Each Agenda Item has been combined into one downloadable PDF document. Select the Agenda Item header to open. Bookmarks have been created to jump between documents.
Agenda Item F.2.b, Supplemental Revised REVISED SAS Report
Agenda Item F.2.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item F.3: Preliminary Alternatives for Incidental Catch Retention of Pacific Halibut in the Limited Entry and Open Access Fixed Gear Sablefish Fisheries
Agenda Item F.3.b, ODFW Report: Initial Consideration of Proposed Changes to Pacific Halibut Allocation for Bycatch and Catch Sharing in the Groundfish Fisheries
Agenda Item G.1: Review of 2010 Fisheries and Summary of 2011 Stock Abundance Forecasts
Review of 2010 Ocean Salmon Fisheries
Supplemental – Preseason Report I: Stock Abundance Analysis and Environmental Assessment Part 1 for 2011 Ocean Salmon Fishery Regulations
Agenda Item G.1.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item G.2: Identification of Stocks Not Meeting Conservation Objectives
Agenda Item G.2.a, Attachment 1: Excerpt from the Pacific Coast Salmon Plan – § 3.2. Overfishing Criteria
Agenda Item G.2.b Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item G.3: Sacramento River Fall Chinook Overfishing Assessment
Agenda Item G.3.a, Attachment 1: Excerpt from the Pacific Coast Salmon Plan
Agenda Item G.3.b, Supplemental SRFC Stock Assessment: Assessment of Factors Affecting Escapement Shortfalls of Sacramento River Fall Chinook Salmon in 2007-2009
Agenda Item G.3.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item G.3.b, Supplemental SAS Report
Agenda Item G.3.b, Supplemental HC Report
Agenda Item G.3.c, Public Comment
Agenda Item G.3.c, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint
Agenda Item G.4: Identification of Management Objectives and Preliminary Definition of 2011 Salmon Management Alternatives
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 1: Guidance for Alternative Development and Assessment
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 2: Emergency Changes to the Salmon FMP
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 3: FR 97-22094: Policy Guidelines for the Use of Emergency Rules
Agenda Item H.1: National Marine Fisheries Service Report (Groundfish)
Agenda Item H.1.b, Attachment 1: NMFS Letter Regarding the Partial Disapproval of Amendment 23 and Full Disapproval of Amendment 16-5
Agenda Item H.1.b, Attachment 2: Federal Register Notices Published Since the Last Council Meeting
Agenda Item H.1.b, Supplemental Attachment 2: NMFS Letter Regarding Specific Issues in the Shorebased IFQ Program Associated With Observer Monitoring Requirements
Agenda Item H.1.b, Supplemental NMFS TIQ Team Slides
Agenda Item H.1.c, Supplemental NWFSC PowerPoint
Agenda Item H.1.d, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item H.1.d: Quileute Tribal Council Letter Regarding Participation in the 2011 Pacific Whiting Fishery
Agenda Item H.1.e, Supplemental Public Comment
Agenda Item H.2: Process for Implementing the 2011-2012 Specifications and Management Measures
Agenda Item H.2.a, Attachment 1: A Comparison of the Yelloweye Rockfish Allocations and Apportionments Between the Council’s 2011 Final Preferred Alternative and Actions Taken at the November 2010 Council Meeting
Agenda Item H.1.b, Attachment 1: NMFS Letter Regarding the Partial Disapproval of Amendment 23 and Full Disapproval of Amendment 16-5
Agenda Item H.2.b, Supplemental NMFS Report
Agenda Item H.2.c, WDFW Letter: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Public Comment Letter on the Proposed Rule to Implement the 2011-2012 Harvest Specifications and Management Measures and Amendments 16-5 and 23 (75FR67810)
Agenda Item H.2.c, ODFW Letter 1: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Public Comment Letter on the Proposed Rule to Implement the 2011-2012 Harvest Specifications and Management Measures (75FR67810)
Agenda Item H.2.c, ODFW Letter 2: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Public Comment Letter on the Proposed Rule to Implement the 2011-2012 Harvest Specifications and Management Measures (75FR67810)
Agenda Item H.2.c, CDFG Letter: California Department of Fish and Game Public Comment Letter on the Proposed Rule to Implement the 2011-2012 Harvest Specifications and Management Measures (75FR67810)
Agenda Item H.2.c, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item H.2.c, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item H.2.d, Public Comment
Agenda Item H.2.d, Supplemental Public Comment 2
Agenda Item H.3: Pacific Whiting Harvest Specifications for 2011
Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental Attachment 1: Assessment and Management Advice for Pacific Hake in U.S. and Canadian Waters in 2011 (Full Assessment Available Online Only)
Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental Attachment 2: Pacific Whiting – The Joint U.S.-Canada STAR Panel Report
Agenda Item H.3.a, Supplemental Attachment 3: The 2011 Pacific Whiting OFL, Depletion Rate, and Revised Decision Tables as Recommended by the SSC
Agenda Item H.3.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item H.3.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item H.3.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item H.4: Considerations of Inseason Adjustments — Part I
Agenda Item H.4.b, Supplemental GMT Report 1
Agenda Item H.4.b, Supplemental GMT Report 2
Agenda Item H.4.b, Supplemental GMT PowerPoint
Agenda Item H.4.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item H.4.c, Public Comment
