June 2020 oral public comment sign up

As with our in-person meetings, we will be accepting oral public comment for each agenda Item. You will still need to fill out a public comment card to sign up for an opportunity to speak, and oral comments will only be accepted before Council action on each agenda item. The links below will take you […]

NMFS publishes proposed rule for 2020-2021 annual specifications and management measures for Pacific Sardine

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) proposes to implement annual harvest specifications and management measures for the northern subpopulation of Pacific sardine, for the fishing year from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021. NMFS is accepting comments through June 11, 2020. Please see the Federal Register notice dated May 27, 2020 to view the […]

Budget Committee to meet May 19, 2020

The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Budget Committee will hold a meeting to consider budget issues as outlined in the Budget Committee agenda for the June 2020 Council Meeting.

How CARES Act funds are allocated

(Summarized from a Congressional staff report) NOAA Fisheries aims to distribute the Sec. 12005 funds as quickly as possible while accounting for regional variability in the size of commercial, charter, seafood processors and dealers, and aquaculture industries. NOAA Fisheries used multi-year averages of annual revenue information from the commercial fishing, charter fishing, marine shellfish and […]

2020: Video review discussions continue

NMFS and the Council’s Groundfish Electronic Monitoring Policy and Technical Advisory Committees are developing draft business rules to implement third-party video review. This includes examining the level of video review necessary to audit logbooks and to audit video review providers. Agency staff and advisory bodies are discussing ways to reduce video review to the minimum […]

Final rule published for 2020 salmon fisheries management measures

Through this final rule, National Marine Fisheries Service establishes fishery management measures for the 2020 ocean salmon fisheries off Washington, Oregon, and California and the 2021 salmon seasons opening earlier than the effective date of the 2021 rule, which is expected to be no later than May 16, 2021, under authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery […]