Early groundfish FMP and amendments (1982-2000)

The groundfish FMP was originally implemented in 1982. Amendments developed between then and 2000 are listed.

  • Amendment 13 (2000): Incorporated Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions for bycatch.
  • Amendment 12 (2000): Created a framework for rebuilding plan development and content. (Note: A court decision in August 2001 remanded portions of Amendment 12 to NMFS for changes. Amendments 16-1, 16-2, and 16-3 incorporate the necessary changes.)
  • Amendment 11 (1998): Incorporated provisions of the Sustainable Fisheries Act into the fishery management plan. Defines essential fish habitat for West Coast groundfish, optimum yield, overfishing rates and thresholds.
  • Amendment 10 (1997): This was a joint amendment with Amendment 12 to the salmon plan, allowing for salmonids to be retained in the Pacific whiting mid-water trawl fishery. The regulations implementing Amendment 10 were never finalized by NMFS, but key components were incorporated into Amendment 20.
  • Amendment 9 (1996): Created a sablefish endorsement for limited entry fixed gear vessels.
  • DRAFT Amendment 8 (1994): Not adopted. Considers establishing a fixed gear sablefish individual transferable quota system (suspended due to a Congressional moratorium on individual transferable quotas).
  • DRAFT Amendment 7 (1992): Not adopted. Relates to bycatch of non-groundfish species.
  • Amendment 6 (1992): Established a limited entry permit system for the trawl and fixed gear sectors.
  • Amendment 5 (1990): Established a framework for specification and apportionment of harvest levels.
  • Amendment 4 (1990): Completely revised the fishery management plan and creates a framework for how harvest levels are specified.
  • Amendment 3 (1988): Completely revised the fishery management plan and creates a framework for how harvest levels are specified.
  • Amendment 2 (1986): Replaced by Amendment 4.
  • Amendment 1 (1984): Replaced by Amendment 4.
  • Original Final Fishery Management Plan and Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Washington, Oregon and California Groundfish Fishery (January 21, 1982)