The Council meeting proposed agendas, agenda item situation summaries, and attachments, for the September 2015 Council Meeting are found below. Committee and advisory body memos and agendas are also posted to this webpage.
A. Call to Order
- Agenda Item A.4: Executive Director’s Report
- Agenda Item A.4, Attachment 1: Meeting Agenda and Summary of the June 22-25, 2015 Council Coordination Committee Meeting
- Agenda Item A.5: September 9-16, 2015 PFMC Agenda
B. Open Comment Period
- Agenda Item B.1: Comments on Non-Agenda Items
- Agenda Item B.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Report: Domestic Highly Migratory Species Activities
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comment 1: Fourth Grade Class Sardine Letters
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Supplemental Open Public Comment 2: “Supporting a Spatial Analysis of the Distribution and Size of Rebuilding Stocks in the Rockfish Conservation Areas through Directed Surveys” (TNC Exempted Fishing Permit EFP #13-14-TNC-01)
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Supplemental Open Public Comment 3: Stephens – Preliminary Experimental Fisheries Permit
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Supplemental Open Public Comment 4: PowerPoint – Supporting a Spatial Analysis of the Distribution and Size of Rebuilding Stocks in the Rockfish Conservation Areas through Directed Surveys (Electronic Only)
C. Administrative Matters
- Agenda Item C.1: Update on Council Coordination Committee Meeting
- Agenda Item C.1, Attachment 1: Agenda for the June 22-25, 2015 CCC Meeting
- Agenda Item C.1, Attachment 2: June 22-25, 2015 CCC Meeting Summary Document, including Outcome Statements and Recommendations
- Agenda Item C.2: Legislative Matters
- Agenda Item C.2, Attachment 1: Staff Summary of Federal Legislation
- Agenda Item C.2, Attachment 2: Congressional Research Service summary of HR 2898, the Western Water and American Food Security Act of 2015
- Agenda Item C.2, Attachment 3: Letter from Golden Gate Salmon Association and Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA) to House Natural Resources Committee on HR 2898
- Agenda Item C.2, Attachment 4: Letter from PCFFA to Council on drought legislation
- Agenda Item C.2, Attachment 5: Statement of Administration Policy on HR 2898
- Agenda Item C.2, Attachment 6: S 1894, the California Emergency Drought Relief Act of 2015 (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item C.2, Attachment 7: HR 2983, the Drought Recovery and Resilience Act of 2015 (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item C.2, Attachment 8: HR 1668, Save Our Water Act
- Agenda Item C.2, Supplemental Attachment 9: Letter to the PFMC from the Honorable Mike Thompson and Jared Huffman requesting thorough analysis and comments on HR 2898, HR 2983, and S. 1894
- Agenda Item C.2.a, Supplemental Legislative Committee Report
- Agenda Item C.2.b, Supplemental SAS Report
- Agenda Item C.3: Approval of Council Meeting Record
- Agenda Item C.3, Attachment 1: Draft Council Meeting Record: 230th Session of the Pacific Fishery Management Council (June 10-16, 2015)
- Agenda Item C.4: Fiscal Matters
- Agenda Item C.5: Membership Appointments and Council Operating Procedures
- Agenda Item C.5, Attachment 1: Advisory Body Composition
- Agenda Item C.5, Supplemental Attachment 2: Draft Sacramento River Winter Chinook Harvest Policy Review Process
- Agenda Item C.5.a, Supplemental EAS Report
- Agenda Item C.5.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item C.6: Future Council Meeting Agenda and Workload Planning
- Agenda Item C.6, Attachment 1: Pacific Council Workload Planning: Preliminary Year-at-a-Glance Summary
- Agenda Item C.6, Attachment 2: Draft Proposed Council Meeting Agenda, November 13-19, 2015 in Garden Grove, California
- Agenda Item C.6, Attachment 3: Groundfish Workload Priorities
- Agenda Item C.6, Supplemental Attachment 4: Council Policy Statements Relevant to the Development of the West Coast Swordfish Management and Monitoring Plan
- Agenda Item C.6, Supplemental Attachment 5: Pacific Council Workload Planning: Preliminary Year-at-a-Glance Summary (as of September 16, 2015)
- Agenda Item C.6, Supplemental Attachment 6: Draft Proposed Council Meeting Agenda, November 13-19, 2015 in Garden Grove, California (as of 9/16/2015)
- Agenda Item C.6, Supplemental Attachment 7: Groundfish Workload Priorities (as of 9/16/15)
- Agenda Item C.6, Supplemental Attachment 8: Stock Assessment Prioritizations
- Agenda Item C.6.a, NMFS Report 1: West Coast Regional Planning Body Charter
- Agenda Item C.6.a, NMFS Report 2: Email Re: PFMC- Request for Agenda Item EBFM Policy
- Agenda Item C.6.a, NMFS Report 3: Stock Assessment Prioritization
- Agenda Item C.6.a, NMFS Report 4: Rulemaking Plan for 2015 – Groundfish and Halibut