Agenda Item H.5: Trawl Rationalization Trailing Actions and Allocation Amendments
Agenda Item H.5.a, Attachment 1: Calendar for Trailing Amendments on Catch Shares
Agenda Item H.5.a, Attachment 2: Superseding Amendment 6 Allocations With Those Decided Under Amendment 21
Agenda Item H.5.a, Attachment 4: Trawl Catch Shares and Intersector Allocation Amendments, Issue: Severability of Whiting Mothership Catcher Vessel Endorsements/ Catch History
Agenda Item H.5, Supplemental Attachment 4 (2): Severability Table: Mothership Catcher Vessel Endorsement and Associated Whiting Catch History Assignments
Agenda Item H.5.a, Supplemental Council Staff PowerPoint (Seger)
Agenda Item H.5.b, Oregon Governor’s Letter
Agenda Item H.5.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item H.5.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item H.5.b, Supplemental EC Report
Agenda Item H.5.b, Supplemental Press Release: Cantwell Secures Commitment from Obama Administration to Make Groundfish Program a “Top Priority” in Budget
Agenda Item H.5.c, Public Comment
Agenda Item H.5.c, Supplemental Public Comment 2
Agenda Item H.5.c, Supplemental Public Comment 3
Agenda Item H.6: Consideration of Inseason Adjustments — Part II, If Necessary
Agenda Item J.1.c, Attachment 1: Discussion Document: Assessing Ecosystem Policy Principles and Bringing Ecosystem Science into the Pacific Fishery Management Council Process
Agenda Item J.1.c, Attachment 2: From the September 2010 EPDT Report: Ecosystem Fishery Management Planning for U.S West Coast Fisheries (Full Document Available Electronically Only)
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 1: Power Point Presentation to the CCC, January, 12, 2011
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 2: Letter from the CCC to the NOC
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 3: PowerPoint From Inaugural GCC Meeting
Agenda Item E.1.a: Supplemental Attachment 4: National Ocean Council, Plan for Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning Workshop Implementation
Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental Attachment 5: DRAFT Brochure; U.S. Regional Fishery Management Councils: Decades of Knowledge and Experience in Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning
Agenda Item I.1: National Marine Fisheries Service Report (Groundfish)
Agenda Item I.1.b, Attachment 1: Federal Register Notices Published Since the Last Council Meeting
Agenda Item I.1.b, Supplemental NMFS Report: NMFS Memorandum Regarding Addition of Mandatory Reporting of Ex-Vessel Value on Electronic Fish Tickets in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery’s Trawl Rationalization Program
Agenda Item I.1.b, Supplemental NWFSC PowerPoint
Agenda Item I.2: Proposed Process and Schedule for Completing the 2013-2014 Groundfish Biennial Fishery Specifications and Management Measures
Agenda Item I.2.a, Supplemental Attachment 1: Possible Schedules for Groundfish Fishery Management Plan Amendment Considerations
Agenda Item I.2.a, Supplemental Attachment 2: Table 1. Summary of Council Action By Meeting for 2013-14, as Recommended by the Groundfish Process Improvement Committee
Agenda Item I.2.b, PIC Report: Groundfish Process Improvements Committee Report
Agenda Item I.2.b, Draft Proposed Schedule: Schedule and Process for Developing 2013-2014 Groundfish Harvest Specifications and Management Measures
Agenda Item I.2.c: Supplemental NMFS Report: Letter to Mark Cedergreen Regarding PIC Recommendations and Schedule
Agenda Item I.2.c, Supplemental NWFSC PowerPoint
Agenda Item I.2.c, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item I.2.c, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item I.2.c, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item I.3: Periodic Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat Review Process
Agenda Item I.3.a, Attachment 1: Draft Proposed Changes to COP 22 – Process for Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat Review and Modification
Agenda Item I.3.a, Attachment 2: Strike-through version of Draft Proposed Changes to COP 22
Agenda Item I.3.a, Attachment 3: Call for Data and Information
Agenda Item I.3.a, Supplemental Attachment 4: Suggested Revision to Data Request
Agenda Item I.3.b, Supplemental NWIFC PowerPoint
Agenda Item I.3.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item I.3.b, Supplemental HC Report
Agenda Item I.3.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item I.3.c, Supplemental Public Comment PowerPoint (Oceana)
Agenda Item I.4: Informational Briefing on Risk Pools Under the Trawl Rationalization Program
Agenda Item I.4.b, Informational Letter from Presenter: Letter to Mark Cedergreen, Dated March 22, 2011
Agenda Item I.4.b, Supplemental Attachment 1: 2011 Risk Pool Agreement
Agenda Item I.6.a, Attachment 5: Recommended Process for Resolving the Council’s Intent Regarding Superseding Amendment 6 Allocations With Amendment 21 Allocations and Annual Management of Fishery Set-Asides
Agenda Item I.6.a, Supplemental Attachment 6: Additional Background Information on CFA Issues
Agenda Item I.6.a, Supplemental Council Staff PowerPoint (Seger/Boydstun)
Agenda Item I.6.b, Supplemental NMFS Report on Cost Recovery: Identifying Questions and Potential Answers for the Development of the Trawl Rationalization Cost Recovery Program
Informational Report 1: Letter to Chairpersons Duenas, Olson, and Cedergreen RE: Outcomes of the 7th Regular Session of the WCPFC From December 6-10, 2010
Supplemental Informational Report 2: Council Coordination Committee DRAFT May 3-5, 2011 Meeting Agenda
