Ad Hoc Ecosystem Workgroup and the Ecosystem Advisory Subpanel to hold online meetings February 22 & 23, 2021

Online meeting only; no public listening station due to COVID-19
Date: 23 February 2021
Time: to
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The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s (Pacific Council) Ad Hoc Ecosystem Workshop (EWG) and Ecosystem Advisory Subpanel (EAS) will hold online meetings, which are open to the public.  The EWG will hold an online meeting on Monday, February 22, 2021, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time, or until business is concluded. The EWG and EAS will hold a joint meeting on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time, or until business is concluded.

Purpose of the meetings

The purpose of the EWG meeting is to plan and prepare for advisory body work supporting the Pacific Council’s March 2-11, 2021, meeting. This includes reviewing and discussing available meeting materials and planning work for the ecosystem management topics and other topics of interest that may arise during the Pacific Council meeting. In their joint meeting, the EAS and EWG will receive a briefing on the California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Report and other topics as appropriate. A detailed agenda for these meetings will be made available on the Pacific Council website in advance of the meeting.


To attend the online meetings

How to use RingCentral meeting application (video)

How to join a RingCentral meeting using web browser (video)

  1. Join the meetings (same both days) by using this link:
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 148 128 8891 and click JOIN
  3. Next you will be prompted to either download:
  • the RingCentral meetings application OR
  • join the meeting without a download via your web browser,
  1. Enter your name and click JOIN.
  2. You may use your telephone for the audio portion of the meeting by dialing the TOLL number provided on your screen, followed by the meeting ID and participant ID (also provided on the screen)
  3. Once connected, you will be in the meeting, seeing other participants and a shared screen, if applicable.

For the best audio experience, please use computer audio. If you are not able to use the RingCentral application via computer or mobile device, please join the “audio only” portion of the online meeting by calling one of the numbers below.

Telephone (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

+1(720) 902 7700 (US Central)

+1(213) 250 5700

+1(346) 9804201

+1(623) 404 9000 (US West)

+1(650) 2424929

+1(773) 2319226 (US North)

+1(312) 2630281

+1(469) 445 0100 (US South)

+1(470) 869 2200 (US East)

+1(646) 357 3664

Meeting ID: 148 128 8891

Or iPhone one-tap:

+1(720) 902 7700,,1481288891# (US Central)

+1(213)250 5700,,1481288891#

+1(346) 980 4201,,1481288891#

+1(623) 404 9000,,1481288891# (US West)

+1(650) 242 4929,,1481288891#

+1(773) 231 9226,,1481288891# (US North)

+1(312)263 0281,,1481288891#

+1(469) 445 0100,,1481288891# (US South)

+1(470) 869 2200,,1481288891# (US East)

+1(646) 357 3664,,1481288891#

Technical information

Technical details will be posted to this webpage as they become available.

For technical assistance, you may send an email to Kris Kleinschmidt or call/text 503-820-2412; or email Sandra Krause or call/text 503-820-2419.

Additional information

Requests for sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aids should be directed to Kris Kleinschmidt at 503-280-2412 at least ten business days prior to the meeting date.

If you have additional questions regarding the online meetings, please contact  Dr. Kit Dahl at 503-820-2422;  toll-free 1-866-806-7204.