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Ad Hoc Sablefish Management and Trawl Allocation Attainment Committee October 9-10, 2019 meeting

The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s ad hoc Sablefish Management and Trawl Allocation Attainment Committee (SaMTAAC) met, October 9-10, 2019 in Portland, Oregon.  This announcement published in the Federal Register on 09/12/2019

At its meeting, the SaMTAAC continued their work to develop alternatives that address obstacles to achieving the goals and objectives of the groundfish trawl catch share plan related to under-attainment of non-sablefish shorebased trawl allocations.  The SaMTAAC’s work on alternatives was presented at the November 2019 Pacific Council meeting.

Meeting documents

Based on its proceedings at this meeting, the SaMTAAC provided a progress report to the Council (Agenda Item H.7.a, SaMTAAC Report 1; November 2019 briefing book).

  1. SaMTAAC October 2019 Meeting Agenda
  2. SaMTAAC Agenda Item D.2, NMFS Report: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Report on the Purpose and Need Statement
  3. SaMTAAC Agenda Item D.3, Attachment 1: Goals, Objectives and National Standards
  4. SaMTAAC Agenda Item D.4, Attachment 1: SaMTAAC Principles (From October 2018)
  5. SaMTAAC Agenda Item E.1, Alternatives: SaMTAAC Action Alternatives
  6. SaMTAAC Agenda Item E.2, Attachment 1: Analysis of Sablefish Management and Trawl Allocation Attainment Issues
  7. SaMTAAC Agenda Item E.2, Supplemental Attachment 2: Supplement to: Analysis of Sablefish Management and Trawl Allocation Attainment Issues
  8. SaMTAAC Agenda Item E.3, NMFS Report 1: National Marine Fisheries Service Report.
  9. SaMTAAC Agenda Item E.3, NMFS Report 2: NWFSC Review of WDFW QS Owner Scoring Method
  10. SaMTAAC Agenda Item F.1, Attachment 1: Key Questions Remaining To Fully Develop Each Alternative.
  11. SaMTAAC Analysis Powerpoint
  12. SaMTAAC Public Comment 1: Cohen
  13. SaMTAAC Public Comment 2: Trawl Stakeholders 1
  14. SaMTAAC Public Comment 3: OTC
  15. SaMTAAC Public Comment 4: WCSPA
  16. SaMTAAC Public Comment 5: Pacific Seafood
  17. SaMTAAC Public Comment 6: Stake Holder Alternative 2
  18. SaMTAAC Public Comment 7: Stake Holder Alternative 2 Rationale
  19. SaMTAAC Public Comment 8:  Lackey
  20. SaMTAAC Public Comment 9:  Lackey Powerpoint