Pre-Assessment Workshop for Shortspine Thornyhead, Rex Sole, and Petrale Sole to be held online March 20, 2023

Online meeting only
Date: 20 March 2023
Time: to
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The Pacific Fishery Management Council (Pacific Council) and the National Marine Fisheries Service Northwest Fisheries Science Center will convene an online pre-assessment workshop to review proposed data and modeling approaches to inform groundfish stock assessments for shortspine thornyhead, rex sole, and petrale sole, scheduled for assessment during 2023.  The workshop is open to the public and will be held Monday, March 20, 2023 from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) or until business for the day has been completed.  This meeting is being conducted remotely with a web broadcast that provides the opportunity for remote public comment. In the event an outage occurs or technical issues arise that impact the experience of remote attendees, we will attempt to resolve them but ultimately we cannot guarantee that they will be resolved satisfactorily.

Purpose of the meeting

The purpose of the pre-assessment workshop is to review proposed data inputs, modeling approaches, and any other pertinent information to inform 2023 stock assessments for shortspine thornyhead, rex sole, and petrale sole.  The goal of the pre-assessment workshop is to promote dialogue and a common understanding between assessment teams and data providers of the best data and analytical and modeling approaches applicable to these assessments.  Stock assessment teams will solicit advice from data stewards, stakeholders, and fishery managers knowledgeable about these species. 

No management actions will be decided by the workshop participants. The participants’ role will be development of recommendations for consideration by the stock assessment teams assigned to conduct these assessments.  Assessments for these stocks are tentatively scheduled for peer review during Stock Assessment Review (STAR) panels: shortspine thornyhead and rex sole (June 5-9, 2023) and petrale sole (July 24-28, 2023). The Pacific Council and the Pacific Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee are scheduled to consider these draft assessments for use in informing management decisions at their September 2023 meeting in Spokane, Washington.

Meeting Materials


Petrale Sole Workshop Presentation

Shortspine Thornyhead Workshop Presentation

Rex Sole Workshop Presentation

Requests for sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aids should be directed to Kris Kleinschmidt at 503-820-2412 at least ten business days prior to the meeting date.

If you have additional questions regarding the online meeting, please contact Marlene A. Bellman at 503-820-2414; toll free 1-866-806-7204, extension 414.