The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Committee of the Whole (COTW) will hold a two-day in-person work session that is open to the public. The meeting will be held Thursday, January 18 and Friday, January 19, 2024, from 8 a.m. Pacific Standard Time until business for each day has been completed.
This meeting is being conducted in-person with a web broadcast that provides the opportunity for remote public comment. In the event an outage occurs or technical issues arise that impact the experience of remote attendees, we will attempt to resolve them but ultimately we cannot guarantee that they will be resolved satisfactorily.
Purpose of the meeting
The primary purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Council’s fiscal status, and the alignment of Council finances with priorities and operational practices. The committee will discuss these matters in the context of the Council’s next grant period, funding from the Inflation Reduction Act, and other possible sources of Council funding. No management actions will be decided by the COTW. The COTW’s recommendations will be considered by the Council at the March Council meeting.
Meeting Materials
Informational: Overview and Orientation Document
Agenda Item A.1: Proposed Committee-of-the-Whole Agenda
Agenda Item A.3: Council Fiscal Status and Outlook
Agenda Item B.1: Council Priorities and Activities Categorized
Agenda Item B.2: Aligning Council Priorities with Finances
Agenda Item C.2: Overview of Inflation Reduction Act Proposals
Agenda Item D: Staff Paper Regarding Council Operations (REVISED)
Meeting Recording
These recordings do not contain official committee recommendations or conclusions. A committee report containing recommendations is forthcoming.
If you have additional questions regarding the meeting, please contact Merrick Burden at 503-820-2280; toll free 1-866-806-7204.