Advisory Body Meetings

Please refer to the agenda for days and start times for each group.

September 2024 Council Meeting
Advisory GroupStatusIn Person / VirtualMeeting Room / Meeting ID
Budget CommitteeMeetingIn PersonLaguna Beach 2
Coastal Pelagic Species Advisory SubpanelMeetingIn PersonEmerald Bay 1
Coastal Pelagic Species Management TeamMeetingIn PersonEmerald Bay 2
Ecosystem Advisory SubpanelNot Meeting
Ecosystem WorkgroupNot Meeting
Enforcement ConsultantsMeeting
(See next scheduled session)
In Person11/13-15 Laguna Beach 2 / online as necessary thereafter.
Meeting ID: 621225141
Equity and Environmental Justice CommitteeNot Meeting
Groundfish Advisory SubpanelMeetingIn PersonBalboa Bay
Groundfish Management TeamMeetingIn PersonEmerald Bay 3
Habitat CommitteeNot Meeting
Highly Migratory Species Management TeamMeetingIn PersonEmerald Bay 2
Highly Migratory Species Advisory SubpanelMeetingIn PersonEmerald Bay 1
Legislative CommitteeMeetingIn PersonLaguna Beach 1
Marine Planning CommitteeNot Meeting
Salmon Advisory SubpanelMeetingIn PersonLaguna Beach 3
Salmon Technical TeamMeetingIn PersonLaguna Beach 3
Scientific and Statistical CommitteeMeetingIn Person / Public listeningNewport Beach 1 & 2 / Meeting ID: 687806839
Groundfish Subcommittee Scientific and Statistical CommitteeNot Meeting