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2010 newsletters

2010 in brief

Salmon: After two years of poor seasons, in 2010 salmon season were opened coastwide. The commercial season in California was very limited, but the recreational season was closer to normal. Sacramento River fall Chinook were listed as “overfished” (although fishing was believed to be a minor factor in the decline). The Council adopted a range of alternatives for Amendment 16 to the salmon FMP (annual catch limits).

Groundfish: Amendment 23 (which responded to the new National Standard 1 guidelines and requirements) was adopted. The Council clarified trawl rationalization regulations and worked on cost recovery and “safe harbors” amendments to the trawl catch share program. The Council adopted a rebuilding plan for petrale sole, and Council staff worked with NMFS to consider ways to improve the biennial groundfish management process.

Highly migratory species: The Council continued thinking about a limited entry program for the albacore fishery. The Council approved Amendment 2 to the HMS FMP (annual catch limits) and made recommendations on proposed leatherback sea turtle critical habitat. The Council also considered trip limit proposals for the Washington state recreational albacore fishery.

Habitat: The Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary updated its management plan. The HC continued to focus on Sacramento River water issues and began discussing the Ocean Power Technologies wave energy park off Reedsport (which was never built). The Council reviewed essential fish habitat for salmon and coastal pelagic species.

Ecosystem: The Ecosystem Fishery Management Plan continued to take shape.

Coastal pelagic species: The Council approved Amendment 13 to the Coastal Pelagic Species Fishery Management Plan (annual catch limits).

Admin: Herb Pollard was appointed to the Council.

Elsewhere, the Gulf states struggled to contain the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and the FDA considered approving genetically modified salmon for human consumption.

Click on the image for the full newsletter.

Front page of newsletter
Spring 2010 newsletter
Front page of newsletter
Summer 2010 newsletter
Front page of newsletter
Fall 2010 newsletter
Front page of newsletter
Winter 2010 newsletter