The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s (Pacific Council) Ad Hoc Ecosystem Workgroup (EWG) and Ecosystem Advisory Subpanel (EAS) are holding an online joint meeting, which is open to the public. The online meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific Time or until business is completed. This meeting is being conducted remotely with a web broadcast that provides the opportunity for remote public comment. In the event an outage occurs or technical issues arise that impact the experience of remote attendees, we will attempt to resolve them but ultimately we cannot guarantee that they will be resolved satisfactorily.
Purpose of the meeting
The EWG and EAS will hold a joint meeting via webinar to discuss the Pacific Council’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) projects and associated project planning. The EWG and EAS may also discuss other items relevant to ecosystem management in advance of the Pacific Council’s September 18-24, 2024, meeting. A detailed meeting agenda will be available on the Pacific Council’s website prior to the meeting.
Meeting materials
If you have additional questions regarding the meeting, please contact Gilly Lyons at 503-820-2427; toll free 1-866-806-7204, extension 427.