The National Marine Fisheries Service is requesting comments on the proposed rule for 2020 harvest specifications and management measures for Pacific whiting, cowcod, and shortbelly rockfish. This rule proposes 2020 harvest specifications for Pacific whiting, including the coastwide and U.S. Total Allowable Catch (TAC), the 2020 tribal allocation for the Pacific whiting fishery, allocations for three commercial whiting sectors, and set-asides for Pacific whiting research and incidental mortality in other fisheries.
- View the Proposed Rule published April 17, 2020 (also includes information on how to comment; public comment deadline is May 4, 2020)
- See the Council’s 2020 harvest specifications for cowcod and shortbelly rockfish webpage
If you have further questions regarding the proposed rule, please contact: Stacey Miller, National Marine Fisheries Service: phone: 503-231-6290, or e-mail: