Action status
- Implemented
- Undergoing NMFS Review
- Approved by Council
- Under development by the Council
The Council began its second review of the Limited Entry Fixed Gear (LEFG) permit stacking program (i.e., primary tier fishery) in September 2020. In June 2022, the Council completed its review with adoption of the final report, including research and data needs and recommendation for program changes.
In March 2023, under Workload and New Management Measure Priorities, the Council prioritized a series of potential management measures off the groundfish workload list related to the LEFG program and gear marking and other entanglement risk reduction measures for vessels that operate under the Groundfish Fishery Management Plan that use pot and longline gear.
In June 2023, the Council considered those management measures and provided guidance on the development of a range of alternatives for these measures. The Council also recommended that these items be split into two packages: 1) fixed gear marking and entanglement risk reduction, and 2) LEFG follow-on actions. The Council took final action on the fixed gear marking and entanglement risk reduction in June 2024 and the associated regulations are anticipated to be in place by the start of 2026.
In September 2023, the Council adopted a purpose and need and range of alternatives for this action. The alternatives included:
- Changes to gear endorsements for all LEFG permits to increase flexibility
- Removal of base permit designation
- Removal of start and end times of the tier season from regulation
- Requirement for permit price reporting for all LEFG permits
- Development of a cost recovery program for the LEFG primary tier fishery.
The Council is scheduled to select a preliminary preferred alternative in March 2025.