Supplemental Informational Report 3: USFWS Salmon Mass Marking Rates
Supplemental Informational Report 4: Active West Coast Hydrokinetic Projects, Updated March 22, 2011
Supplemental Informational Report 5: Letter from RADM Blore to Chairman Cedergreen Regarding USCG Annual Report and RADM Blore’s Retirement
Supplemental Informational Report 6: Federal Register Notice, April 12, 2011, NMFS Announces a 90-Day Finding for a Petition to List the Chinook Salmon in the Upper Klamath and Trinity Rivers as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat Under the ESA
Evening Presentation: “Learning from the Development of Sector Management in New England’s Groundfish Fishery”, Jonathan M. Labaree, Sector Program Manager, Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Agenda Item C.1: Fishery Management Plan Amendment 16, Annual Catch Limits and Accountability Measures
Agenda Item C.1.a, Supplemental Attachment 1: Salmon FMP Amendment 16: Public Review Draft Description of Alternatives
Agenda Item C.1.b, SAC Report 1: Public Review Draft Environmental Assessment for Pacific Coast Salmon Fishery Management Plan Amendment 16: Classifying Stocks, Revising Status Determination Criteria, Establishing Annual Catch Limits and Accountability Measures, and De Minimis Fishing Provisions
Agenda Item C.1.b, SAC Report 2: Appendices A-G to Amendment 16 Public Review Draft Environmental Assessment
Agenda Item C.1.b, SAC Report 3: Appendix H to Amendment 16 Public Review Draft Environmental Assessment; Draft Proposed FMP Language implementing Amendment 16
Agenda Item C.1.b, U.S. v. Oregon Letter
Agenda Item C.1.b, STT Report
Agenda Item C.1.b, Supplemental STT Report 2
Agenda Item C.1.b, Supplemental NMFS Report 1: Letter to Mark Cedergreen from Will Stelle Regarding Klamath River Fall Chinook
Agenda Item C.1.b, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: Summary of Issues and Preliminary Recommendations for Salmon Plan Amendment 16 (Peter Dygert, May 31, 2011)
Agenda Item C.1.b, Supplemental WDFW/Tribal Report 1: Letter to Council on the Draft EA for Pacific Coast Salmon Amendment 16 From Northern Coastal Tribes
Agenda Item C.1.b, Supplemental WDFW/Tribal Report 2: Letter to Council Regarding DRAFT EA for Pacific Coast Salmon From NWIFC
Agenda Item E.2: Stock Assessments for 2013-2014 Groundfish Fisheries
Agenda Item E.2.a, Attachment 1: Status of Bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis, in the Conception, Monterey and Eureka INPFC Areas as Updated for 2011 (Full Document; Electronic Only)
Agenda Item E.2.a, Attachment 2: Status Update of the U.S. Canary Rockfish Resource in 2011 (Full Document; Electronic Only)
Agenda Item E.2.a, Attachment 3: Cowcod Status Report
Agenda Item E.2.a, Attachment 4: Status and Future Prospects for the Darkblotched Rockfish Resource in Waters off Washington, Oregon, and California as Updated in 2011; (Full Document; Electronic Only)
Agenda Item E.2.a, Attachment 5: Status of the U.S. Yelloweye Rockfish Resource in 2011 (Update of 2009 Assessment Model); Full Document; Electronic Only
Agenda Item E.2.a, Attachment 6: Assessment Methods for Data-limited Stocks – Report of the Review Panel Meeting
Agenda Item E.2.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item E.2.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item E.2.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item E.3: Groundfish Amendment 16-5 and 2012 Harvest Specifications and Measures
Agenda Item E.3.a, Attachment 1: December 27, 2010 Letter From Mr. William Stelle to Chairman Mark Cedergreen Concerning the NMFS Decision to Disapprove Amendment 16-5
Agenda Item E.3.a, Attachment 2: April 5, 2011 Letter from Dr. Donald McIsaac to Mr. William Stelle Concerning Pacific Council Recommendations on the National Marine Fisheries Service Final Decision on the 2011-12 Groundfish Fishery Specifications and Management Measures
Agenda Item E.3.a, Attachment 3: April 29, 2011 Letter from Mr. Frank Lockhart to Chairman Mark Cedergreen Concerning the NMFS Final Decision on 2011 Groundfish Harvest Specifications and Management Measures
Agenda Item E.3.a, Attachment 4: Comparison of the Target Year and Harvest Control Rule for Overfished Species Under the Current Regulations, the Council Preferred Alternative, and the NMFS Preferred Alternative
Agenda Item E.3.a, Attachment 5: May 19, 2011 Letter From Mr. Frank Lockhart to Chairman Mark Cedergreen Concerning the Secretarial Amendment Process
Agenda Item E.3.a, Attachment 6: Draft Schedule for 2012 Specifications and Revised FMP Amendment Under a Secretarial Amendment Process
Agenda Item E.3.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item E.4: Final Schedule for Completing the 2013-14 Specifications and Management Measures and Considerations for Solving Biennial Cycle Process Issues
Agenda Item E.4.a, Attachment 1: Preliminary Preferred Schedule for Developing 2013-14 Groundfish Harvest Specifications and Management Measures
Agenda Item E.4.a, Attachment 2: Draft Proposed Changes to Council Operating Procedure 19 for Groundfish Exempted Fishing Permits
Agenda Item E.4.a, Attachment 4: Programmatic Approaches to the Groundfish Harvest Specifications National Environmental Policy Act Process
Agenda Item E.4.a, Attachment 5: Possible Schedules for Groundfish Fishery Management Plan Amendment Considerations
Agenda Item E.4.a, Supplemental Attachment 6: Council Staff and NMFS Project Team Report
Agenda Item E.4.a, Supplemental Attachment 7: Report on the Intended Analysis in Consideration for Restructuring Groundfish Stock Complexes
