The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s (Pacific Council) Ad Hoc Marine Planning Committee (MPC) will hold an online public meeting. The meeting will be held Thursday, February 23, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time or until business for the day has been completed.
Purpose of the meeting
The purpose of this online meeting is for the MPC to consider current offshore wind (OSW) energy and aquaculture issues and to provide information and advice to the Pacific Council for consideration at its April 2023 meeting. Topics will include updates on spatial suitability modeling to support identification of Wind Energy Areas off the Oregon Coast, and other OSW energy planning and development on the West Coast. Other relevant topics may be addressed as appropriate. Although non-emergency issues not contained in the meeting agenda may be discussed, those issues may not be the subject of formal action during this meeting. Action will be restricted to those issues specifically listed in this document and any issues arising after publication of this document that require emergency action under section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, provided the public has been notified of the intent to take final action to address the emergency.
Meeting materials
Developing a Report on West Coast Fisheries Considerations in Offshore Wind Development (Presentation)
Meeting recording
To attend the online meeting
Please join using this link:
Meeting ID:172527093
Or dial: +1 (650) 4191505 United States (San Mateo, CA)
Access Code / Meeting ID: 172527093
International numbers available:
Technical information
For technical assistance, you may send an email to Kris Kleinschmidt or call/text 503-820-2412; or email Sandra Mondal or call/text 503-820-2419.
System requirements
PC-based attendees: Required: Windows® 8 or 10
Mac®-based attendees: Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer
Mobile attendees: Required: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone or Android tablet (See your phone’s App Store and search for RingCentral meeting or visit RingCentral Mobile App site)
Additional information
Requests for sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aids should be directed to Kris Kleinschmidt at 503-820-2412 at least ten business days prior to the meeting date.
If you have additional questions regarding the meeting, please contact Kerry Griffin at 503-820-2409; toll free 1-866-806-7204, extension 409.