C.1, Attachment 3: October 19-21, 2021 Council Coordination Committee Outcomes and Recommendations
C.1, Supplemental Attachment 4: CCC Letter to Representatives Huffman and Case on H.R. 4690, the “Sustaining America’s Fisheries for the Future Act of 2021”
E.2, Attachment 1: The status of copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) in U.S. waters off the coast of California south of Point Conception in 2021 using catch and length data (Electronic Only)
E.2, Attachment 2: The status of copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) in U.S. waters off the coast of California north of Point Conception in 2021 using catch and length data (Electronic Only)
E.2, Attachment 3: Rebuilding analysis for copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) in U.S. waters off the coast of California south of Point Conception based on the 2021 stock assessment (Electronic Only)
E.2, Attachment 4: Status of quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) in U.S. waters off the coast of California in 2021 using catch and length data (Electronic Only)
E.2, Attachment 5: Rebuilding analysis for quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) in U.S. waters off the coast of California based on the 2021 stock assessment (Electronic Only)
E.2, Attachment 6: Status of the Pacific Spiny Dogfish shark resource off the continental U.S. Pacific Coast in 2021 (Electronic Only)
E.3, Attachment 2: Draft Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery – Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation (Electronic Only)
E.3, Attachment 3: Catch Only Projections for Black Rockfish (Sebastes melanops) off Oregon in 2021
E.3, Supplemental REVISED Attachment 4: Harvest Specification Projections for Select West Coast Groundfish Stocks Under Alternative Harvest Control Rules for 2023 and Beyond
E.3, Attachment 5: Evaluating available information to determine stock management delineation for copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) off the U.S. West Coast
E.3, Attachment 6: Evaluating available information to inform stock management delineation for quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) off the U.S. West coast
E.3.a, GMT Report 1: Groundfish Management Team Report on Biennial Harvest Specifications for 2023-24 Including Overfishing Limits and Acceptable Biological Catches
E.4, Attachment 1: Council Operating Procedure 19, Protocol for Consideration of Exempted Fishing Permits for Groundfish Fisheries (Electronic Only)
E.4, Attachment 2: California Department of Fish and Wildlife Report On 2023-2024 Exempted Fishing Permits and Interim Report of Progress to Date (California Department of Fish and Wildlife)
E.4, Attachment 3: Proposal for an Exempted Fishery Permit Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Enhanced Yelloweye Recreational Fishery Biological Sampling (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife)
E.4, Attachment 4: Yellowtail Rockfish Jig Fishing off California (San Francisco Community Fishing Association and Dan Platt)
E.4, Attachment 6: Commercial Midwater Hook & Line Rockfish Fishing in the RCA off the Oregon Coast (Scott Cook)
E.4, Attachment 7: Monterey Bay Regional Exempted Fishing Permit Targeting Chilipepper Rockfish (Real Good Fish)
E.4, Attachment 8: Enhanced Yelloweye Recreational Fishery Biological Sampling Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife 2021 Preliminary Report of Results
E.4, Attachment 9: Letter of Intent for 2022 from Real Good Fish/Local Bounty plus the Monterey Bay Regional Chilipepper Rockfish Final EFP for 2019-2020 (including 2021 EFP data)
E.5.a, NMFS Report 1: National Marine Fisheries Service Report on Biennial Management Measures For 2023-24 And Beyond
E.5.a, ODFW Report 1: Oregon Department of Fish And Wildlife Report on 2023-2024 Groundfish Management Measures: Targeted Shortbelly Rockfish Fishing Prohibition
H.2, Attachment 1: Summary Report of the Seventeenth Regular Session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Northern Committee (Electronic Only)
H.2, Attachment 2: Recommendations from the Permanent Advisory Committee to the U.S. Section to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Web Conference – October 13-15, 2021
H.2, Attachment 3: Provisional Annotated Agenda, 18th Regular Session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, December 1-7, 2021
H.2.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: Discussion on implementation of IATTC Resolution C-21-05 (Measures for the Conservation and Management of Pacific Bluefin Tuna in the Eastern Pacific Ocean)
I.1, Attachment 1: California Wetfish Producers Association Notice of Intent and Proposal for Biological Sampling
I.1, Attachment 2: California Wetfish Producers Association Notice of Intent and Proposal for Aerial Survey Point Sets
I.1, Attachment 3: West Coast Pelagic Conservation Group Notice of Intent and Proposal for Biological Sampling
I.1, Supplemental Attachment 4: Preliminary Summary of the 2021 West Coast Pelagic Conservation Group Collaborative Nearshore Coastal Pelagic Species Surveys
Informational Report 5: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine – Public Briefing announcement: Data and Management Strategies for Recreational Fisheries with Annual Catch Limits
Informational Report 6: Texas A&M; Request for PFMC Assistance: Combining high-resolution climate simulations with ocean biogeochemistry, fisheries and decision-making models to improve sustainable fisheries
Supplemental Informational Report 7: Request for Information on NOAA Actions To Advance the Goals and Recommendations in the Report on Conserving and Restoring America The Beautiful, Including Conserving At Least 30 Percent of U.S. Lands and Waters By 2030
Supplemental Informational Report 10: Status Report of the 2021 Ocean Salmon Fisheries off Washington, Oregon, and California, preliminary data through October 2021