Cautionary Note — These preliminary motions do not represent the final official administrative record. The motions and amendments contained in this blog are as projected on the screen at the Council meeting at the time of the Council vote and often use expedited language and references without the benefit of any final editing or proofing. They may use short-hand language or abbreviations that may not be clear without the context of verbal comments and clarifications made during their development at the meeting, or may contain inadvertent transposition errors. They have not been approved by the Council to represent the final official record of Council action. The final official record will be posted on the Council website after the Council approves the full meeting record at a future Council meeting.
- E.3-Review and discuss relevant fishery information, adopt 2021 abundance forecasts and annual catch limits, and act on relevant conservation objectives or status determinations as necessary.
- E.4 – Adopt Council recommendations for initial management measure alternatives for salmon technical team collation and consider inseason adjustments for fisheries prior to May 16, 2021.
- F.2 – Recommend inseason changes to April/May 2021 retention limits in the salmon troll fishery; adopt final retention limits for 2021 fixed gear salblefish fishery.
- G.2 – Review the list of proposed projects, amendments, and new management measures; consider overall workload and provide guidance on priorities and schedules.
- G.3 – Continue scoping whiting fishery utilization issues; adopt final purpose and need and a range of alternatives.
- G.6 – Consider emergency action to amend the groundfish fishery management plan to temporarily allow relaxation of the seasonal processing limitations for whiting mothership and catcher-processors.
- H.2 – Approve a scope of work for an amendment process to modify essential fish habitat determinations.
- H.4 – Reconsider Council final action to authorize deep-set buoy gear and related proposed fishery management plan amendment language.
- H.5 – Approve proxies for status determination criteria; consider the need for other status-related recommendations, annual catch limits or other harvest objectives and/or management measures.
- I.2 – Review the phase 2 workshop report and provide guidance on the scenario planning exercise and completion of the initiative.
- C.4 – Approve previous Council meeting record
- C.5 – Consider appointments to council committees and advisory bodies; adopt changes to council operating procedures.
- E.8 – Adopt ocean salmon management alternatives for public review.