Agenda Item E.4.b, GMT Report: Groundfish Management Team Clarification on a Suggested Review of the Conservation Performance of the Council’s Rebuilding Plans
Agenda Item E.4.b, Supplemental GMT Report 2
Agenda Item E.4.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item E.4.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item E.5: Consideration of Inseason Adjustments – Part I
Agenda Item E.5.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item E.5.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item E.5.b, Supplemental GAP Report 2
Agenda Item E.5.b, Supplemental ODFW Report
Agenda Item E.5.b, Supplemental EC Report
Agenda Item E.6: Trawl Rationalization and Associated General Groundfish Fishery Issues Slated for Final Action, Including Those in the Program Improvements and Enhancement Rule
Agenda Item E.6.a, Attachment 1: Trailing Action Calendar and Status
Agenda Item E.6.a, Attachment 2: Intersector Allocation Issue: Recommended FMP and Regulatory Amendatory Language That Complies with the Council’s Intent Regarding Superseding Amendment 6 Allocations with Amendment 21 Allocations
Agenda Item E.6.a, Attachment 3: Intersector Allocation Issue: Recommended FMP and Regulatory Amendatory Language That Complies with the Council’s Intent Regarding Annual Management of Fishery Set-Asides
Agenda Item E.6.a, Attachment 5: Trawl Rationalization Issue: Severability of Whiting Mothership Catcher Vessel Endorsements/Catch History
Agenda Item E.6.a, Attachment 6: Trawl Rationalization Issue: Adaptive Management Program Quota Pound Pass-Through, Council Decision Document
Agenda Item E.6.b, NMFS Report 1: PIE Rule – Part 1, NMFS Items Unchanged from April
Agenda Item E.6.b, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: PIE Rule – Part 2, New or Changed NMFS Items from April
Agenda Item E.6.b, NMFS Report 3: Draft Rulemaking Plan
Agenda Item E.6.b, NMFS Report 4: NMFS’ Preliminary Determinations on the Appropriate Level of NEPA for Trailing Actions
Agenda Item E.6.b, Supplemental NMFS Report 5: NMFS Questions on Severability of Mothership Catcher Vessel Endorsement and Catch History Assignment from the Limited Entry Trawl Permit
Agenda Item E.6.b, ODFW Letter (Excerpt)
Agenda Item E.6.b, Supplemental IPHC Letter
Agenda Item E.6.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item E.6.b, REVISED Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item E.6.b, Supplemental EC Report
Agenda Item E.7: Priority Trailing Actions Under Trawl Rationalization Slated for Preliminary Action
Agenda Item E.7.a, Attachment 1: Trawl Rationalization Regulatory Amendments: Control Limit Safe Harbors for Community Fishing Associations and Risk Pools, Draft Environmental Assessment, May 2011
Agenda Item E.7.a, Supplemental Attachment 2: Inserts for Control Limit Safe Harbor Environmental Assessment
Agenda Item E.7.a Supplemental Attachment 3: Decision Tree for Use by Council at June 2011 Meeting Re: Preliminary Preferred Alternative for Designated CFAs
Agenda Item E.7.b, NMFS Report 1: Cost Recovery Program Options, Part One
Agenda Item E.7.b, WDFW Letter: April 27, 2011 Letter to Mr. Frank Lockhart From Mr. Phil Anderson
Agenda Item E.7.b, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: Cost Recovery Program Options, Part Two
Agenda Item E.7.b, Supplemental NMFS Report 3: Estimates West Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program (NMFS NWR, NWFSC, and OLE Implementation Costs)
Agenda Item E.7.b, Supplemental ODFW Report: Letter to Frank Lockhart Regarding Oregon’s Current Groundfish Management, Monitoring, and Enforcement Programs in Relation to the TIQ ($Costs)
Agenda Item E.7.b, Supplemental CDFG Report: Letter to Frank Lockhart Regarding CDFG Enforcement and Monitoring Costs for Implementing the TIQ Program
Agenda Item E.7.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item E.7.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item E.7.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item E.7.b, Supplemental EC Report
Agenda Item E.7.c, Public Comment
Agenda Item E.7.c, Supplemental Public Comment 2
Agenda Item E.8: Consideration of Inseason Adjustments – Part II, If Necessary
Agenda Item E.8.b, Supplemental GMT Report: June 2011 Scorecard. Allocations and Projected Mortality Impacts (mt) of Overfished Groundfish Species for 2011
Agenda Item F.1.a, Attachment 3: May 5, 2011 Formal Request for Council comments on H.R. 946 from Congressman Hastings Via E-mail From Mr. Todd Ungerecht
Agenda Item F.1.a, Attachment 4: April 9, 2011 Letter from Dr. Donald McIsaac to Ms. Susan Bunsick Regarding Council Comments on the Draft NOAA and DOC Aquaculture Policies
Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental Attachment 5: Letter to Jim Kellogg from Rodney McInnis Regarding NOAA’s Review of the Forage Species Conservation and Management Act
Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental Attachment 6: HR 1837, A Bill to Address Certain Water-Related Concerns on the San Joaquin River, and for Other Purposes
Agenda Item F.1.a, Supplemental Attachment 7: DRAFT Letter from Concerned Fishery Organizations to Honorable Tom McClintock Regarding Opposition to HR 1837
Agenda Item F.1.b, Supplemental LC Report
Agenda Item F.2: Approval of Council Meeting Minutes
Agenda Item F.2.a, Attachment 1: DRAFT Minutes: 204th Session of the Pacific Fishery Management Council
Agenda Item F.2.a, Supplemental Attachment 2: DRAFT Minutes: 207th Session of the Pacific Fishery Management Council
Agenda Item G.1: National Marine Fisheries Service Report
Agenda Item G.1.b, Supplemental Pacific Sardine II Workshop Report: Workshop on Enhancing Stock Assessments of Pacific Sardine in the California Current through Coordinated Comparative Surveys (May 23-24, 2011)
Agenda Item H.1: Ecosystem Fishery Management Plan
Agenda Item H.1.a, Electronic Attachment 1: September 2010 EPDT Report, Ecosystem-Based Management Planning for U.S. West Coast Fisheries; (Electronic Only)
Agenda Item H.1.a, Electronic Attachment 2: March 2011 EPDT Report, Discussion Document: Assessing Ecosystem Policy Principles and Bringing Ecosystem Science into the Pacific Fishery Management Council Process; (Electronic Only)
Agenda Item H.1.a, Attachment 3: Draft Purpose and Need Statement submitted by Oceana at the March 2011 Council Meeting
Informational Report 1: Letter from Michael Bell, TNC, and Report From Archipelago Marine Research Ltd., Regarding Electronic Monitoring Pilot Study Report for West Coast Groundfish Trawl ITQ Program
Supplemental Informational Report 2: Letter from GoldenGate Salmon Association to the Bay-Delta Conservation Plan Coordinators
Supplemental Informational Report 3: Memo from Pacific Coast Salmon EFH Review Oversight Panel to the Council Regarding Revisions to the Final Report on the 5-year Review of EFH for Pacific Coast Salmon
Supplemental Informational Report 3, ELECTRONIC Attachment 1: Pacific Coast Salmon 5-Year Review of Essential Fish Habitat Final Report to the Pacific Fishery Management Council, Revised May 25, 2011
Supplemental Informational Report 4: Letter from RFMCs to Eric Schwaab Regarding NMFS Allocation Project
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 2: Kobe III Recommendations
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 3: Report of the Eleventh Meeting of the International Scientific Committee For Tuna and Tuna-Like Species in the North Pacific Ocean
Agenda Item G.1: National Marine Fisheries Service Report
Agenda Item G.1.a, Attachment 1: Federal Register Notices Published Since the Last Council Meeting
Agenda Item G.1.a, Attachment 2: Federal Register: Notice of Availability for Amendment 21-1
Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental Attachment 3: Federal Register Notice, Proposed Rule: Trawl Rationalization Program Improvement and Enhancement Rule
Agenda Item G.1.a, Supplemental Attachment 4: NMFS Solicits Public Comment on the Trawl Rationalization Proposed Rule and Notice of Availability for Amendment 21-1
Agenda Item G.1.a, Attachment 5: Letter from Will Stelle Regarding the Trawl Rationalization Program
Agenda Item G.1.a, Attachment 6: Risk Assessment of U.S. West Coast Groundfish Fisheries to Threatened and Endangered Seabirds
Agenda Item G.1.d, Public Comment: Washington Sea Grant: Bringing Albatross Conservation to West Coast Groundfish Fisheries: Progress on Outreach Efforts in the Longline Fleet
Agenda Item G.1.d, Supplemental Public Comment 2
Agenda Item G.2: Update and Joint NMFS/PFMC Hearing on the Proposed Secretarial Amendment for Groundfish Amendment 16-5 and 2012 Harvest Specifications and Management Measures
Agenda Item G.2.a, Supplemental Attachment 1: Pacific Coast Groundfish FMP, Appendix F: Overfished Species Rebuilding Plan
Agenda Item G.2.b, Supplemental NMFS Report 1: Letter to Don McIsaac Regarding Transmittal of Secretarial Amendment 1 to the Groundfish FMP
Agenda Item G.2.b, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: Groundfish FMP as Amended Through Amendment 23 INCLUDING Secretarial Amendment 1 (Redline/Strikeout Chapter 4 Version)
Agenda Item G.3: Review of Exempted Fishing Permits for 2012 Groundfish Fisheries
Agenda Item G.4: Stock Assessments for 2013-2014 Groundfish Fisheries (Full Stock Assessment Documents Available on Website and CD Only)
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 1: Stock Assessment of Pacific Ocean Perch in Waters off of the U.S. West Coast in 2011
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 3: Status of the U.S. Petrale Sole Resource in 2010
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 4: Petrale Sole STAR Panel Report
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 5: Status of the Widow Rockfish Report in 2011
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 6: Widow Rockfish STAR Panel Report
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 7: Status of the Spiny Dogfish Shark Resource off the Continental U.S. Pacific Coast in 2011
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 8: Spiny Dogfish STAR Panel Report
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 9: Status of the U.S. Sablefish Resource in 2011
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 10: Sablefish STAR Panel Report
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 11: The Status of Dover Sole off the U.S. West Coast in 2011
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 12: Dover Sole STAR Panel Report
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 13: Status of the Blackgill Rockfish, Sebastes melanostomus, in the Conception and Monterey INPFC Areas for 2011
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 14: Blackgill Rockfish STAR Panel Report
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 15: Status of Greenspotted Rockfish, Sebastes chlorostictus, in U.S. Waters off California
Agenda Item G.4.a, Attachment 16: Greenspotted Rockfish STAR Panel Report
