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PFMC seeks temporary Administrative Specialist

The Pacific Fishery Management Council is seeking a Temporary Part-Time Administrative Specialist to assist with document production and Council meeting support.  This position is of temporary duration (January 18 through April 22) and is approximately 24 hours per week.  Primary responsibilities include answering phones, processing incoming and outgoing mail, and assisting in the proofing and editing of Council documents. 

The Council is one of eight regional Councils established by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976. The Council has authority over the management of ocean fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zone off Washington, Oregon, and California.  The Council office is in Portland, Oregon near the Portland International Airport.

Please see the detailed Temporary Part-Time Administrative Specialist job description for further details.

Applications or inquiries should be emailed to patricia.crouse@noaa.gov with the subject line “Administrative-Specialist-Temp”.  Applications are due by 5 pm Pacific time, Friday, January 7, 2022.