Cautionary note: These preliminary motions do not represent the final official administrative record. The motions and amendments contained in this blog are as projected on the screen at the Council meeting at the time of the Council vote, and often use expedited language and references without the benefit of any final editing or proofing. They may use short-hand language or abbreviations that may not be clear without the context of verbal comments and clarifications made during their development at the meeting, or may contain inadvertent transposition errors. They have not been approved by the Council to represent the final official record of Council action. The final official record will be posted on the Council website after the Council approves the full meeting record at a future Council meeting.
- E.1 – Adopt tentative 2020 ocean salmon management measures for analysis
- D.3 – Adopt a Pacific sardine assessment, final harvest specifications, and management measures for the 2020-2021 Pacific sardine fishery
- E.3 – Consider establishing a process to develop recommendations on consultation standards for Southern Oregon/Northern California coast coho
- G.4 – Adopt final preferred harvest specifications for 2021‐2022 fisheries
- H.1 – Adopt final incidental pacific halibut catch recommendations for 2020 and early 2021 non‐Indian salmon troll fisheries
- G.5 – Provide guidance on regulatory changes, exempted fishing permit extensions, or other issues, as appropriate
- G.6 – Adopt any remaining harvest specifications and preliminary preferred alternatives for management measures in 2021‐2022 fisheries
- G.8 – Adopt final inseason adjustments for 2020, as necessary, to achieve conservation objectives
- I.4 – Future council meeting agenda and workload planning
- J.1 – Consider emergency action to amend the groundfish fishery management plan to temporarily allow relaxation of the seasonal processing limitations for whiting mothership and catcher-processors
- E.9 – Adopt final management measures for 2020 ocean salmon fisheries