Online Public Hearing on salmon management (CA) March 23, 2021

Online meeting only; no public listening station due to COVID-19
Date: 23 March 2021
Time: to
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The purpose of this online public hearing is to receive comments on the proposed management alternatives in preparation for adopting final management recommendations at the April Council meeting.

How to sign up for oral comment at this meeting:

By filling out this form, your name will be added to the testimony list. We will call on individuals once the public comment period begins.  The deadline for signing up is approximately 30 minutes after the meeting starts at 7:00 p.m.

Hearing materials:

The 2021 Salmon Hearing Packet: Excerpts from Preseason Report II and proposed alternatives for the 2021 ocean salmon fishery regulations (prepared for the March 23 and March 24 salmon hearings online only) are available here.

To attend the webinar (RingCentral)

  1. Join the meeting by visiting this link:
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 144 064 8396 and click JOIN
  3. Next you will be prompted to either:
    1. Download the RingCentral meetings application, OR
    2. Join the meeting without a download via your web browser.
  4. Please enter your name and click Join.
  5. You must use your telephone for the audio portion of the meeting by dialing the TOLL number provided on your screen, followed by the meeting ID and participant ID, also provided on the screen.
  6. Once connected, you will be in the meeting, seeing other participants and a shared screen, if applicable.

For the best audio experience, please use computer audio.

For telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

US: +1(213)2505700










Meeting ID: 144 064 8396

International numbers available:

Technical information and instructions

Attendee instructions

System requirements

  • PC-based attendees: Required: Windows® 8 or 10
  • Mac®-based attendees: Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer
  • Mobile attendees: Required: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone or Android tablet (See your phone’s App Store and search for RingCentral meeting or visit RingCentral Mobile App site)

For technical assistance, you may send an email to Kris Kleinschmidt or call/text 503-820-2412; or email Sandra Krause or call/text 503-820-2419.

Additional information

For further information about the hearings, please contact Robin Ehlke at 503-820-2410; toll-free 1-866-806-7204.

This notice was published in the Federal Register on 12/23/2020.

Alternative ways to provide public comment:

Public comment is also being accepted through April 5 at 5 pm Pacific Time via our E-Portal. Agenda Item D.1 is the most appropriate for salmon alternatives adopted in March.