A. Call to Order | B. Open Comment Period | C. Enforcement | D. Coastal Pelagic Species | E. Salmon Management | F. Pacific Halibut Management | G. Habitat | H. Groundfish Management | I. Administrative Matters | J. Highly Migratory Species Management | P. Public Comment | Ancillaries, Info Reports, Gen Info
A. Call to Order
- Agenda Item A.3, Situation Summary: Executive Director’s Report
- Agenda Item A.3 Supplemental Attachment 1: Draft meeting report, Council Coordination Committee (CCC) November 5-7, 2019
- Agenda Item A.3, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item A.4: Proposed November 14-20, 2019 Council Meeting Agenda and list of ancillary meetings
B. Open Comment Period
- Agenda Item B.1, Situation Summary: Comments on Non-Agenda Items
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Supplemental Public Presentation 1: Ventura Shellfish Enterprise
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Supplemental Public Presentation 2: Culinary Engineering; A San Diego Seafood Collaboration (available from PFMC’s YouTube channel)
- Agenda Item B.1.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
C. Enforcement
- Agenda Item C.1, Situation Summary: Tri-State Enforcement Report
- Agenda Item C.1, Attachment 1: Letter from Secretary of Commerce, September 19, 2019
- Agenda Item C.1.a, Supplemental Tri-State Enforcement Presentation 1 (video on PFMC YouTube channel)
- Agenda Item C.1.c, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
D. Coastal Pelagic Species Management
- Agenda Item D.1, Situation Summary: NMFS Report (CPS)
- Agenda Item D.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 1: Report on CPS Regulatory Activities
- Agenda Item D.1.b, Supplemental SWFSC PPT1: NMFS Report SWFSC Activities Coastal Pelagic Species (Dale Sweetnam)
- Agenda Item D.1.d, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item D.2, Situation Summary: Preliminary Review of New 2020 Exempted Fishing Permits
- Agenda Item D.2, Attachment 1: California Wetfish Producers Association Notice of Intent and Proposal (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item D.2, Attachment 2: West Coast Pelagic Conservation Group Notice of Intent and Proposal (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental CPSMT Report 1
- Agenda Item D.2.a, Supplemental CPSAS Report 1
- Agenda Item D.2.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item D.3, Situation Summary: Methodology Review Preliminary Topic Selection
- Agenda Item D.3.a, Supplemental CPSAS Report 1
- Agenda Item D.3.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item D.4, Situation Summary: Central Subpopulation of Northern Anchovy Nearshore Estimation Methodology, Frequency of Overfishing Limit Review, and Accountability Measures
- Agenda Item D.4, Supplemental Presentation 1: Outcomes of the 3-4 October CSNA Workshop (G. Krutzikowsky & Andre Punt)
- Agenda Item D.4, Attachment 1: Report of the Joint Meeting of Representatives of the SSC CPS Subcommittee, the CPSMT, and the CPSAS
- Agenda Item D.4, Supplemental Attachment 2: A Further Updated Analysis of the Implications of Different Choices for the Frequency of Updates to OFLs and ABCs for the CSNA
- Agenda Item D.4.a, Supplemental SSC Report 1
- Agenda Item D.4.a, Supplemental CPSMT Report 1
- Agenda Item D.4.a, Supplemental CPSAS Report 1
- Agenda Item D.4.b, Supplemental Public Presentation 1: Geoff Shester, Oceana
- Agenda Item D.4.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
E. Salmon Management
- Agenda Item E.1, Situation Summary: NMFS Report (Salmon)
- Agenda Item E.1.d, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item E.2, Situation Summary: Final Methodology Review
- Agenda Item E.2, Attachment 1: Potential Implications of moving the California Klamath Management Zone/Fort Bragg Salmon Fishery Management Line from Horse Mountain North to Latitude 40° 10’
- Agenda Item E.2, Attachment 2: Fishery Regulation Assessment Model (FRAM): Exploitation Rate Investigation for the Upper Columbia River Summer Chinook Stock
- Agenda Item E.2, Attachment 3: Willapa Bay Coho – Supporting Documentation of Abundance Forecasting Approach
- Agenda Item E.2, Attachment 4: Updating the Fishery Regulation Assessment Model (FRAM) User Manual
