Council stream:
Please contact Kris Kleinschmidt to set up a Panelist invite for you.
Since most Council members will be in person, we will not be creating Panelist invites unless requested to do so.
Panelist invites are only needed for Council members (to join as a panelist each day) and for individuals needing to speak/present to the Council who cannot run the RingCentral application. Everyone else, who can run the application can join as an attendee and we can un-mute them, or promote them to panelist.
Each day of the meeting you will want to join using that link.
*TIP: Copy the hyperlink to your calendar for the duration of the meeting for even quicker access vs. looking for the email each morning.
Chair’s Briefing:
Scheduled for Wednesday, November 13, at 4pm
Closed Session:
Closed session will be held in person only.
Materials as of: 11/8/24 3:30pm
Use the Bookmarks feature built into browsers to navigate the documents.
You may have to hard refresh your browser to see the latest. File is password protected
Hard refresh on PC:
F5 or SHIFT+F5
Hard refresh on Mac:
Shift + click reload or Hold Command+Shift+R
I can only join the meeting via telephone only. What do I do?
For the Chair’s Briefing:
Dial: 1-650-419-1505
Follow the instructions on the phone, and enter the appropriate Meeting ID:
- Chairs Briefing Meeting ID: 794 766 066
- In advance of the meeting (if you can) or once connected to the audio, please email Patricia Hearing, Kris Kleinschmidt, or Hayden York and let us know your name, and the associated telephone number you are dialing in from. By default the RingCentral system will mask your number except the area code and last three digits. Once we can identify your number, we will rename you on the attendee list seen by other Council members.
- We also utilize Google Docs to share the images/documents on the screen. PowerPoints can be found on the Briefing Book page, and we also have a YouTube Live stream available for seeing what is being shown on the screen (applies to Council stream only).
- To manually mute / un-mute your phone if you are not using a smartphone or office phone with a physical mute button, you can enter: *6 (star + six) and the RingCentral system will mute you. Entering *6 again will un-mute your phone.
Check list before the meeting starts
- Ensure you have a strong internet connection.
- Wear a headset.
- Familiarize yourself with where the mute and hand raise buttons are.
- Remember to self-mute when not speaking, and to lower your hand once your question has been answered.
Troubleshooting audio
- If you have a strong internet connection, we suggest connecting via computer audio for best results. This will utilize your computer’s built in mic and speakers, or the headset you are using. If you have a desktop computer without a microphone, you must have a headset to speak. Alternatively, you can switch to telephone audio.
- If you are having audio issues where the RingCentral app doesn’t recognize a microphone, check your Privacy settings within Windows or Mac OS. In some cases you’ll need to allow microphone access to applications.
- If you have a poor internet connection we suggest connecting to the meeting on your computer, but opting to use telephone for the audio portion.