Agenda Item G.4.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item G.4.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item G.4.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item G.5: Biennial Management Process for 2013-2014 Groundfish — Part 1
Agenda Item G.5.a, Attachment 1: Schedule for Developing 2013-14 Groundfish Harvest Specifications and Management Measures
Agenda Item G.5.a, Supplemental REVISED Attachment 2: 2012 OFLs (mt) and Recommended 2013 and 2014 OFLs (mt) for West Coast Groundfish Stocks
Agenda Item G.5.a, Attachment 3: Relationship Between P* and the Percent Reduction of the OFL for Deciding the 2013 and 2014 ABCs for Category 1, 2, and 3 Stocks Based on Sigma Values of 0.36, 0.72, and 1.44, Respectively
Agenda Item G.5.a, Supplemental REVISED Attachment 4: 2012 ABCs and ACLs (mt) and Presumptive 2013 and 2014 ABCs (mt) for West Coast Groundfish Stocks Assuming the Status Quo P* and Stock Category Values Do Not Change
Agenda Item G.5.a, Attachment 5: Report of GMT Subgroup and Council Staff on Analysis of Stock Vulnerability and Configuration of Stock Complexes
Agenda Item G.5.a SUPPLEMENTAL PowerPoint for Attachment 5
Agenda Item G.5.a, Attachment 6: The Commercial Fisheries Landings Distribution Model
Agenda Item G.5.a, Supplemental Attachment 7: APPENDIX L: Catch-Based Allocation of the Overfishing Limit (OFL) for Greenspotted Rockfish (Sebastes chlorostictus) in Northern California, and a Yield Estimate for U.S. Waters off Oregon and Washington
Agenda Item G.5.a, Supplemental Attachment 8: Revisions to OFL Contributions for Category 3 Stocks
Agenda Item H.1: Progress Reports on Columbia River Tule and Sacramento Winter Run Chinook Management Issues
Agenda Item H.1.b, TCW Report: Exploration of Abundance-Based Management Approaches for Lower Columbia River Tule Chinook
Agenda Item H.1.b, Supplemental TCW PowerPoint
Agenda Item H.1.b, Supplemental NMFS Report: Progress Report on the Sacramento Winter Run Biological Opinion Reasonable and Prudent Alternative and Development of a New Management Framework
Agenda Item I.1.a, Attachment 1: 2011 Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan for Area 2A
Agenda Item I.1.b, NMFS Report: Report on the 2011 Pacific Halibut Fisheries in Area 2A
Agenda Item I.1.b, IPHC Report: Letter to Dan Wolford from Bruce Leaman
Agenda Item I.1.b, ODFW Report: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Report on Proposed Changes to the Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan for the 2012 Fishery
Agenda Item I.1.b, WDFW Report: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Report on Proposed Changes to Catch Sharing Plan and 2012 Annual Regulations
Agenda Item I.1.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item I.2: Proposed Procedures for Estimating Pacific Halibut Bycatch in the Groundfish Fishery
Agenda Item I.2.b, NMFS Report: Pacific Halibut Bycatch in the U.S. West Coast Groundfish Fishery from 2002 through 2010
Informational Report 1: Active West Coast Hydrokinetic Projects (Dated August 17, 2011)
Informational Report 2: Letter to Bureau of Reclamation From San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority Regarding Biological Opinion on Central Valley Project and California State Water Project Operations
Supplemental Informational Report 3: Status Report of the 2011 Ocean Salmon Fisheries off Washington, Oregon, and California. (Preliminary Data Through August 31, 2011)
Open Comment 1: A Bilateral Scientific Workshop Process to Evaluate Effects of Salmon Fisheries on Southern Resident Killer Whales
Open Comment 2: Letter to Dr. McIsaac from Bruce Buckson Regarding NMFS Office of Law Enforcement Seeking Comments on Setting Annual Enforcement Priorities
Open Comment 2; Supplemental Revised SAS Report: Priority For Enforcement Issues
Open Comment 2: Supplemental Enforcement Consultants Report
Open Comment 2: Agenda Item B.1.a, Supplemental CPSAS Report
Open Comment 2: Supplemental EC Report 2
Open Comment 2: Supplemental GMT Report
Supplemental Open Comment 3: Letter from Oceana Regarding West Coast Swordfish Fishery
Supplemental Open Comment 4: Letter to Dan Basta from the Hoh Indian Tribe, Makah Tribe, Quileute Tribe, and the Quinault Indian Nation Regarding Initiatives Under Development in at Least Two Sanctuaries
Supplemental Open Comment 5: Forage Fish, Feeding the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem (Oceana)
Supplemental Open Comment 6: Jeff Miles, Ocean Frontiers, the Dawn of a New Era in Ocean Stewardship
Agenda Item D.1.a, Attachment 1: 2011 Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan For Area 2A
Agenda Item D.1.a, Attachment 2: Fall 2011 Newsletter Excerpt
Agenda Item D.1.b, NMFS Report: Report on the 2011 Pacific Halibut Fisheries in Area 2A
Agenda Item D.1.b, ODFW Report: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Report on Proposed Changes to the Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan for the 2012 Fishery
Agenda Item D.1.b, WDFW Report: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Report on Proposed Changes to the Area 2A Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan and 2012 Annual Regulations
Agenda Item E.1: Stock Assessments for 2013-2014 Groundfish Fisheries
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 1: Status of bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis, in the Conception, Monterey and Eureka INPFC areas as Updated for 2011 (Full document electronic format only)
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 2: Status and Future Prospects for the Darkblotched Rockfish Resource in Waters off Washington, Oregon, and California in 2011 (Full document electronic format only)