- Agenda Item C.6.a, Supplemental NMS Report: Request for the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, West Coast Region
- Agenda Item C.6.a, Supplemental CDFW Report
- Agenda Item C.6.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item C.6.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item C.6.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item C.6.a, Supplemental CPSMT/CPSAS Report
- Agenda Item C.6.b, Supplemental Public Comment
D. Ecosystem Management
- Agenda Item D.1: Fishery Ecosystem Plan Initiative Scoping
- Agenda Item D.1, Supplemental Attachment 1: NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy Highlights
- Agenda Item D.1.a, Ecosystem Workgroup Report
- Agenda Item D.1.a, Supplemental EWG PowerPoint: Ecosystem Workgroup Presentation for D.1.a. (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item D.1.a, Supplemental EAS Report
- Agenda Item D.1.a, Supplemental EWG Report
- Agenda Item D.1.a, Supplemental HC Report
- Agenda Item D.1.a, Supplemental CPSMT Report
- Agenda Item D.1.a, Supplemental CPSAS Report
- Agenda Item D.1.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item D.1.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item D.1.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item D.2: Unmanaged Forage Fish Regulations
- Agenda Item D.2, Attachment 1: Draft Council Operation Procedure 24
- Agenda Item D.2.a, EWG Report
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental EWG Report 2
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint: Draft Federal Regulations to Implement Comprehensive Ecosystem-Based Amendment 1 (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental NMFS Report: NMFS Report on Federal Regulations to Implement Comprehensive Ecosystem-Based Amendment 1: Protecting Unfished Forage Fish Species
- Agenda Item D.2.a Supplemental EAS Report
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental CPSAS Report
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental EC Report
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental CPSMT Report
- Agenda Item D.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item D.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2
E. Salmon Management
- Agenda Item E.1: Salmon Methodology Review
- Agenda Item E.1, Attachment 1: May 11, 2015 email to the agencies from Mike Burner regarding preliminary topic selection
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental STT Report
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental MEW Report
- Agenda Item E.2: Sacramento River Winter Chinook Update
- Agenda Item E.2, Attachment 1: May 29, 2015 from Dr. Donald McIsaac to Mr. Howard of the State Water Resources Control Board and Mr. Milligan of the Bureau of Reclamation
- Agenda Item E.2, Attachment 2: July 7, 2015 letter from Mr. Howard of the State Water Resources Control Board to Mr. Milligan of the Bureau of Reclamation regarding Sacramento River temperature management planning
- Agenda Item E.2.a, NMFS West Coast Region Report: Reconsideration of the Sacramento River winter Chinook Harvest Control Rule
- Agenda Item E.2.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint 1: Sacramento River Winter-run Chinook Salmon Update (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item E.2.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint 2: Species in the Spotlight: Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item E.2.a, Supplemental CDFW Report: Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon Update, August 31, 2015
- Agenda Item E.2.a, Supplemental SAS Report
- Agenda Item E.2.a, Supplemental HC Report
F. Habitat
- Agenda Item F.1: Current Habitat Issues
- Agenda Item F.1, Attachment 1: Summary of Oregon Dept. of Forestry rulemaking issue
- Agenda Item F.1, Supplemental Attachment 2: Native Eelgrass (Zosera Marina) Impact Analysis for Coast Seafoods Company, Humboldt Bay Shellfish Aquaculture: Permit Renewal and Expansion Project (Full Version Electronic Only – includes all files and the presentation)
- Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental HC Report
- Agenda Item F.1.c, Supplemental Public Comment (Electronic Only)
G. Highly Migratory Species Management
- Agenda Item G.1: Update on International Issues
- Agenda Item G.1, Attachment 1: Attachment 4 to the Report of the Albacore Working Group Workshop, 20-22 April 2015, National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries Shimizu, Shizuoka, Japan (Annex 8 to the Report of the Fifteenth Meeting of the International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean)
- Agenda Item G.1, Attachment 2: Evaluation of Candidate Harvest Control Rules For North Pacific Albacore, WCPFC-NC11-2015/DP-01
- Agenda Item G.1, Attachment 3: Precautionary Management Framework for Pacific Bluefin Tuna, WCPFC-NC11-2015/DP-02
