CPS FMP Amendment 13: National Standard 1 guidelines

The intent of Amendment 13 is to ensure the FMP is consistent with NMFS advisory guidelines. The guidelines describe fishery management approaches to meet the objectives of National Standard 1 (NS1) of section 301 of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA). National Standard 1 states “Conservation and management measures shall prevent overfishing while […]

HMS FMP Amendment 2: Consistency with advisory guidelines for National Standard 1

In June 2010 the Council took final action to adopt Amendment 2. Amendment 2 makes the HMS FMP consistent with advisory guidelines for National Standard 1 in the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), as amended (50 CFR 600.310). National Standard 1 (NS1) mandates that “Conservation and management measures shall prevent overfishing while achieving, […]

Groundfish FMP Amendment 23: New harvest specifications framework

Amendment 23 amends the harvest specifications framework in the groundfish fishery management plan to meet new requirements in the Magnuson-Stevens Act regarding annual catch limits and accountability measures, and to be consistent with the revised National Standard 1 guidelines. These revised guidelines introduced or defined new fishery management concepts including overfishing limits, an acceptable biological […]

Groundfish FMP Amendment 21 and related amendments (Amendment 21-1 through Amendment 21-4): Allocation of harvest opportunity for trawl and other sectors of the Pacific Coast groundfish fishery

Amendment 21 established intersector allocations needed to support the trawl catch share program (Amendment 20). It has been modified by a number of sub-amendments, starting with Amendment 21-1. These amendments and work on other changes to Amendment 21 are tracked on the Amendment 20 page in the section on “Catch share program modifications.” Amendment 21-4 […]

Groundfish FMP Amendment 20: Trawl rationalization (IFQs and co-ops)

Trawl rationalization The Council initiated development of an IFQ program for groundfish trawl fisheries at its September 2003 meeting. IFQs were initially considered as an alternative under the 1991 Amendment 6 groundfish license limitation program. In late 2003, once the Council had committed to program development, and through 2004, various committees began initial work on […]

Groundfish FMP Amendment 15: Measures to Limit Participation in the Pacific Whiting Fishery

Amendment 15 was an interim measure. The adopted provisions ended when the trawl rationalization program was implemented under Amendment 20. Amendment 15 prohibited sector-specific participation in the shoreside, catcher/processor, and mothership sectors of the Pacific whiting fishery in each sector for which a vessel did not have a historic participation record during the qualifying period. It […]

Amendment 15: An initiative to provide de minimis ocean fishing opportunity for Klamath River Fall Chinook

Amendment 15 allows minimal, or de minimis fisheries in years when the Klamath River Fall Chinook conservation objective is projected not to be met. Alternatives are presented for determining a maximum harvest rate for Klamath fall Chinook that would be allowed under de minimis fisheries. Final rule (effective March 26, 2008) Salmon FMP Amendment 15 final environmental […]

Control date: Open access limited entry

Date: September 13, 2006 Federal Register summary: “NMFS and the Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) are beginning to develop a groundfish fishery management plan (FMP) amendment and management measures to reduce harvest capacity in the open access portion of the Pacific Coast groundfish fishery in Federal waters off Washington, Oregon, and California. This document announces […]

Groundfish FMP Amendment 19: Essential fish habitat

Amendment 19 designated essential fish habitat for Council-managed species. The Council approved FMP Amendment 19 and submitted it to NMFS for review on November 23, 2005. NMFS partially approved the amendment on March 8, 2006. Two provisions were disapproved: the designation of specified oil rigs in Southern California as habitat areas of particular concern and […]