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 3: Status of the Widow Rockfish Resource in 2011 (Full document electronic format only)
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 4: Scientific and Statistical Committee Groundfish Subcommittee Report on Stock Assessments and Rebuilding Analyses for 2013-2014 Groundfish Fisheries
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 5: Rebuilding Analysis for Bocaccio, Based on the 2011 Stock Assessment
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 6: Rebuilding Analysis for Canary Rockfish Based on the 2011 Updated Stock Assessment
Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental REVISED Attachment 7: Rebuilding Analysis for Darkblotched Rockfish in 2011
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 8: Rebuilding Analysis for Pacific Ocean Perch in 2011
Agenda Item E.1.a, Attachment 10: Rebuilding Analysis for Yelloweye Rockfish Based on the 2011 Update Stock Assessment (Full document electronic format only)
Agenda Item E.1.a, Supplemental Attachment 11: An Alternative View of Widow Rockfish Productivity
Agenda Item E.1.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item E.2: National Marine Fisheries Service Report on Groundfish
Agenda Item E.2.b, Attachment 1: Federal Register Notices Published Since the Last Council Meeting
Agenda Item E.2.c, NWFSC Report: Estimated Discard and Catch of Groundfish Species in the 2010 US West Coast Fisheries (Provided in electronic format only)
Agenda Item E.3: Review of Exempted Fishing Permits for 2013-2014 Groundfish Fisheries
Agenda Item E.3.a, Attachment 1: Evaluation of an epibenthic trolled longline to selectively catch chilipepper rockfish (Sebastes goodei) off California
Agenda Item E.3.a, Attachment 2: Groundfish EFP Proposal: Yellowtail Rockfish Jig Fishing off California
Agenda Item E.3.a, Attachment 3: Supporting a Spatial Analysis of the Distribution and Size of Rebuilding Stocks in the Rockfish Conservation Area Through Directed Surveys
Agenda Item E.3.a, Supplemental Attachment 4: Electronic Monitoring Proposal for the IFQ Trawl Rationalization Program
Agenda Item E.4: Biennial Management Process for 2013-2014 Groundfish Fisheries — Part I
Agenda Item E.4.a, Supplemental P* Informational Briefing PowerPoint: An Overview of Scientific Uncertainty Buffers and Acceptable Biological Catch Specifications (DeVore)
Agenda Item E.4.a, Attachment 1: 2012 OFLs (mt) and Recommended 2013 and 2014 OFLs (mt) for West Coast Groundfish Stocks
Agenda Item E.4.a, Attachment 2: Relationship between P* and the percent reduction of the OFL for deciding the 2013 and 2014 ABCs for Category 1, Widow Rockfish, Category 2, and Category 3 Stocks Based on Sigma Values of 0.36, 0.41, 0.72, and 1.44, Respectively
Agenda Item E.4.a, Attachment 3: 2012 ABCs and ACLs (mt) and Presumptive 2013 and 2014 ABCs (mt) for West Coast Groundfish Stocks Assuming the Status Quo P* and Stock Category Values Do Not Change
Agenda Item E.4.a, Attachment 4: Estimated Time to Rebuild and Spawning Potential Ratio Harvest Rate Relative to Alternative 2013-2014 ACLs for Overfished West Coast Groundfish Stocks
Agenda Item E.4.a, Attachment 5: Historical Landings and Revenue in Groundfish Fisheries
Agenda Item E.4.a, Attachment 6: Landings and Revenue Tables
Agenda Item E.4.a, Supplemental Attachment 7: Table 5. 2013 OFLs (mt) and a Range of Alternative 2013 ABCs (mt) Varied by the Probability of Overfishing (P*) for West Coast Groundfish Stocks
Agenda Item E.4.a, Supplemental Attachment 8: Table 6. 2014 OFLs (mt) and a Range of Alternative 2014 ABCs (mt) Varied by the Probability of Overfishing (P*) for West Coast Groundfish Stocks
Agenda Item E.4.a, Supplemental Attachment 9: Final Preferred 2013 and 2014 OFLs (mt) and ABCs (mt) and Presumptive 2013 and 2014 ACLs (mt) for Non-Overfished West Coast Groundfish Stocks Assuming the Status Quo Basis for Deciding the ACLs
Agenda Item E.4.b, GMT Report: The Groundfish Management Team Report on the Suggested Range of Annual Catch Limit and Annual Catch Target Alternatives for Rebuilding Stocks
Agenda Item E.4.b, Supplemental GMT Report 2
Agenda Item E.4.b, Supplemental GMT Report 3
Agenda Item E.4.b, Supplemental SSC Report
Agenda Item E.4.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item E.4.b, Supplemental Tribal Report
Agenda Item E.4.b, Supplemental Tribal Report 2
Agenda Item E.4.c, Supplemental Public Comment
Agenda Item E.4.c, Supplemental Public Comment 2
Agenda Item E.5: Further Direction on Biennial Management Specifications for 2013-2014 Groundfish Fisheries – Part 1 (If Needed)
Agenda Item E.5.b, Supplemental GMT Report 2: Option 1, Council Requested Tables with 2012 Allocations and Allocation Percentages, Applied to the Council’s PPAs for 2013 and 2014 ACL Alternatives
Agenda Item E.5.b, Supplemental GMT Report 3: Report on Biennial Management Specifications for 2013-14, Part II — Stock Complex Evaluation
Agenda Item E.6: Status Reports on the Rationalized Trawl Fishery
Agenda Item E.6.b, NMFS Report 1: Current IFQ Catch Data Snapshot
Agenda Item E.6.b, Supplemental NMFS Report 2: PRELIMINARY Report for 2011 At-Sea and Tribal Pacific Whiting Fisheries (Report Not Generated For This Briefing Book)
Agenda Item E.6.c, Supplemental Mothership Co-op Report: An Amendment 20 Mothership Catcher Vessel Cooperative Preliminary WMC Report on the Current Year Pacific Whiting Fishery
Agenda Item E.6.c, Supplemental Mothership Co-Op Report 2: Data From Sea State, Inc.
