Want to get involved? Now accepting nominations.

Check out our Advisory Body Vacancy page for more details!

Live webinar

November 9-10; 12-13 & 16-20, 2020 Council Meeting

This meeting was conducted via webinar only.

Advisory Bodies begin Mon, Nov 9
No meetings to be held on Nov 11 in observation of Veterans Day
Council Session begins Fri, Nov 12
No meetings to be held over the weekend (Nov 13 & 14)

Agenda and meeting notice

Key documents and Council meeting updates will appear on the right as they are posted. Re-visit this page for future updates. If you would like to be notified when the key documents and Council meeting updates are posted, and are not already on our mailing list, please sign up for the PFMC listserv today.

NEW: We are now live-streaming the Council meeting on YouTube!

This is an easy way to listen and follow along with Council discussion without having to download anything. It is a listen-only stream. If you wish to participate or provide public comment, please join the Council webinar by downloading the RingCentral application (instructions below).

A new live-stream will appear here for each day’s meeting. You can replay a previous day’s stream by visiting the Council’s YouTube channel. Subscribe to get notifications when we go live or post a new video.

November 2020 Council Meeting – Day 6 11/20/20
The Council has concluded its November 2020 Meeting

NEW! Providing oral public comment during the Council webinar

As with our in-person meetings, we will be accepting oral public comment for each agenda Item. You will still need to sign up for an opportunity to speak, and oral comments will only be accepted before Council action on each agenda item. We have updated our E-Portal to now allow signing up for oral testimony. Watch the video below to see how.

Please note you must use the RingCentral Meeting application to participate in public comment. A computer with mic and speakers or smartphone or tablet must be used, as you cannot dial in via a telephone. Please also read the FAQ section below for detailed instructions on how the Public Comment process works.


What’s the best way to join the Council meeting webinar?

1) Ensure you have a good internet connection.
2) Use a headset or earphones to aid in background noise. You cannot connect as an attendee using a telephone and must use the RingCentral application.
3) Turn off video camera sharing (where applicable) to reduce bandwidth.

How do I join the Council meeting stream and other advisory body or management team streams?

You can only connect to one meeting at a time.  We have provided the access codes for each advisory body and Council Meeting stream above.  You can leave a meeting, and join another meeting based on your interests/participation. Alternatively, if you have multiple devices such as a tablet and computer, you could join one meeting on one, and another meeting on another.

I see RingCentral is powered by Zoom. Can I use my Zoom account/application to join the meeting?

No. RingCentral is a web-based phone company that has a license agreement with Zoom to handle the video portion of their calls. While the video is handled by a Zoom plugin, the overall call is handled by RingCentral. As such you must use the RingCentral application.

If I work for an organization that does not allow me to install applications, what do I do?

First, please consult your IT department.  In, our calls to various organizations we work with we have found overwhelmingly that their IT departments have approved the installation of the RingCentral Meeting application, or at minimum will allow joining via a web browser (no installation required).  However, if you cannot install the application, you may join the webinar via a web browser that requires no download/install. (You will see that option when you are prompted to download the application). Alternatively, you can use a personal device to download the application and connect.

Can I just dial into the meeting with my phone to listen vs joining via a computer?

For the AB Meetings yes. For the Council Stream, unfortunately no. However, keep in mind, since you are not logging in via the application, you will not be able to supply your name for the host. This means on the participants list, you will appear as the phone number you dial in from. It also means there is no raise hand functionality for you, so in most cases you will be able to listen but not participate in the conversation.

If I don’t have a computer, can I join via a smartphone or tablet?

Yes!  Please visit your device’s app store and download the RingCentral Meeting application. This will allow you to join the meeting and either dial in via internet connection only (helpful if you’re connected to WiFi) or via a cellular connection.  For more details please see the RingCentral mobile app page. Here you can enter your mobile number and you will be texted the link to download the app. See also the mobile app page for more details.

How do I submit and speak to a public comment during the meeting?

  1. First make sure you have joined the webinar (you must use the RingCentral app, and have a mic and speaker – no dial in telephone connection is allowed), and have entered your name so we can associate your comment with you on the attendee list. 
  2. Next sign up for a oral testimony on our E-Portal (sign ups open at 8am on Day 1 of the Council meeting and close for each Agenda Item when Public Comment starts for that Agenda Item.)
  3. Finally, when we get to the public comment period, the screen will be shared with the list of people who have signed up so you will know what order you fall in. The Chair will then call on individuals who are on that list to raise their hands in the RingCentral app, which will bring their names to the top of the list. From there, we will call on individuals and un-mute their microphones for testimony.
    Please note: if technical issues arise, we will move onto the next person signed up to comment. We will circle back at the end to allow you to attempt again. You can reach out to Kris Kleinschmidt – 503-820-2412 if you have issues.

For public comment, what if I have a PowerPoint, or something visual I’d like to show?

As with in-person Council meetings, we will allow the public to submit a PowerPoint or other visual aid in support of their oral testimony. These submissions need to be emailed to both Kris Kleinschmidt (kris.kleinschmidt@noaa.gov), and Sandra Krause (sandra.krause@noaa.gov) no later than 5pm the day before the Agenda item is to go on the floor. This allows time for processing, testing etc. to ensure we don’t have any difficulty sharing it on the screen. When your time to comment comes up, we will share the screen with your visual, and ask that you instruct us to advance the slide orally.

How do I participate in the morning state delegation meetings?

Each state will be providing and managing their own audio call-in numbers or webinar numbers.