempted Fishing Permit to Examine Groundfish Behavior During Capture in Bottom Trawls
Exhibit C.5.b, WDFW Report: Exempted Fishing Permit Applications for 2005-2006
Exhibit C.5.b, WDFW Report Attachment 1: Application for Issuance of an Exempted (Experimental) Fishing Permit for Arrowtooth Flounder
Exhibit C.5.b, WDFW Report Attachment 2: Application for Issuance of an Exempted (Experimental) Fishing Permit for Spiny Dogfish
Exhibit C.5.c, REVISED Supplemental GAP Report
Exhibit C.5.d, Supplemental Public Comment
Agenda Item C.6: Tentative Adoption of Groundfish Management Measures for 2005-2006 Fisheries
Exhibit C.6.a, Attachment 1: Proposed Acceptable Biological Catch and Optimum Yield Specifications and Management Measures for the 2005 and 2006 Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Exhibit C.6.a, Attachment 2: Appendix A, Affected Environment (Available on Briefing Book website and CD Only)
Exhibit C.6.a, Attachment 3: Appendix B, Proposed Arrowtooth Flounder – Rockfish Conservation Area (AT-RCA) Trawl Fishing Program Scoping Document (Available on Briefing Book website and CD Only)
Exhibit C.6.a, Attachment 4: Appendix C, Widow Rockfish Area Management (Available on Briefing Book website and CD Only)
Exhibit C.6.a, Attachment 5: Appendix D, Council Fisheries Income Impact Modeling(Available on Briefing Book website and CD Only)
Exhibit C.6.a, WDFW Report: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Summary of Groundfish Public Meetings
Exhibit C.6.b, Supplemental Attachment 1: Ad Hoc Allocation Committee Report
Exhibit C.6.b, Supplemental ODFW Report
Exhibit C.6.c, Supplemental GMT Report
Exhibit C.6.c, Supplemental GMT Report 2
Exhibit C.6.c, Supplemental GAP Report
Exhibit C.6.c, Supplemental Proposed Treaty Indian Management Measures
Exhibit C.6.e, Written Public Comment
Exhibit C.6.e, Supplemental Public Comment 2
Exhibit C.7: Monitoring Program Alternatives for the Shore-Based Pacific Whiting Fishery
Exhibit C.7.a, Attachment 1: Preliminary Draft Environmental Assessment, Establishing a Full Retention and Monitoring Program in the Shore-based Pacific Whiting Fishery, NMFS, Northwest Region
Exhibit F.1.a, Attachment 1: May 18, 2004 letter from Mr. Rod McInnis
Exhibit F.2: Pacific Mackerel Harvest Guideline for the 2004/2005 Season
Exhibit F.2.a, Attachment 1: Status of the Pacific Coast Coastal Pelagic Species (CPS) Fishery and Recommended Harvest Guidelines – Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation (SAFE) – 2004
Exhibit F.2.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Exhibit F.2.b, Supplemental CPSMT Report
Exhibit F.2.b, Supplemental CPSAS Report
Exhibit F.3: FMP Amendment–Sardine Allocation
Exhibit F.3.a, Attachment 1: Sardine Allocation Final Rule, September 4, 2003
Agendum C.2.a, Agendum Overview: Initial Consideration of Status of Fisheriesw and Inseason Adjustments
Agendum C.2.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Agendum C.2.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agendum C.2.c, Supplemental NMFS Report
Agendum C.2.d, Supplemental Public Comment
Agendum C.3.a, Agendum Overview: Consideration of Limited Refinements to the 2005/2006 Fishery Management Specifications
Agendum C.3.a, Attachment 1: Table 2-29c. Revised 2006 sablefish primary fishery tier limits and projected bycatch of depleted species associated with all sablefish catch in the limited entry fixed-gear fishery to be considered by the Council in September 2004
Agendum C.3.b, Supplemental WDFW/ODFW Report
Agendum C.3.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Agendum C.3.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agendum C.3.c, Supplemental Public Comment
Agendum C.4.a, Agendum Overview: Red Light/Green Light Threshold for Optimum Yield Adjustments
Agendum C.4.a, Attachment 1: Revised Supplemental GMT Report from the November 2002 Council meeting
Agendum C.4.a, Attachment 2: Amendment 17 transmittal letter from Dr. Donald McIsaac to Mr. Robert Lohn dated May 14, 2003
Agendum C.4.a, Attachment 3: FMP Amendment 17 amendatory language (Section 5.7.1 as amended)
Agendum C.4.a, Attachment 4: Amendment 17 approval letter from Mr. Robert Lohn to Mr. Donald Hansen dated August 19, 2003
Agendum C.4.a, Attachment 5: Excerpt from summary minutes of the February 2003 GMT meeting
Agendum C.4.a, Attachment 6: Excerpt from summary minutes of the March 2003 SSC meeting
Agendum C.8.a, Agendum Overview: Terms of Reference for Groundfish Rebuilding Plan Review and Stock Assessment Review Panels
Agendum C.8.b, Attachment 1: Groundfish Stock Assessment and Review Process for 2005-2006
Agendum C.8.b, Attachment 2: SSC Terms of Reference for Groundfish Rebuilding Analyses
Agendum C.8.c, Supplemental SSC Report
Agendum C.8.c, Supplemental GMT Report
Agendum C.8.c, Supplemental Tribal Comments
Agendum C.8.d, Public Comment
Agendum C.9, Agendum Overview: Final Consideration of 2004 Inseason Adjustments
Agendum C.9.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Agendum C.9.b, Supplemental GMT Report 2
Agendum C.9.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agendum C.9.c, Supplemental Public Comment