- Agenda Item G.1, Attachment 4: Rebuilding Plan for Pacific Bluefin Tuna WCPFC-NC11-2015/DP-03
- Agenda Item G.1, Attachment 5: Precautionary Management Framework For Swordfish in the North Pacific Ocean, WCPFC-NC11-2015/DP-04
- Agenda Item G.1, Attachment 6: Provisional Annotated Agenda, Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Northern Committee Eleventh Regular Session
- Agenda Item G.1, Attachment 7: Proposed Rule to Revise Regulations to Implement the Import Provisions of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)
- Agenda Item G.1, Attachment 8: Notice Soliciting Public Input on Draft Principles for Determining Seafood Species at Risk of IUU Fishing and Seafood Fraud
- Agenda Item G.1, Supplemental Attachment 9: WCPFC Meeting Outcomes
- Agenda Item G.1.a: NMFS Report 1: Update on International Activities
- Agenda Item G.1.a: NMFS Report 2: Letter from Will Stelle, WCR Regional Administrator to Dorothy Lowman, Council Chair, Notifying that EPO Swordfish is Subject to Overfishing
- Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 3: Follow-up to North Pacific Swordfish Overfishing Determination Letter (see NMFS Report 2, Agenda Item G.1.a)
- Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint: International Activities Update (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental SWFSC ISC PowerPoint: Activity Report of the 15th Meeting of the ISC July 2015 Kona, Hawaii (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental CDFW Report: 2015 Pacific Bluefin Tuna Aerial Survey
- Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental CDFW Report 2: Pacific Bluefin Monitoring and Management Activities for Recreational and Commercial Fisheries
- Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental CDFW PowerPoint: Pacific Bluefin Tuna Aerial Survey, Southern California Bight, July 2015 (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item G.1.b, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item G.1.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2 (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.2: Swordfish Management and Monitoring Plan Hardcaps
- Agenda Item G.2, Attachment 1: Pacific Coast Swordfish Fishery Management and Monitoring Plan
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Marine Mammal Commission Report: Letter from Dr. Rebecca Lent, Executive Director, to Ms. Eileen Sobeck, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries
- Agenda Item G.2.a, NMFS Report 1: Preliminary Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) of Drift Gillnet Hard Caps and Monitoring Alternatives and Preliminary Analysis of Options for Council and Bycatch Performance Metrics for the U.S. West Coast Large-Mesh Drift Gillnet Fishery
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: U.S. West Coast Swordfish Meeting Key Outcomes Memorandum
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 3: Report on Swordfish Management and Monitoring Plan Hardcaps (corrected Table 5)
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 4: Sobeck Response Letter
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 5: Bootstrap Analysis to Compare the Operation of the Drift Gillnet Fishery under Hard Caps Alternatives (Stephen M. Stohs)
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint: Preliminary Draft Environmental Assessment of Drift Gillnet Hard Caps and Monitoring Alternatives (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental Congressional Letters
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental CDFW Report
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental REVISED HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report
- Agenda Item G.2.b, Public Comment (Full Version Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item G.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment 3
- Agenda Item G.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment 4 – Gonzalez (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment 5 – Oceana (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment 6
- Agenda Item G.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment 7 – TIRN (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item G.2.b, Supplemental Public Comment 8
Agenda Item G.3: Scoping of Amendment 4 to the FMP: Authorizing a Shallow-Set Longline Fishery Outside of the EEZAgenda Item G.3, Attachment 1: Scoping Information Document for Council Action to Authorize the Use of Shallow-Set Longline Gear outside the West Coast Exclusive Economic Zone under the Fishery Management Plan for West Coast Fisheries for Highly Migratory SpeciesAgenda Item G.3.a, Supplemental WPFMC Letter: WPFMC Council comments on PFMC working paper on shallow set longline fisheryAgenda Item G.3.a, Supplemental HMSAS ReportAgenda Item G.3.b, Supplemental Public Comment
H. Groundfish Management
- Agenda Item H.1: Mid-Water Recreational Fishing Regulations
- Agenda Item H.1.a, NMFS Report: Midwater Recreational Groundfish Fishery: Issues for Council Discussion and Clarification
- Agenda Item H.1.a, ODFW Report: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Report on the Potential Viability of an Oregon Longleader Sport Fishery
- Agenda Item H.1.a, Supplemental CDFW Report: Mid-Water Recreational Fishing Regulations
- Agenda Item H.1.a, Supplemental ODFW Report
- Agenda Item H.1.a, Supplemental EC Report
- Agenda Item H.1.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item H.1.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item H.1.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item H.2: Consideration of Gear Regulations for the Trawl Catch Shares Sector
- Agenda Item H.2, Attachment 1: Groundfish Gear Changes – Draft Purpose and Need, Alternatives
- Agenda Item H.2, Attachment 2: Regulations Related To Trawl Gear Configuration, Gears Allowed On Board, and Area of Use
- Agenda Item H.2.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item H.2.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item H.2.a, Supplemental EC Report
- Agenda Item H.3: Final Stock Assessments (Full Assessments are “Electronic Only”, available below)
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 1: Executive Summary of “Status of Bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis, in the Conception, Monterey and Eureka INPFC areas for 2015”
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 1: Full Assessment “Status of Bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis, in the Conception, Monterey and Eureka INPFC areas for 2015” (Full Assessment Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 2: Bocaccio Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Meeting Report
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 3: Executive Summary of “Status of China rockfish off the U.S. Pacific Coast in 2015″
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 3: Full Assessment “Status of China rockfish off the U.S. Pacific Coast in 2015” (Full Assessment Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 4: China Rockfish Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Meeting Report
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 5: Executive Summary of “Assessments of Black Rockfish (Sebastes melanops) Stocks in California, Oregon and Washington Coastal Waters”
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 5: Full Assessment “Assessments of Black Rockfish (Sebastes melanops) Stocks in California, Oregon and Washington Coastal Waters” (Full Assessment Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 6: Black Rockfish Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Meeting Report
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 7: Minority report from a member of the Black Rockfish STAT: “Why it is silly to allow sex-specific values for natural mortality (M) for young black rockfish”
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 8: Executive Summary of “Status of Kelp Greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus) along the Oregon Coast in 2015”
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 8: Full Assessment “Status of Kelp Greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus) along the Oregon Coast in 2015” (Full Assessment Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 9: Kelp Greenling Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Meeting Report
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 10: Executive Summary of “The Status of Widow Rockfish (Sebastes entomelas) Along the U.S. West Coast in 2015”
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 10: Full Assessment “The Status of Widow Rockfish (Sebastes entomelas) Along the U.S. West Coast in 2015”
- Agenda Item H.3, Attachment 11: Widow Rockfish Stock Assessment Review (STAR) Panel Meeting Report
- Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item H.3.b, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item H.3.b, Supplemental Public Comment Video (VIDEO from Kenyon Hensel, hosted in YouTube)
- Agenda Item H.3.b, Supplemental Public Comment Video 2 (2nd VIDEO from Kenyon Hensel, hosted in YouTube)
- Agenda Item H.4: Electronic Monitoring Regulations and Exempted Fishing Permit Update
- Agenda Item H.4, Supplemental Agenda Item Overview Presentation (Wiedoff)
- Agenda Item H.4.a, NMFS Report: Groundfish Electronic Monitoring Exempted Fishing Permits Update and NMFS Recommendations for the Whiting Regulatory Amendment
- Agenda Item H.4.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint: Groundfish Electronic Monitoring Exempted Fishing Permits Update; Hooper (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.4.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item H.4.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item H.4.a, Supplemental EC Report
- Agenda Item H.4.b, Supplemental Public Comment
- Agenda Item H.5: Specifications Process for 2017-2018 Management
- Agenda Item H.5, Supplemental REVISED Attachment 1: 2017 and 2018 Groundfish Harvest Specifications
- Agenda Item H.5, Attachment 2: Draft Range of Alternatives for Managing West Coast Skate Species
- Agenda Item H.5.a, NMFS Report: Specifications Process for 2017-2018 Management
- Agenda Item H.5.a, Supplemental ODFW Report
- Agenda Item H.5.a, Supplemental CDFW Report
- Agenda Item H.5.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item H.5.a, Supplemental REVISED GMT Report
- Agenda Item H.5.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item H.5.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item H.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item H.5.b, Supplemental Public Comment 3
- Agenda Item H.6: Salmon Endangered Species Act Reinitiation of Consultation Workshop Report
- Agenda Item H.6.a, NMFS Report 1: Report of the Public Work Session on the Effects of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery on ESA listed Pacific Salmon
- Agenda Item H.6.a, NMFS Report 2: A Draft Proposal for Managing Salmon Bycatch in the Groundfish Fishery
- Agenda Item H.6.a, NMFS Report 3: Chinook Catch per Unit Effort for the Bottom Trawl and Non‐Whiting Midwater Trawl Fisheries
- Agenda Item H.6.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 4: Chinook salmon bycatch in the at‐sea sectors of the Pacific hake fishery: Summary of stock composition estimates for 1983, 2008–2013
- Agenda Item H.6.a, Supplemental NMFS PowerPoint: Salmon Consultation on the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery: Update (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.6.a, Supplemental SAS Report
- Agenda Item H.6.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item H.6.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item H.7: Blackgill-Slope Rockfish Intersector Allocation and Accumulation Limit Adjustments
- Agenda Item H.7, Attachment 1: Preliminary Draft Environmental Assessment: Allocation of Harvest Opportunity Between Sectors of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery of Blackgill Rockfish and Other Species Managed in the Slope Rockfish Complex South of 40°10′ N. Latitude
- Agenda Item H.7.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item H.7.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item H.7.b, Supplemental Public Comment (Leipzig)
- Agenda Item H.8: Amendment to Modify Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat and to Adjust Rockfish Conservation Areas
- Agenda Item H.8, Supplemental Staff Report: Pacific Coast Groundfish Goals and Objectives
- Agenda Item H.8: Supplemental Agenda Item Overview Presentation (Griffin)
- Agenda Item H.8: Supplemental Agenda Item Overview Presentation (Brady)
- Agenda Item H.8, Attachment 1: Draft Range of EFH Alternatives
- Agenda Item H.8, Attachment 2: Draft Range of RCA Alternatives
- Agenda Item H.8, Attachment 3: Trawl Survey CPUE Analysis
- Agenda Item H.8, Attachment 4: IFQ Hotspot Analysis
- Agenda Item H.8, Supplemental Attachment 5: Addendum to Draft Range of EFH Alternatives
- Agenda Item H.8.a, NWFSC Report
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental IPC OCNMS PowerPoint: The Olympic Coast Intergovernmental Policy Council and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Habitat Framework Initiative
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental NMFS Report
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental CDFW Report
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental Tribal Report
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental EC Report
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental HC Report
- Agenda Item H.8.b, Public Comment 1
- Agenda Item H.8.b, Public Comment 2
- Agenda Item H.8.b, Supplemental Public Comment 3 (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.8.b, Supplemental Public Comment 4
- Agenda Item H.8.b, Supplemental Public Comment 5
- Agenda Item H.8.b, Supplemental Public Comment 6
- Agenda Item H.8.b, Supplemental Public Comment 7
- Agenda Item H.8.b, Supplemental Public Comment 8
- Agenda Item H.8.b, Supplemental Public Comment 9
- Agenda Item H.9: Inseason Adjustments
- Agenda Item H.9.a, NMFS Letter: Inseason Adjustments from the June 2015 Council Meeting
- Agenda Item H.9.a Supplemental NMFS Report: NMFS Report on Closure of Halibut Retention in the Sablefish Primary Fishery
- Agenda Item H.9.a, Supplemental ODFW Report
- Agenda Item H.9.a, Supplemental CDFW Report
- Agenda Item H.9.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item H.9.a, Supplemental GMT Report 2
- Agenda Item H.9.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item H.9.b, Public Comment
