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Amendment 9: Klamath River Fall Chinook

The ninth amendment to the salmon fishery management plan addresses the following six issues: Klamath River fall chinook salmon escapement goal Harvest allocation for non-Indian fisheries north of Cape Falcon Inseason notice procedures Steelhead management intent Radio reporting requirements for commercial salmon fishermen Limitations for season opening and closing dates Download the Ninth Amendment to the […]

Amendment 8: habitat, temporary adjustments to fishery access

Download complete amendment (January 1988) Cover, table of contents, acronyms, and introduction Amendment issue 1 – Habitat Amendment issue 2 – Temporary adjustments for access to the fishery for vessels denied harvest opportunity by unsafe weather or ocean conditions Habitat appendix Appendix A – Environmental assessment Appendix B – Consistency with Federal and state coastal management programs Appendix C – […]

Amendment 7: Oregon Coast Natural coho escapement goals, inseason management flexibility, coho allocation impacts

Amendment 7 (Oct. 1986) examines the Oregon Coast Natural coho escapement goal with regard to the biological and socioeconomic impacts of a deviation from the current goal at low stock sizes; the impacts created by additional flexibility in inseason management measures; and provides an analysis of impacts that result from increasing the harvest allocation of […]

Amendment 6: Final framework amendment

Framework Amendment for Managing the Ocean Fisheries Off the Coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California Commencing in 1985 (October 1984)

Amendments 3 and 4: Proposed plan for 1982 salmon fisheries

Proposed Plan for Managing the 1982 Salmon Fisheries off the Coast of California, Oregon and Washington and Proposed Plan for Managing the 1982 Salmon Fisheries off the Coast of California, Oregon and Washington with Secretarial Amendment The portion of the amendment governing the recreational fishery coastwide, and the troll fishery north of Cape Blanco, was […]

Amendment 1: Full fishery management plan

Fishery Management Plan for Commercial and Recreational Salmon Fisheries off the Coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California Commencing in 1978 Contents: Cover, Summary, Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapters 2: Description of the Stocks of Fish Comprising the Fishery Management Unit Chapter 3: Description of the Habitat Chapter 4: Existing Fishery Management Jurisdiction, Laws, […]