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NOAA requesting comments on proposed rule for 2021-2022 biennial specifications and management measures

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) published the proposed rule for the 2021-2022 biennial specifications and management measures, including Amendment 29 on October 2, 2020. The accompanying Environmental Assessment is provided here.

This rule, if approved, would establish the harvest specifications and management measures for the next two years. These specifications and management measures were adopted by the Pacific Fishery Management Council at their June 2020 meeting. Additionally, this rule would implement Amendment 29 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan which would designate shortbelly rockfish as an ecosystem component species and revise the trawl/non-trawl allocations for petrale sole, widow rockfish, lingcod south of 40°10” North latitude, and blackgill rockfish (within the southern slope complex south of 40°10” North latitude) from Amendment 21 amounts to biennial allocations.

Stakeholders have the opportunity to submit comments to NMFS regarding this rule until November 2, 2020 either written or via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Written comments may be submitted to Barry Thom, Regional Administrator, West Coast Region, NMFS, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115-0070.

The NMFS contact for this rule is Karen Palmagiano. She can be reached at 206-526-4491 or via email at mail: karen.palmigiano@noaa.gov.

Council staff is also able to discuss this rule. Please contact either Todd Phillips –503-820-2426; or John DeVore –503-820-2413