- Agenda Item H.10: Groundfish Management Science Improvements and Methodology Review Topics
- Agenda Item H.10, Attachment 1: Research Recommendations from Recent Stock Assessments and STAR Panel Reports
- Agenda Item H.10.a, Supplemental SSC Report
- Agenda Item H.10.a, Supplemental GMT Report
- Agenda Item H.10.a, Supplemental GAP Report
I. Pacific Halibut Management
- Agenda Item I.1: 2016 Catch Sharing Plan and Annual Regulation Changes
- Agenda Item I.1, Attachment 1: 2015 Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan for Area 2A
- Agenda Item I.1, Attachment 2: Visual Representation of the 2015 Area 2A Catch Sharing Plan for Pacific Halibut
- Agenda Item I.1.a, NMFS Report 1: Report on the 2015 Pacific Halibut Fisheries in Area 2A
- Agenda Item I.1.a, NMFS Report 2: NMFS Proposed Changes to Federal Regulations and 2016 Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan for Area 2A
- Agenda Item I.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 3: Report on the 2014 Pacific Halibut Fisheries in Area 2A (9/1/2015)
- Agenda Item I.1.a, WDFW Report: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Report on Proposed Changes to the Catch Sharing Plan and 2016 Annual Regulations
- Agenda Item I.1.a, ODFW Report: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Report on Proposed Changes to the Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan for the 2016 Fishery
- Agenda Item I.1.a, CDFW Report: California Department of Fish and Wildlife Report on Proposed Changes to the 2016 Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan
- Agenda Item I.1.a, Supplemental CDFW Report 2
- Agenda Item I.1.a, Supplemental GAP Report
- Agenda Item I.1.b, Public Comment
Ancillary Meetings (Advisory Body and Committee Agendas AND Committee Memos)
Ancillary Agendas
- Budget Committee (BC) Agenda
- Ecosystem Advisory Subpanel (EAS) and Ad Hoc Ecosystem Working Group (EWG) Joint Meeting Agenda
- Enforcement Consultants (EC) Agenda
- Groundfish Advisory Subpanel (GAP) Agenda
- Groundfish Management Team (GMT) Agenda
- Supplemental REVISED Habitat Committee (HC) Agenda
- Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel (HMSAS) Agenda
- Highly Migratory Species Management Team (HMSMT) Agenda
- Legislative Committee (LC) Agenda
- Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) Agenda
- SSC Ecosystem Subcommittee Agenda
Committee and Advisory Body Memos
- Ecosystem Memo: Ecosystem Advisory Subpanel,Ad Hoc Ecosystem Workgroup, and Interested Persons
- Enforcement Memo: Enforcement Consultants
- Groundfish Memo: Groundfish Advisory Subpanel, Groundfish Management Team, and Groundfish Interested Persons
- HMS Memo: Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel, Highly Migratory Species Management Team, and Interested Persons
- Salmon Memo: Salmon Advisory Subpanel, Salmon Technical Team, Model Evaluation Workgroup, and Interested Persons
- SSC Memo: Scientific and Statistical Committee
Informational Reports, General Information, and Membership Roster
Informational Reports
- Informational Report 1: Release Mortality Workshop SMART Tool Results
- Informational Report 2: El Nino Update – Submitted to the PFMC by Dr. Cisco Werner (NMFS SWFSC) and Dr. John Stein (NMFS NWFSC)
- Informational Report 3: NOAA National Habitat Policy (NOAA Administrative Order 216-117
- Informational Report 4: Draft Flow Scale Regulation Revisions
- Informational Report 5: NOAA Fisheries Report – Pacific Halibut Bycatch in US West Coast Fisheries (2002-2014)
- Supplemental Informational Report 6: Proposed Rule to clarify the regulatory requirements for vessels using midwater trawl gear in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Shorebased Individual Fishing Quota Program
- Supplemental Informational Report 7: U.S. Coast Guard Exams
- Supplemental Informational Report 8: NMFS Report on Domestic Highly Migratory Species Activities
- Supplemental Informational Report 9: Fisheries advocate and volunteer recognized by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (Richard Heap, PFMC Salmon Advisory Subpanel Member)
- Supplemental Informational Report 10: California Groundfish Collective Report
- Supplemental Informational Report 11: Federal Register Notice, September 2, 2015; Process for Divestiture of Excess Quota Shares in the Individual Fishing Quota Fishery
- Supplemental Informational Report 12: PowerPoint – Present oceanic conditions in the North Pacific (Werner/Stein)
- Supplemental Informational Report 13: Status Report of the 2015 Ocean Salmon Fisheries off Washington, Oregon, and California; Preliminary Data Through August 31, 2015
General Information, Chair’s Reception, Membership Roster
- General Information, September 2015: Chair’s Reception, Hotel Information, Council Seating Chart, Tax Exempt, Membership Roster