2012 newsletters

2012 in brief Salmon. The 2012 salmon season was a good one, with California and Oregon fishermen, in particular, benefiting from higher-than-usual salmon abundance for Sacramento and Klamath River fall Chinook. Strait of Juan de Fuca coho were rebuilt, and a rebuilding plan was adopted for Sacramento River fall Chinook. The Council continued working on […]

2012: Public scoping begins

In November 2012, the Council passed a motion to begin the public scoping process for electronic monitoring. A workshop was held in February, 2013 to begin developing electronic monitoring policy for the trawl catch share program. In 2012, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission received funds to test the feasibility of using electronic monitoring for catch […]

2011 newsletters

2011 in brief On March 11, a 9.0 earthquake in Japan led to a devastating tsunami that, apart from wreaking havoc in Japan, caused $48 million in damage to the ports of Santa Cruz and Crescent City. In Washington, the process of removing the Elwha, Glines Canyon, and Condit dams began. Salmon. Ocean salmon seasons […]

2011: Early exploration of electronic monitoring

In 2011, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) implemented a Council-developed catch share program for the West Coast limited entry groundfish trawl fishery (the trawl catch share program). The program requires that each vessel acquire quota pounds to cover its catch (including discards) of nearly all groundfish species. Exceptions were made for some species that are rarely […]

2010 newsletters

2010 in brief Salmon: After two years of poor seasons, in 2010 salmon season were opened coastwide. The commercial season in California was very limited, but the recreational season was closer to normal. Sacramento River fall Chinook were listed as “overfished” (although fishing was believed to be a minor factor in the decline). The Council […]