Action status
- Implemented
- Undergoing NMFS Review
- Approved by Council
- Under development by the Council
The Council initiated a review of HMS essential fish habitat (EFH) provisions in 2020 and took final action approving Amendment 8, which incorporates new and newly available information on EFH into the FMP, at its November 2023 meeting. Periodic EFH reviews are required by the EFH regulations at 50 CFR 600 Subpart J, and this was the first EFH periodic review since approval of the HMS FMP in 2004. The proposed amendment would not add any new reporting requirements and would not change any regulatory requirements. This action would only add to or update HMS EFH provisions in the HMS FMP.
The Council transmitted the FMP amendment to NMFS for review on July 15, 2024.
- Transmittal letter
- Proposed HMS FMP Amendment 8 text in underline/strikethrough
- Proposed HMS FMP Appendix F
- Habitat Areas of Particular Concern rationale
- NMFS approved Amendment 8 on October 23, 2024
NMFS announced the availability of proposed Amendment 8 and called comments on July 24, 2024 (89 FR 59888). The public comment period closes September 23, 2024.