Pacific Council News Fall 2020: Groundfish

Primary fixed-gear sablefish fishery extended under emergency rule Under an emergency action, NMFS is extending the primary (tier) limited entry fixed-gear sablefish fishery from October 31 to December 31, 2020 in response to requests from the Groundfish Advisory Subpanel, fishing industry, and members of the public. A portion of this sablefish sector also participates in […]

Funds applied to reduce Pacific Coast groundfish buyback loan

NOAA Fisheries will be applying $5.9 million (allocated by the Office of Management and Budget) to reduce the outstanding principal to the Pacific Coast trawl groundfish buyback loan as of January 14, 2020. This action comes after tireless effort on the part of West Coast groundfish fishery representatives, particularly Heather Mann of the Midwater Trawlers […]

SSC Groundfish Subcommittee to hold online meeting September 2, 2020

The Groundfish Subcommittee of the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) will hold an online meeting to plan a later methodology review of elasmobranch harvest control rules and management reference points.  

National Archives and Records Administration notice of availability of proposed records schedules and request for comments (electronic monitoring)

NOAA Fisheries is working with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to establish a new retention schedule for the raw imagery and other data collected by Electronic Monitoring systems. This NOAA Fisheries website provides background information, the proposed rule, the link to the NARA website, and the instructions on how to comment. Public comments are due […]

Groundfish Management Team to hold online meeting August 25, 2020

The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s (Pacific Council) Groundfish Management Team (GMT) will hold an online meeting to discuss items on the Pacific Council’s September 2020 meeting agenda. The meeting is open to the public. The meeting will be held Tuesday, August 25, 2020, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time, or until business for the day has been completed.

Meeting agenda

Purpose of this online meeting

The primary purpose of the GMT online meeting is to prepare for the Pacific Council’s September 2020 meeting. The GMT will discuss items related to groundfish management and administrative Pacific Council agenda items. A detailed agenda for the online meeting will be available on the Pacific Council’s website prior to the meeting. The GMT may also address other assignments relating to groundfish management. No management actions will be decided by the GMT.

To attend the online meeting (RingCentral)

  1. Join the meeting by visiting this link:
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 149 074 1287 and click JOIN
  3. Next you will be prompted to either:
    • Download the RingCentral meetings application, OR
    • Join the meeting without a download via your web browser.
  4. Please enter your name and click Join.
  5. You may use your telephone for the audio portion of the meeting by dialing the TOLL number provided on your screen, followed by the meeting ID and participant ID, also provided on the screen.
  6. Once connected, you will be in the meeting, seeing other participants and a shared screen, if applicable.

IF you do not have the ability to use the RingCentral application via computer or mobile device, please join the “audio only” portion of the online meeting by calling one of the phone numbers listed below.

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

  • (623) 404-9000 (US West)
  • (646) 357-3664
  • (650) 242-4929
  • (720) 902-7700 (US Central)
  • (213) 250-5700
  • (346) 980-4201
  • (773) 231-9226 (US North)
  • (312) 263-0281
  • (469) 445-0100 (US South)
  • (470) 869-2200 (US East)

Meeting ID: 149 074 1287

International numbers available:

Technical information and instructions

Attendee instructions

System requirements

  • PC-based attendees: Required: Windows® 8 or 10
  • Mac®-based attendees: Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer
  • Mobile attendees: Required: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone or Android tablet (See your phone’s App Store and search for RingCentral meeting or visit RingCentral Mobile App site)

For technical assistance, you may send an email to Kris Kleinschmidt or call/text 503-820-2412; or email Sandra Krause or call/text 503-820-2419.

Additional information

Requests for sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aids should be directed to Kris Kleinschmidt at 503-280-2412 at least ten business days prior to the meeting date.

If you have additional questions regarding the webinar, please contact  Todd Phillips at 503-820-2426;  toll-free 1-866-806-7204, ext 426.

Pacific Council News Summer 2020: Groundfish

Six exempted fishing permits move forward The Council has forwarded six 2021-2022 exempted fishing permits (EFP) applications to NMFS. They focus on year-round coastwide midwater rockfish; California Department of Fish and Wildlife recreational cowcod sampling in California; yellowtail rockfish Jig fishing off California; commercial midwater hook-and-line rockfish in the Rockfish Conservation Area off Oregon; Washington […]

Groundfish Management Team to hold online meeting May 29, 2020

The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s (Pacific Council) Groundfish Management Team (GMT) will hold an online meeting to discuss items on the Pacific Council’s June 2020 meeting agenda. The meeting is open to the public. The meeting will be held Friday, May 29, 2020, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Pacific Daylight Time, or until business for the day has been completed.

Purpose of this online meeting

The primary purpose of the GMT meeting is to prepare for the Pacific Council’s June 2020 meeting. The GMT will discuss items related to groundfish management and administrative Pacific Council agenda items. The GMT may also address other assignments relating to groundfish management. No management actions will be decided by the GMT.

Online meeting agenda

To attend the online meeting (GoToMeeting)

  1. Use this link:

  1. Enter the Meeting ID/Access Code: 832-392-373

  2. Please enter your name and email address (required)

  3. You may use your telephone for the audio portion of the meeting by dialing this TOLL number  1-224-501-3412

  4. Enter your audio phone pin (shown after joining the meeting)

Technical Information

System Requirements

  • PC-based attendees: Required: Windows® 10, 8

  • Mac®-based attendees: Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer

  • Mobile attendees: Required: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone or Android tablet (See the GoToMeeting Webinar Apps)

For technical assistance, you may send an email to Kris Kleinschmidt or call/text 503-820-2412; or email Sandra Krause or call/text 503-820-2419.

Additional information

Requests for sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aids should be directed to Kris Kleinschmidt at 503-280-2412 at least ten business days prior to the meeting date.

If you have additional questions regarding the webinar, please contact  Todd Phillips at 503-820-2426;  toll-free 1-866-806-7204, ext 426.