Agendum C.10.a, Agendum Overview: Expansion of the Vessel Monitoring System
Agendum C.10.b, Attachment 1: Draft Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for Expanded Coverage of the Program to Monitor Time-Area Closures in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery, NMFS, Northwest Region
Agendum C.10.b, Supplemental Attachment 2: Overview of Draft EA/RIR/RFA
Agendum C.11.a, Attachment 1: Trawl IQ Process: Phase I through 1st Steps of Phase II
Agendum C.11.a, Attachment 2: Information for Public Scoping of Dedicated Access Privileges for the Pacific Coast Limited Entry Trawl Groundfish Fishery
Agendum C.11.a, Attachment 3: Draft Proposed Agenda for Next Ad Hoc Allocation Committee Meeting and Meeting Schedule
Agendum E.2.b, GFNMS – Information on Seabirds and Effects of Lights
Agendum E.2.c, Supplemental GAP Report
Agendum E.2.d, Public Comment
Agendum E.3.a, Agendum Overview: Krill Harvest Ban Proposal
Agendum E.3.a, Attachment 1: Executive Summary (annotated) from Environmental Assessment and Regulatory Impact Review for Amendment 36 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Groundfish Fishery of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area and Amendment 39 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska–Council Review Draft, November 1996
Agendum E.3.a, Attachment 2: Final Rule implementing Amendment 36 and Amendment 39
Agendum E.3.a, Attachment 3: Southwest Fisheries Science Center report
Agendum E.3.b, Supplemental NMFS Report: Options for Controlling Fishing for Krill
Agendum E.3.b, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint Presentation: US Pacific Coast Krill; Susan E. Smith and Roger Hewitt
Agendum H.1, Agendum Overview: NMFS Report on HMS Management
Agendum H.1, Attachment 1: NMFS Report on Highly Migratory Species Management
Agendum H.1, Attachment 2: Transhipment Permit Approval Letter
Agendum H.1, Attachment 3: WPFMC IATTC Letter
Agendum H.1.c, Supplemental HMSAS Report
Agendum H.1.d, Public Comment
Agendum H.2.a, Agendum Overview: FMP Amendment for Limited Entry in the High Seas Pelagic Longline Fishery
Agendum H.2.c, Supplemental SSC Report
Agendum H.2.c, Supplemental HMSMT Report
Agendum H.2.c, Supplemental HMSAS Report
Agendum H.2.d, Public Comment
Agendum H.3.a, Agendum Overview: Stock Assessments for Albacore and Blue Fin Tuna
Agendum H.3.b, Attachment 1: Report of the Plenary Session of the Fourth Meeting of the Interim Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific, February 2-4, 2004
Agenda Item E.1.a, Amendment 17 Letter: letter from Dr. McIsaac to Mr. Lohn; Council recommendation for modifying the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan amendatory language adopted under Amendment 17
Agenda Item E.1.b, NMFS Science Report: Commercial Cost-Earnings Survey of the Limited Entry Trawl Fleet
Agenda Item E.1.c, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item E.2: Terms of Reference for Groundfish Rebuilding Plan Review and Stock Assessment Review Panels
Agenda Item E.2.a, Attachment 1: Draft Groundfish Stock Assessment and Review Process for 2005-2006
Agenda Item E.2.a, Attachment 2: Supplemental SSC Report from the September 2004 meeting on Terms of Reference for Groundfish Rebuilding Plan Review and Stock Assessment Review Panels
Agenda Item E.2.a, Attachment 3: Supplemental GMT Report from the September 2004 meeting on Terms of Reference for Groundfish Rebuilding Plan Review and Stock Assessment Review Panels
Agenda Item E.2.a, Attachment 4: SSC Terms of Reference for Groundfish Rebuilding Analyses
Agenda Item E.2.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item E.2.c, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item E.2.c, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item E.3: Exempted Fishing Permits for 2005
Agenda Item E.3.b, WDFW Report
Agenda Item E.3.b, ODFW Report: Joint ODFW, WDFW, CDFG Application for Issuance of an Exempted Fishing Permit to Allow Retention on Incidentally Caught Species in the Shore-based Pacific Whiting Fishery
Agenda Item E.3.b, Supplemental ODFW Report
Agenda Item E.3.b, CDFG Report 1: Application for Issuance of an Exempted Fishing Permit to Test a Selective Flatfish Trawl (including Scottish Seine) in and area otherwise closed to fishing, 2005
Agenda Item E.4: Initial Consideration of Status of Fisheries and Inseason Adjustments
Agenda Item E.4, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item E.4, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item E.5: Bycatch Programmatic EIS
Agenda Item E.5.a, Attachment 1: Alternative 7 (The Preferred Alternative) excerpted from the Bycatch Program EIS and Summary Description of The Catch Cap Component of The Preferred Alternative
Agenda Item E.5.a, Attachment 2: Fishery Management Plan Elements Potentially Addressed by the Bycatch Program Amendment (Amendment 18)
Agenda Item E.5.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item E.5.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item E.6: Trawl Individual Quotas
Agenda Item E.6.a, Attachment 1: Record of Major Activity on Trawl IQ Considerations
Agenda Item E.6.a, Attachment 2: Trawl IQ Process: Phase I through 1st Steps of Phase II