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2021: EM Regulation Delay and EFP Extension

In September 2021 the Council recommended that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) delay implementation of the groundfish electronic monitoring (EM) program for all trip types for at least two years, thereby establishing a start date for the use of EM on fishing trips to be no earlier than January 1, 2024. In addition, the […]

2020: Video review discussions continue

NMFS and the Council’s Groundfish Electronic Monitoring Policy and Technical Advisory Committees are developing draft business rules to implement third-party video review. This includes examining the level of video review necessary to audit logbooks and to audit video review providers. Agency staff and advisory bodies are discussing ways to reduce video review to the minimum […]

2019: Third-party video review discussed

In April 2019 the Council scheduled electronic monitoring (EM) items for the June, September, and November 2019 Council meetings and recommended the Groundfish Electronic Monitoring Policy Advisory Committee (GEMPAC) meet as necessary to review National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) procedural directives and program guidance documents. In September the Council recommended that NMFS consider changes to […]

2018: Review of draft procedural directive, extension of EFP

In June the Council reviewed the draft procedural directive on cost allocation in electronic monitoring programs and drafted a letter providing comments and requesting additional time for advisory body review and comment on the policy. In September the Council submitted the comments to NMFS. In November the Council recommended an extension of the electronic monitoring […]

2017: Final preferred alternative for non-whiting midwater trawl and bottom trawl fisheries

The Groundfish Electronic Monitoring Policy Advisory Committee (GEMPAC) and Groundfish Electronic Monitoring Technical Advisory Committee (GEMTAC) met via webinar twice in early 2017 to discuss final recommendations for an electronic monitoring program for the non-whiting midwater trawl fishery for rockfish, as well as the bottom trawl fishery. The GEMPAC revised its preferred alternatives it selected […]

2016 Electronic monitoring actions

In March, the Council received an update on individual fishing quota fixed-gear and bottom trawl exempted fishing permit (EFP) activity. The Council extended the expiration date of the electronic monitoring EFPs for the bottom trawl, non-whiting mid-water trawl, whiting mid-water trawl, and fixed gear catch share fisheries through 2018. The EFPs were to end when […]

2015: Council looks at electronic monitoring for whiting and fixed-gear IFQ fleets

The Council received a report, cost analysis, and draft regulations for an electronic monitoring program for the whiting midwater trawl fishery in November. The Council confirmed its final preferred alternatives for the whiting fishery at the same meeting. The Council’s intent was to have regulations applicable fleet-wide in place by the 2017 season (May 15, […]

2014: Final preferred alternatives developed

In April 2014 the Council heard an update on the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission study on electronic monitoring, received a new draft analysis of alternatives, and reviewed exempted fishing permit (EFP) applications. The Council approved preliminary EFPs and asked that applicants consider resubmitting applications in June with certain alternations, mainly limiting the number of […]

2013: GEMPAC and GEMTAC created, alternatives developed

In 2013 the Council continued to consider the use of electronic monitoring for the trawl catch share program. The Council decided the program would focus on monitoring the compliance required for individual accountability of catch and discard, as opposed to biological data collection or other scientific monitoring (such protected species interactions). In April, the Council […]