Ad Hoc Sablefish Management and Trawl Allocation Attainment Committee meeting January 22-23, 2020 in Portland, Oregon

The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s ad hoc Sablefish Management and Trawl Allocation Attainment Committee (SaMTAAC) met January 22-23, 2020 in Portland, Oregon. This announcement published in the Federal Register on 12/16/2019.

Meeting documents

The following documents were developed for that meeting:

  1. January 2020 meeting agenda
  2. Meeting Summary: SaMTAAC, October 9-10, 2019
  3. SaMTAAC Agenda Item A.2, Attachment 1: charge and principles
  4. SaMTAAC Agenda Item A.3, Attachment 1: staff summary of the Council’s November 2019 guidance to the Committee
  5. SaMTAAC Agenda Item B.1, Attachment 1 (Clean): Sablefish Management and Trawl Allocation Attainment Committee (SaMTAAC) Alternatives (Ver: January 15, 2020)
  6. SaMTAAC Agenda Item B.1, Attachment 1 (Track Changes): Sablefish Management and Trawl Allocation Attainment Committee (SaMTAAC) Alternatives (Ver: January 15, 2020).  The track changes in this document show the changes to the document in comparison to the alternatives document from November 2019 (changes to the alternatives are not believed to be substantive).
  7. SaMTAAC Agenda Item B.1, Attachment 2: Key Questions to Address
  8. SaMTAAC Agenda Item B.2, Attachment 1 REVISED: Analysis of Sablefish Management and Trawl Allocation Attainment Issues
  9. SaMTAAC Agenda Item B.2 Supplemental Attachment 2
  10. SaMTAAC Agenda Item B.3, NMFS Report
  11. SaMTAAC Agenda Item C, WDFW Report 1: WDFW Report on Alternative 1: Gear Specific QP Alternative
  12. SaMTAAC Agenda Item D, Attachment 1: The Range
  13. SaMTAAC Public Comment 1: Jeff Lackey
  14. SaMTAAC Public Comment 2: Pacific Seafood
  15. SaMTAAC Public Comment 3: Brett Hearne
  16. SaMTAAC Public Comment 4: The Fury Group
  17. SaMTAAC Public Comment 5: Jeff Lackey; Comment #2
  18. SaMTAAC Public Comment 6: Pacific Seafood; Comment #2
  19. SaMTAAC Public Comment 7: Pacific Seafood; Narrative
  20. SaMTAAC Meeting PowerPoint

Pacific Council News Winter 2019: Administrative

Appointments and Advisory Body Vacancies

Dr. Melissa Haltuch was appointed to one of the vacant at-large positions on the Scientific and Statistical Committee. The Council will solicit nominations for a remaining at-large vacancy soon with the intent of filling that position at the March 2020 meeting.  

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service identified two new designees to the Council, David Teuscher and Tom Sinclair, and plans to discuss their appointment to the Habitat Committee at the March 2020 meeting.

The Council will also solicit nominations for two vacancies on its advisory subpanels, the Washington Commercial position on the Coastal Pelagic Species Advisory Subpanel formerly held by Daniel Crome, and the Open Access North of Cape Mendocino position on the Groundfish Advisory Subpanel held by Jeffery Miles, who informed the Council of his intent to resign after the March 2020 Council meeting. A request for nominations will be posted on the Council’s advisory body vacancy page.

Legislative Report

The Council discussed a draft NMFS report to Congress on the Modernization Recreational Fisheries Management Act in November and forwarded comments to NMFS that emphasize and clarify the Council’s role in using the best scientific information available. 

In order to comment on legislation, the Council must receive a request from a member of Congress. There were no requests at the November meeting. There were also no new bills to reauthorize the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, although Representative Jared Huffman (D-CA) has been conducting a listening tour on the West Coast in preparation for introducing a reauthorization bill in the spring. Representative Don Young (R-AK) has also reintroduced his MSA reauthorization bill (HR 3697), which is the same as HR 200 in the previous session of Congress.

The Legislative Committee is currently tracking a large number of bills, but very few are given a high chance of passage. A few that are considered most likely to pass are summarized below:

Coast Guard Authorization Act

Companion bills have been introduced by Peter DeFazio (D-OR, HR 3409) and Dan Sullivan (R-AK, S 2297). The House bill passed the House on July 24 and the Senate bill has been reported committee (a requirement if the bill is to move forward; most bills are never reported). This bill authorizes appropriations for the Coast Guard for FY 2020-2021 and includes a large number of provisions related to vessel safety, updating of Coast Guard facilities and technologies, and other issues. Learn more here. This bill is likely to pass.

Save Our Seas 2.0 Act

This bill (HR 2372), introduced by Robert Menendez (D-NJ), has been reported by committee. It aims to enhance global engagement to combat marine debris, particularly plastics. The bill has a fairly high likelihood of passage. Learn more here.

Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act

This Senate bill (S 877) was introduced by Cory Booker (D-NJ), and House bill (HR 737) was introduced by Gregorio Sablan (D-CNMI). It has been reported by committee and is given a fairly high chance of passage. The bill would ban the selling or buying of shark fins nationwide, with a fine of up to $100,000. The bill would permit sharks to be caught for subsistence purposes or scientific research. Dogfish are exempted.

Tri-State Enforcement Report 

The Tri-State Enforcement Report was provided as a video at the November meeting:

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Pacific Council News Winter 2019: Habitat and ecosystem

Habitat Report

An irrigation canal distributing water to farms in the San Joaquin Valley, California. Photo: Richard Thornton/Shutterstock

In November, the Habitat Committee (HC) discussed the Central Valley Project Biological Opinion, Klamath dam removal, the proposed Jordan Cove Liquefied Natural Gas project, salmon reintroduction, offshore wind energy, and critical habitat designations for Southern Resident killer whales and humpback whales.


The final biological opinion (BiOp) for the long-term operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project was released on October 21, and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is now conducting an analysis of the project’s impacts to essential fish habitat (EFH).

The HC drew the Council’s attention to several changes to the expected effects of project operations on salmon populations. First, the BiOp concludes that the project will not jeopardize the survival of winter run Chinook, spring run Chinook, summer steelhead, or Southern Resident killer whales. However, elsewhere it states, “reductions in the survival and productivity of all [Central Valley] Chinook salmon populations (including fall-run and late fall-run Chinook salmon) are expected to occur throughout the proposed action area, and the greatest effects will occur during the drier water years when effects of the proposed action are most pronounced.” (NMFS BiOp, page 683).

The HC identified several issues in the proposed action, including cold water storage in Lake Shasta, pumping in the delta, and temperature management, that could significantly impact the survival and populations of Endangered Species Act (ESA)-listed salmon that constrain Council-managed fisheries, as well as the status and designated EFH of species harvested by Council-managed fisheries.

Based on the HC report, the Council plans to send a letter to NMFS Assistant Administrator Chris Oliver and West Coast Regional Manager Barry Thom, as well as the Mid-Pacific Regional Director Ernest Conant of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, highlighting these concerns about the BiOp and the impacts of the project on EFH and Council-managed and constraining species. The letter will be posted on the Council website when it becomes available.


Federal and state biologists (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NMFS, California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife) met recently to discuss issues related to the removal of the four lower Klamath River dams, their associated infrastructure, and the Iron Gate Hatchery. They identified factors that will directly affect fall Chinook and coho salmon production, field methodologies, abundance estimates, and harvest.

Upon removal of all four dams, fish will freely disperse into hundreds of miles of streams. This will require that new data collection strategies be developed to estimate escapement well before 2021, when the dams are slated for demolition. Water quality issues adjacent to the dam, which were also identified as a consequence of demolition, will need to be addressed, and salmon spawning habitat in many miles of rivers and tributaries above the dams will require restoration or enhancement after the dams are removed. The STT and HC are scheduled to consider these issues at their March meetings.


In September, the Council approved letters commenting on the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) of the Jordan Cove Energy Project. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission released the final EIS for the project on November 15th with a 30-day comment period. A Council comment letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will be posted on the Council website in the near future.


The draft EIS of the Columbia River hydropower system operations should be available for comment in February 2020. The alternatives under consideration have been released to the public. Fish passage, spill, and dam breaching are among the issues considered in the alternatives. The HC will discuss the draft EIS at its March or April meetings, and will likely draft a comment letter for the Council at that time.


Casey Baldwin, Research Scientist with the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, briefed the HC on a proposal for the reintroduction of anadromous fish upstream of Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee dams. The project is being conducted by the Upper Columbia United Tribes with support from the U.S. Geological Survey, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and others.

The project’s Phase 1 Report included habitat modeling for the U.S. portion of the blocked area covering 355 miles of Chinook habitat. If fish are re-established above the dams, the upstream extent of essential fish habitat could be greatly increased.

Phase 2 of the project will investigate options for efficient and cost-effective passage of adults across Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee dams, such as trucking fish or using “salmon cannons” to essentially shoot fish over the dams and into the reservoir. Reintroduction is expected to occur in phases. Ceremonial releases of summer Chinook salmon were conducted in 2019, while large “experimental pilot” releases may not happen for several more years. Reintroduction on a grand scale, with bypass facilities and supporting hatchery programs, depends on successful feasibility tests in Phase 2, as well as funding. For more details, see the project’s Frequently Asked Questions.

A presentation on this project is currently scheduled for the April Council meeting.


Annie Hawkins, the Executive Director of the Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA), spoke to the HC during a webinar in October. RODA has been active in tracking wind energy on the East Coast and is now adding West Coast members. The organization, formed in 2018, includes many sectors and stems from a common concern around the impacts of offshore energy to fisheries, as well as an extraordinarily fast pace of offshore wind development and leasing. Fishing industry leaders believe that the National Environmental Policy Act process used by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) needs to be updated to reflect the potential impacts of offshore wind energy projects. The HC plans to coordinate with RODA to keep track of offshore energy projects, which may affect both the habitat of, and fisheries access to, Council-managed species.


The HC received briefings from Lynne Barre and Penny Ruvelas (NMFS Protected Species Division) on the proposed expansion of critical habitat for Southern Resident killer whales. NMFS is seeking comments on the geographic areas and boundaries and potential impacts of designation on existing uses, among other things. The comment period closes December 18.

Critical habitat for Southern Resident killer whales was designated in 2006 for most of the U.S. waters of the Salish Sea (the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Puget Sound and waters around the San Juan Islands). The proposed expansion extends from the U.S.-Canada border south to Point Sur, CA, between the 6 meter (20 ft) and 200 meter (656 ft) depth contours.

As required under the Endangered Species Act, NMFS identified habitat features that are essential to the whales’ conservation: prey (quality, quantity, availability), water quality, and passage.

NMFS does not expect the critical habitat consultation to result in conservation measures beyond what would be needed to protect the whales themselves (as opposed to the whales’ prey). Impacts to Council-managed fisheries are likely to be limited to the administrative aspects of reinitiating consultation. However, the critical habitat designation could be used by the Council in its dealings with other agencies to emphasize the impacts of activities that affect both salmon and killer whales.


In addition to Southern Resident killer whales, NMFS is also proposing to designate critical habitat for certain “distinct population segments” of humpback whales. Both the Mexico and Central America population segments forage off the U.S. West Coast, where critical habitat is now proposed. NMFS identified prey (krill, sardine, herring, anchovy) as the essential feature of critical habitat that is necessary for the conservation of the species.

NMFS expects that the critical habitat analysis is not likely to require changes in fisheries management. However, it is possible that  analyses of the effects of the coastal pelagic species fishery on the whales may be necessary.

Given this designation, the Council will be able to cite the need for abundant coastal pelagic and krill species as additional justification for comments on non-fishing actions that adversely affect essential fish habitat.

The public comment deadline for this proposal is December 9.

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Pacific Council News Winter 2019: Coastal Pelagic Species

Two Coastal Pelagic Species Exempted Fishing Permits Forwarded

In November the Council adopted two proposals to extend current exempted fishing permits for public review. 

The California Wetfish Producers Association proposes aerial survey work in southern California, in cooperation with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.  They also plan to work cooperatively with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) acoustic-trawl survey team to extend acoustic sampling into nearshore waters that are too shallow for the NOAA vessel. The West Coast Pelagic Conservation Group, in collaboration with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and NOAA, proposed acoustic sampling survey work and biological sampling in the Pacific Northwest, also in nearshore waters. Both proposals are aimed at complementing the NOAA survey work to get more accurate estimates of CPS biomass.

The Council is scheduled to give final approval at the April 2020 meeting. 

Management Process for Central Population of Northern Anchovy Considered

At its November meeting, the Council considered a report on a potential framework for a more regular review and evaluation of available information, which then could lead to adjustments in harvest reference points and stock assessments for the central subpopulation of northern anchovy (CSNA). Currently the CSNA is classified as a “monitored” stock. This means the Council tracks trends in landings and compares them to available abundance data, but there are no regular stock assessments or adjustments to target harvest levels. Members of the coastal pelagic species advisory bodies and the Scientific and Statistical Committee’s Coastal Pelagic Species Subcommittee met with the Southwest Fisheries Science Center to discuss these issues in October.

The Coastal Pelagic Species Management Team is considering the process for revisiting management reference points for the CSNA, and will report back to the Council at the April 2020 meeting to recommend a schedule for further consideration of the draft framework.

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Pacific Council News Winter 2019: Highly migratory species

Council Chooses Not to Consider Shallow-Set Longline Permit

Swordfish. Photo: Joe Fish Flynn/Shutterstock

In November the Council chose not to continue considering a West Coast permit to use shallow-set longline fishing gear outside the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) at this time.

Members of the fishing industry had been asking the Council to discuss allowing the fishery since 2009. In 2009, the Council chose not to allow the gear, citing concerns over bycatch and that some non-target fish stocks were in decline. Currently, the drift gillnet fishery is being used to target swordfish, but may be phased out in the near future. Therefore, the industry is looking for a productive alternative gear to target swordfish.

At the November meeting, the Council directed the Highly Migratory Species Fisheries Management Team to analyze existing observer data from the Hawaii shallow-set longline fishery, as well as sources of West Coast swordfish supply, in support of the Swordfish Monitoring and Management Plan. This is in part to better understand the relationship between domestic and foreign sources of swordfish supply, and to explore the possibility of improving conservation and reducing the Nation’s seafood trade deficit through increased West Coast production. The Team will report back to the Council in June.

International Management Recommendations

In November, the Council made the following recommendations to the National Marine Fisheries Service for consideration when developing negotiating positions for Pacific regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs). The recommendations were based on reports by the Enforcement Consultants and Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel.

  • Strengthen or seek adoption of RFMO measures to require vessels comply with a “garbage plan” to prevent discarding of waste at sea.
  • Seek adoption of RFMO measures to require vessels carry and deploy boarding ladders that allow safe boarding during high seas inspections.
  • Support Permanent Advisory Committee recommendations on South Pacific albacore conservation and management by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC).
  • Work through the WCPFC to determine if unreported North Pacific albacore catch is occurring in the Convention Area and to better understand the impact of incidental catch of north Pacific albacore, especially by “small island developing state” fleets, not bound by current fishing effort limits.

The U.S.-Canada Albacore Treaty governs access by U.S. and Canadian albacore fishing vessels to the others’ EEZ, and establishes three-year “fishing regimes” that specify access for the purpose of fishing and port privileges. The current U.S./Canada fishing regime ends December 31, 2019, and a new agreement will have to be negotiated before the start of the next fishing season on June 15, 2020. The Council may make recommendations on the next fishing regime at its March 2020 meeting when David Hogan, the Department of State representative on the Council, is present. In the interim the Council adopted the following recommendations related to this issue:

  • Establish a catch attribution system for Canadian North Pacific albacore catch within the U.S. EEZ and vice versa.
  • Work with Canada’s Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans to harmonize paperwork requirements for EEZ and port access.
  • Investigate and provide information on the source of cheap albacore imported into Canada and re-exported to the U.S. under the label “Product of Canada.”

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