Agenda Item E.8: Consideration of Inseason Adjustments for 2011 and 2012 Fisheries
Agenda Item E.8.b, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Report: WDFW Report on Inseason Adjustments for 2012
Agenda Item E.8.b, Supplemental GMT Report
Agenda Item E.8.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item E.9: Biennial Management Specifications Process for 2013-2014 Groundfish Fisheries — Part 2
Agenda Item E.9.a, Attachment 1: Recent Year Catch Estimates Relevant to Deciding a Range of 2013-2014 Allocations
Agenda Item E.9.a, Supplemental Attachment 2: Table 1. Final preferred 2013 and 2014 OFLs (mt) and ABCs (mt) and preliminary preferred 2013 and 2014 ACLs (mt) for non-overfished west coast groundfish stocks and stock complexes (stocks with new assessments in bold; stocks without a preliminary preferred alternative identified have TBD in the 2013 and 2014 PPA ACL cells)
Agenda Item E.9.b, NMFS Report: NMFS Advice on the Preliminary List of Management Measures for 2013-14 Groundfish Fisheries
Agenda Item E.9.b, GMT Report: GMT Report on Off the Top Deductions (Set-Asides) for 2013-14
Agenda Item E.9.b, GMT Report 2: GMT Report on Preliminary Management Measures for 2013-14
Agenda Item E.9.b, Supplemental GMT Report 3
Agenda Item E.9.b, Supplemental GMT Report 4
Agenda Item E.9.b, Supplemental GAP Report
Agenda Item E.9.b, Supplemental Tribal Report
Agenda Item E.9.b, Supplemental EC Report
Agenda Item E.9.b, CDFG Report: Preliminary Range of Management Measures for California’s 2013-2014 Commercial and Recreational Groundfish Fisheries
Agenda Item E.9.b, Supplemental CDFG Report 2: Retention of Shelf Rockfish in the Cowcod Conservation Area in 2013-14
Agenda Item E.9.b, Supplemental Joint ODFW/CDFG Report: Joint Proposal on Management Measures for 2013-2014 Fisheries
Agenda Item F.1: NMFS Report on Coastal Pelagic Species Management
Agenda Item F.1.c, Supplemental SWFSC PowerPoint
Agenda Item F.2: Pacific Sardine Stock Assessment and Coastal Pelagic Species Management Measures for 2012
Agenda Item F.2.a, Attachment 1: August 31, 2011 Letter From Ed Johnstone, Quinault Fisheries Policy Spokesperson, Regarding the Quinault Indian Nation’s Intent to Establish a Tribal Allocation and to Enter the 2012 Pacific Sardine Fishery
Agenda Item F.2.a, Attachment 2: Management Questions and Relevant CPS FMP Excerpt Regarding the Quinault Indian Nation’s Intents for 2012
Agenda Item F.2.b, Attachment 1: Assessment of the Pacific Sardine Resource in 2011 for U.S. Management in 2012, Executive Summary
Agenda Item F.2.b, Attachment 2: Southwest Fisheries Science Center’s Daily Egg Production Model Survey Report (Electronic only)
Agenda Item H.1.b, Attachment 1: Discussion Document: Development of an Annual Report on Conditions in the California Current Ecosystem (Complete document in electronic format only)
Agenda Item I.1: Council Recommendations on International Highly Migratory Species Management
Agenda Item I.1.a, Attachment 1: Canada-U.S. Treaty on Pacific Albacore Tuna Vessels and Port Privileges, Including Annex Amendments
Agenda Item I.1.a, Attachment 2: Canadian Albacore Landings at Selected U.S. West Coast Ports
Agenda Item I.1.a, Attachment 3: WCPFC Circular 2011-24, Discussion of a Possible Way Forward in the Development of a Conservation and Management Measure for Bigeye, Yellowfin, and Skipjack Tuna in the WCPFC Convention Area
Informational Report 1: Status Report of the 2011 Ocean Salmon Fisheries off Washington, Oregon, and California; Preliminary Data Through September 30, 2011