- Agenda Item E.2.a, Supplemental MEW Report 1
- Agenda Item E.2.a, Supplemental SSC Report 1
- Agenda Item E.2.a, Supplemental STT Report 1
- Agenda Item E.2.a, Supplemental SAS Report 1
- Agenda Item E.2.b, Supplemental Public Presentation 1: Video from Dave Helliwell (available on PFMC YouTube channel)
- Agenda Item E.2.b, Supplemental Public Presentation 2: (Helliwell PowerPoint)
- Agenda Item E.2.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item E.3, Situation Summary: 2020 Preseason Management Schedule and Scope Annual Management Cycle Amendment
- Agenda Item E.3, Attachment 1: Pacific Fishery Management Council Proposed Schedule and Process for Developing 2020 Ocean Salmon Fishery Management Measures
- Agenda Item E.3, Attachment 2: Draft Work Plan for Proposed Changes to the Preseason Schedule in the Pacific Salmon Fishery Management Plan
- Agenda Item E.3.a, Supplemental STT Report 1
- Agenda Item E.3.a, Supplemental SAS Report 1
- Agenda Item E.3.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item E.4, Situation Summary: Southern Resident Killer Whale ESA Consultation Update and Risk Assessment
- Agenda Item E.4.a, SRKW Workgroup Report 1
- Agenda Item E.4.a, Supplemental SRKW Workgroup Report 2: Draft Risk Assessment (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item E.4.a, Supplemental SRKW WG Presentation 1: Update on Draft Salmon Fishery Risk Assessment (Jording)
- Agenda Item E.4.a, Supplemental SSC Report 1
- Agenda Item E.4.a, Supplemental SAS Report 1
- Agenda Item E.4.b, Supplemental Public Presentation 1 (Enticknap)
- Agenda Item E.4.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
F. Pacific Halibut Management
- Agenda Item F.1, Situation Summary: Final Annual Regulation and 2A Catch Sharing Plan Changes
- Agenda Item F.1, Attachment 1: 2019 Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan for Area 2A
- Agenda Item F.1, Attachment 2: Visual Representation of the 2019 Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan for Area 2A
- Agenda Item F.1.a, NMFS Report 1: Report on the 2019 Pacific Halibut Fisheries in Area 2A
- Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 2
- Agenda Item F.1.a, ODFW Report 1: Proposed Changes to the Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan for the 2020 fishery
- Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental IPHC Report 1: Fishery Limits (Sect. 4)
- Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental IPHC Report 2: minor amendments
- Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental REVISED WDFW Report 1
- Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental GAP Report 1
- Agenda Item F.1.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item F.2, Situation Summary: Commercial Directed Fishery Regulations for 2020
- Agenda Item F.2.a, ODFW Report 1: ODFW Report on the Directed Commercial Pacific Halibut Fishery Regulations for 2020
- Agenda Item F.2, Supplemental IPHC Report 1
- Agenda Item F.2.a, Supplemental GAP Report 1
- Agenda Item F.2.a, Supplemental EC Report 1
- Agenda Item F.2.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item F.3, Situation Summary : Commercial Directed Fishery Transition Planning
- Agenda Item F.3.a, IPHC Report 1: Letter from IPHC Executive Director Wilson to PFMC Chair Anderson
- Agenda Item F.3.a, NMFS Report 1: Process and Workload for Halibut Management Transition
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental GMT Report 1
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental GAP Report 1
- Agenda Item F.3.a, Supplemental EC Report 1
- Agenda Item F.3.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
G. Habitat
- Agenda Item G.1, Situation Summary: Current Habitat Issues
- Agenda Item G.1, Attachment 1: Final Letter to the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management
- Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental HC Report 1
- Agenda Item G.1.b, Supplemental SAS Report 1
- Agenda Item G.1.b, Supplemental GAP Report 1
- Agenda Item G.1.b, Supplemental CPSAS Report 1
- Agenda Item G.1.c, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
H. Groundfish Management
- Agenda Item H.1, Situation Summary: NMFS Report (Groundfish)
- Agenda Item H.1.a, NMFS Report 1: Groundfish and Halibut Federal Register Notices
- Agenda Item H.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: Groundfish Rulemakings and Other Activities
- Agenda Item H.1.a, Supplemental NMFS Presentation 1: Draft Seabird Bycatch Dashboard (Szumylo)
- Agenda Item H.1.b, NMFS NWFSC Supplemental REVISED Report 1: Title Page: Observed and Estimated Total Bycatch of Salmon in the 2002-2018 U.S. West Coast Fisheries
- Agenda Item H.1.b, NMFS NWFSC Report 1: Observed and Estimated Total Bycatch of Salmon in the 2002-2018 U.S. West Coast Fisheries (Excel File, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.1.b, Supplemental NMFS NWFSC Presentation 1 (Jim Hastie)
- Agenda Item H.1.d, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.2, Situation Summary: Workload and New Management Measure Update
- Agenda Item H.2.a, GMT Report 1
- Agenda Item H.2.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.3, Situation Summary: Electronic Monitoring Program Guidelines and Manual Review
- Agenda Item H.3, Supplemental Attachment 1: West Coast EM Program workload and timeline table
- Agenda Item H.3.a, NMFS Report 1: Draft EM Program Service Plan Guidelines
- Agenda Item H.3.a, NMFS Report 2: Draft EM Program Vessel Monitoring Plan Guidelines
- Agenda Item H.3.a, NMFS Report 3: Draft EM Program Manual
- Agenda Item H.3.a, NMFS Report 4: Implementation of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Electronic Monitoring Program
- Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 5: Electronic Monitoring Q&A
- Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 6: Electronic Monitoring Cost Estimates
- Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental NMFS Presentation 1 (J. Kavanaugh)
- Agenda Item H.3.a, PSMFC Report 1: Logbook Auditing for EM – Bottom Trawl and Pot Fisheries
- Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental GEMPAC/TAC Report 1
- Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental GEMPAC/TAC Report 2: Draft EM Service Plan Guidelines (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental GEMPAC/TAC Report 3: Draft Vessel Monitoring Plan Guidelines (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental GEMPAC/TAC Report 4: Draft EM Program Manual (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental GMT Report 1
- Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental GAP Report 1
- Agenda Item H.3.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.4, Situation Summary: 2020 Harvest Specifications for Cowcod and Shortbelly Rockfish — Final Action
- Agenda Item H.4, Supplemental REVISED Attachment 1: Draft Regulatory Impact Review/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for a Proposed Regulatory Amendment under the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan
- Agenda Item H.4.a, Supplemental NMFS and Council Staff Report 1
- Agenda Item H.4.a, Supplemental GMT Report 1
- Agenda Item H.4.a, Supplemental GAP Report 1
- Agenda Item H.4.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.5, Situation Summary: Preliminary EFP Approval for 2021-2022
- Agenda Item H.5, Supplemental Staff Presentation 1: Agenda Item Council Decisions Overview (Seger)
- Agenda Item H.5, Attachment 1: Council Operating Procedure 19, Protocol for Consideration of Exempted Fishing Permits for Groundfish Fisheries (Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.5, Attachment 2: Year-Round Coastwide Midwater Rockfish EFP: Monitoring and Minimizing Salmon Bycatch When Targeting Rockfish in the Shorebased IFQ Fishery, 2021-2022 (West Coast Seafood Processors Association; Oregon Trawl Commission; Midwater Trawlers Cooperative; Environmental Defense Fund)
- Agenda Item H.5, Attachment 3: California Department of Fish and Wildlife; 2021-2022 Exempted Fishing Permit Application (California Department of Fish and Wildlife)
- Agenda Item H.5, Attachment 4: Cowcod (Sebastes levis) Fishing off Southern California Coast (Coastal Conservation Association California (CCA CAL) Okuma Fishing Tackle Corp)
- Agenda Item H.5, Attachment 5: Yellowtail Rockfish Jig Fishing off California (San Francisco Community Fishing Association and Dan Platt)
- Agenda Item H.5, Supplemental REVISED Attachment 6: Kosta Oregon Experimental Fishing Permit Proposal (Captain David Kosta)
- Agenda Item H.5, Attachment 7: Commercial Midwater Hook & Line Rockfish Fishing in the RCA off the Oregon Coast (Scott Cook)
- Agenda Item H.5, Attachment 8: Proposal for an Exempted Fishery Permit Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Enhanced Yellowtail Recreational Fishery Biological Sampling (WDFW)
- Agenda Item H.5, Attachment 9: Interim Report Exempted Fishing Permit Testing Jig Fishing Gear Targeting Yellowtail Rocfish For 2019/2010 Groundfish Fisheries
- Agenda Item H.5, Attachment 10: E-Mail from Scott Cook, Dated October 9, 2019 Providing Yellowtail EFP Interim Report 2019
- Agenda Item H.5, Supplemental Attachment 11: Monterey Bay Regional Chilipepper Rockfish Preliminary EFP Report
- Agenda Item H.5.a, WDFW Report 1: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Report on Exempted Fishing Permit For Yelloweye Rockfish
- Agenda Item H.5.a, Supplemental GMT Report 1
- Agenda Item H.5.a, Supplemental EC Report 1
- Agenda Item H.5.a, Supplemental GAP Report 1
- Agenda Item H.5.b, Supplemental Public Presentation 1: EFP Summary Slides (L. Steele)
- Agenda Item H.5.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.6, Situation Summary: Harvest Specifications for 2021-22 Including Final Overfishing Limits and Acceptable Biological Catches
- Agenda Item H.6, Attachment 1: 2021 and 2022 Groundfish Harvest Specifications under Default Harvest Control Rules
- Agenda Item H.6, Attachment 2: Additional Projections of Harvest Specifications for West Coast Groundfish Stocks in 2021 and Beyond
- Agenda Item H.6.a, GMT Report 1: Groundfish Management Team Report on Proposed Short-term Improvements to Sablefish ACL Apportionment Methods
- Agenda Item H.6.a, GMT Report 2: Groundfish Management Team Report on Biennial Harvest Specifications for 2021-2022 Including Final Overfishing Limits and Acceptable Biological Catches
- Agenda Item H.6.a, Supplemental GMT Report 3: Adoption of a Method to Apportion the Coastwide Sablefish ABC to ACLs for North and South of 36° N. LAT.
- Agenda Item H.6.a, Supplemental GMT Presentation 1: GMT recommendations for 2021-22 harvest specifications
- Agenda Item H.6.a, Supplemental SSC Report 1
- Agenda Item H.6.a, Supplemental GAP Report 1
- Agenda Item H.6.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.7, Situation Summary: Gear Switching and Sablefish Area Management Update
- Agenda Item H.7, Supplemental Staff Presentation 1: SaMTAAC Agenda Item Overview (Seger)
- Agenda Item H.7.a, SaMTAAC Report 1
- Agenda Item H.7.c, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.8, Situation Summary: Biennial Management Measures for 2021-22
- Agenda Item H.8, Attachment 1: Action Item Checklist
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental Tribal Report 1: Makah
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental Tribal Report 2: Quinault
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental REVISED Tribal Report 3: Preliminary Tribal Management Measures for 2021-2022 Groundfish Fisheries
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental CDFW Report 1
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental CDFW Report 2
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental WDFW Report 1
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental GMT Presentation 1: Action Item #3 Off-the-Top Deductions (Mattes)
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental GMT Presentation 2: RCAs, Allocations, and Harvest Guidelines (Mirick)
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental GMT Report 1: Action Item # 3: Off-the-top Deductions
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental GMT Report 2: Management Measures 1, 2, and 4 through 10 from the Action Item Checklist
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental GMT Report 3: Management Measure Items 11 through 21 from the Action Item Checklist
- Agenda Item H.8.a, Supplemental GAP Report 1
- Agenda Item H.8.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.9, Situation Summary: ESA Mitigation Measures for Salmon — Final
- Agenda Item H.9, Supplemental Staff Presentation 1: (Todd Phillips)
- Agenda Item H.9, Attachment 1 (Revised): Initial Review Draft, Preliminary Preferred Alternatives Regulatory Impact Review for Proposed Endangered Species Act Salmon Bycatch Mitigation Measures under the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan
- Agenda Item H.9.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 1: Potential regulatory changes
- Agenda Item H.9.a, Supplemental GMT Report 1
- Agenda Item H.9.a, Supplemental GAP Report 1
- Agenda Item H.9.a, Supplemental EC Report 1
- Agenda Item H.9.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item H.10, Situation Summary: Inseason Adjustments Including Whiting Yield Set-Asides for 2020 — Final Action
- Agenda Item H.10, Attachment 1: Historical Mortality of Pacific Whiting in Research and Pink Shrimp, 2011-2018
- Agenda Item H.10.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 1: Update on the 2019 Trawl Gear exempted fishing permit
- Agenda Item H.10.a, Supplemental CDFW Report 1
- Agenda Item H.10.a, Supplemental GMT Report 1
- Agenda Item H.10.a, Supplemental GAP Report 1
- Agenda Item H.10.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
I. Administrative Matters
- Agenda Item I.1, Situation Summary: Legislative Matters
- Agenda Item I.1, Supplemental Staff Presentation 1: Report to Congress on Section 201 of the Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Management Act of 2018 (J. Gilden; part of agenda item overview)
- Agenda Item I.1, Attachment 1: Staff Summary of Federal Legislation
- Agenda Item I.1, Attachment 2: Report to Congress on Section 201 of the Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Act
- Agenda Item I.1, Attachment 3: Letter to Senator Cantwell on S. 2346
- Agenda Item I.1, Attachment 4: Letter to Representative Bishop on HR 1979 and HR 2236
- Agenda Item I.1, Supplemental Attachment 5: Chairman Huffman’s Magnuson-Stevens Act Reauthorization “Listening Tour” (Provided by Dave Whaley, Council Consultant)
- Agenda Item I.1, Supplemental Attachment 6: H.R. 4723, the “Salmon Focused Investments in Sustainable Habitats Act of 2019” or “FISH Act of 2019” (Provided by Dave Whaley, Council Consultant)
- Agenda Item I.1, Supplemental Attachment 7: Draft Pacific Council comments to NMFS Report to Congress on Section 201 of the Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Management Act
- Agenda Item I.1.a, Supplemental Legislative Committee Report 1
- Agenda Item I.1.b, Supplemental SSC Report 1
- Agenda Item I.1.b, Supplemental HMSMT Report
- Agenda Item I.1.c, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item I.2, Situation Summary: Approval of Council Meeting Record
- Agenda Item I.2, Attachment 1: Draft Council Meeting Record: 251st Session of the Pacific Fishery Management Council (September 11-18, 2019)
- Agenda Item I.3, Situation Summary: Fiscal Matters
- Agenda Item I.3, Supplemental Attachment 1: Budget Committee Agenda
- Agenda Item I.3, Supplemental Attachment 2: Executive Director’s Report to the Budget Committee
- Agenda Item I.3.a, Supplemental Budget Committee Report 1
- Agenda Item I.3.c, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item I.4, Situation Summary: Membership Appointments; SOPPs, and COPs
- Agenda Item I.4, Supplemental Attachment 1: USFWS letter to add designees on the Council
- Agenda Item I.4.a, Supplemental CPSMT Report 1
- Agenda Item I.4.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item I.5, Situation Summary: Future Council Meeting Agenda and Workload Planning
- Agenda Item I.5, Attachment 1: Pacific Council Workload Planning: Preliminary Year-at-a-Glance Summary
- Agenda Item I.5, Attachment 2: Draft Proposed Council Meeting Agenda, March 3-9, 2020 in Rohnert Park, California
- Agenda Item I.5, Attachment 3: Draft Proposed Council Meeting Agenda, April 4-10, 2020 in Vancouver, Washington
- Agenda Item I.5, Supplemental Attachment 4: Pacific Council Workload Planning: Preliminary Year-at-a-Glance Summary (v. 11/19/19; 18:26)
- Agenda Item I.5, Supplemental Attachment 5: Draft Proposed Council Meeting Agenda, March 3-9, 2020 in Rohnert Park, California (v. 11/19/2019; 6:42 pm)
- Agenda Item I.5, Supplemental Attachment 6: Draft Proposed Council Meeting Agenda, April 4-10, 2020 in Vancouver, Washington (v. dated 11/19/2019; 6:42 pm)
- Agenda Item I.5, Supplemental Attachment 7: Summary of Candidate Items for Future Council Meeting Agenda and Workload Planning
- Agenda Item I.5.a, EWG Report 1
- Agenda Item I.5.a, Supplemental SSC Report 1
- Agenda Item I 5.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report 1
- Agenda Item I.5.a, Supplemental GMT Report 1
- Agenda Item I.5.a, Supplemental GAP Report 1
- Agenda Item I.5.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
J. Highly Migratory Species Management
- Agenda Item J.1, Situation Summary: NMFS Report (HMS)
- Agenda Item J.1.a, NMFS Report 1
- Agenda Item J.1.c, Supplemental HMSAS Report 1
- Agenda Item J.1.d, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item J.2, Situation Summary: Recommend International Management Activities
- Agenda Item J.2, Attachment 1: 2019 Recommendations from the Permanent Advisory Committee to the U.S. Section to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
- Agenda Item J.2, Attachment 2: Sixteenth Regular Session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Provisional Annotated Agenda
- Agenda Item J.2, Attachment 3: Treaty between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America on Pacific Coast Albacore Tuna Vessels and Port Privileges
- Agenda Item J.2 Supplemental Attachment 4: Key issues of interest at the WCPFC 16th Regular Session
- Agenda Item J.2.a, NMFS Report 1
- Agenda Item J.2.a, Supplemental DOS Report 1: Information regarding the U.S.-Canada North Pacific Albacore Treaty
- Agenda Item J.2.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report 1
- Agenda Item J.2.a, Supplemental EC Report 1
- Agenda Item J.2.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
- Agenda Item J.3, Situation Summary: Scoping an Amendment Authorizing SSLL Gear Outside of the EEZ
- Agenda Item J.3, Supplemental Staff Presentation 1: Agenda Overview (Wiedoff)
- Agenda Item J.3, Attachment 1: Scoping Information
- Agenda Item J.3, Attachment 2: Draft Swordfish Fishery Management and Monitoring Plan
- Agenda Item J.3, Supplemental Attachment 3: Letter to Barry Thom from Senator Feinstein dated November 18, 2019
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental CA Fish & Game Comm. Report 1: Letter to PFMC from California Fish and Game Commission
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental NMFS Report 1: Scoping for SSLL Outside the U.S. EEZ
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental WPFMC Report 1
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental HMSMT Report 1
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental HMSMT Presentation 1: (Hellmers)
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental HMSAS Report 1
- Agenda Item J.3.a, Supplemental HMSAS Presentation 1: (Rudie)
- Agenda Item J.3.b, Supplemental Public Presentation 1: (Weeshoff)
- Agenda Item J.3.b, Supplemental Public Presentation 2: (Oceana)
- Agenda Item J.3.b, Supplemental Public Presentation 3: (Laure Muller)
- Agenda Item J.3.b, Public Comments (If received, Electronic Only)
P. Public Comments for All Agenda Items
- P. Public Comments for All Agenda Items (both Advanced and Supplemental November 2019 briefing book)
Ancillary Meetings (Advisory Body and Committee Agendas AND Committee Memos)
- All Committee Agendas for the November 2019 briefing book (bookmarked in alphabetical order for easy navigation; updated 11/01/2019)
- All Committee Memos for the November 2019 briefing book (bookmarked in alphabetical order for easy navigation)
Informational Reports, General Information, and Membership Roster
- Supplemental Informational Report 1: Status Report of the 2019 Ocean Salmon Fisheries off Washington, Oregon, and California Preliminary data through September, 2019
- Supplemental Informational Report 2: BOEM note to stakeholders; Webinar Series to Share Information on Research Related Renewable Energy off the U.S. West Coast (first webinar starts November 13, 2019; the remainder are scheduled in 2020)
- General Information: Annual Banquet Flyer, Tax Exempt Form, Future Meeting Schedule, Seating Chart, and Hotel Information
- Membership Roster dated October 21, 2019 (for the November 2019 Briefing Book)